«Весна — лето 2025»

About Myself - реферат

My formula for living is quite simple: I’m a cheerful and happy person in whatever situation I may find myself. It partially reveals my character and personality. My name is Anna and I’m in my last year of high school. At the moment, I’m at the crossroads choosing my future career. Perhaps, as I tell about myself from the very childhood, it would become clear, what profession is suitable for me. I was born in a small provincial town in the south part of Russia. My family wasn’t large, just me, my parents and my younger sister. Together we attended the local nursery, where I showed talent for various artistic performances, while my sister was very shy and quiet. Before going to the primary school, I attended one year pre-school preparation class. There we learnt the alphabet, some songs and poems. I can’t say I liked drawing or creating something with my hands. That wasn’t my cup of tea.

Primary school is one of my favourite life stages. I got excellent marks nearly in every subject. My teacher complained that I was a bit too agile, but normally she was happy with me, especially when it came to different singing and dancing festivals. My mum noticed my love for musical performances and took me to the local school of dancing, which became my second home since then. We learnt folk and national dances there. My trainer said I was a talented kid, so I stayed. Secondary school wasn’t as easy as the primary one. It introduced lots of new subjects, some of which I really detested, among them physics, geometry. However, I coped with all the subjects quite well and showed good results at the end of each semester. High schools became both a challenge and a pleasure for me. From one hand, the subjects aren’t easy and require lots of studying, from the other hand it’s the best period of life, full of new friends, adventures and love.

At the moment I’m getting ready for my final exams, as they are crucial when entering a university. My parents advise getting a degree in teaching. I could be rather good at teaching History, which is my favourite subject. Besides, knowing how to teach a subject will be useful for my hobby development. I still attend the dance classes and I hope to be able to teach small kids some day. My sister is the complete opposite of me. She hasn’t got my talents but she’s got analytical and research skills. That’s why she wants to become a lawyer.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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