«Зима 2025»

Дополнительный материал к уроку по теме "Британия"

Предлагаются Вашему вниманию интересные факты использования английского языка. Знание норм и традиций общения помогает адекватно воспринимать и понимать, способствовует развитию межкультурной коммуникации. Формирование гражданской компетентности учеников предусматривает не только усвоение правил, законов, фактов, но и использование их в практической деятельности.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Англійська мова для повсякденного спілкування: Підручник / В. К. Шпак, В. Я. Полулях, З.Ф. Кириченко та ін. К.: Вища школа, 2005. 302 с.

Ґудзик К. Про що говорить мова? К. : «День» № 161, 2004. 50 с.

Кунин А. В. Англо-русский фразеологический словарь / лит. ред.  М.: Просвещение, 1995. 281 с.

Мюллер В. К. Modern English-Russian Dictionary. 12-е изд., стер.  М.: Русский язык, 2005.  701 с.

Берегова І., Тулунова С. Зробіть урок яскравішим К. : «Редакція загально педагогічних газет», 2005.

Васько О. І. Let your students be successful Тернопіль : Лібра Терра, 2009.

Across Cultures. Intermediate Students’ Book, Elizabeth Sharman. Person Longman.

Содержимое разработки


The British share the Protestant work ethic (= the belief that hard work is good for people) but have always believed that it is also good for people to have activities outside work. A traditional saying warns that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’. Many people now believe that making time for relaxation after work is also necessary for the sake of good mental health. Some people, however, think that leisure time should be spent on worthwhile activities and not just fritter away (= wasted). Children are often encouraged to develop an interest or hobby which they can pick up in their traditional indoor hobbies or pastimes include collecting things, eg. shells , model cars, dolls, comic books, stamps, coin or postcards. Children also collect sets of picture cards from packets of breakfast cereal. Many collect stickers (= pictures with glue on the back) of football or baseball players or pop stars. They buy packets of these and trade them with their friends, exchanging those they already have for the ones they need to complete the set. Many people continue to collect things as they get older. Formerly picture cards were given away in packets of cigarettes and many of these old cards are now valuable. Now people collect things like beer mats, concert programs, decorated plates, and antiques.

Many people like to do something creative, such as painting or drawing, playing music, knitting or sewing.

Some people have hobbies which take them away from home. Birdwatching is especially popular. So too is flying model aircraft. Other people go to public record offices and churches to research their family history. One very British hobby is trainspotting, which involves visiting railway stations and recording the names or numbers of trains.

Содержимое разработки

What is a cockney?

Traditionally, a true Cockney is anybody born within the sound of Bow bells ( the bells of the church of St Mary-le-Bow in the East End of London). In fact, the term is commonly used to denote people who come from a wider area of the innermost eastern suburbs of London and also an adjoining area south of the Thames.

Cockney” is also used to describe a strong London accent and, like any such local accent, is associated with working-class origins.

A feature of Cockney speech is rhyming slang, in which, for example, “wife” is referred to as “trouble and strife”, and “stairs” as “apples and pears”(usually shortened to “apples”). Some rhyming slang has passed into general informal British usage; some examples are “use your loaf” , which means “think” (from “loaf of bread”=”head”) and “have a butcher’s, which means “have a look” (from ‘butcher’s hook’= ‘look’)

To rain cats and dogs. Meaning ‘to rain extremely heavily’, there is no very convincing explanation for this phrase. According to Morris, it comes from the days when street drainage was so poor that a heavy rain storm could easily drown cats and dogs. After the storm people would see the number of dead cats and dogs and assume they had fallen out of the sky. Brewer suggests, on the other hand, that in northern mythology cats were supposed to have great influence on the weather and dogs were a signal of wind, ‘thus cat may be taken as a symbol of the downpouring rain, and the dog of the strong gusts of wind accompanying a rain-storm’.

Содержимое разработки

Важливим завданням для вивчення іноземних мов є активізація пізнавального інтересу учнів. Сучасний світ значно полегшує процес здобуття корисної інформації через різноманітні інноваційні джерела. Відомо, що міцно закарбовується в пам’яті те, що є цікавим та викликає позитивні емоції. Пропонуються до Вашої уваги цікаві факти щодо використання англійської мови. Знання норм і традицій спілкування допомагає адекватно сприймати й розуміти, сприяти міжкультурній комунікації. Формування громадянської компетентності учнів передбачає не тільки засвоєння правил, законів, фактів, а й використання їх у практичній діяльності.

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