«Весна — лето 2025»

Health is above wealth

Theme: Health is above wealth


  • to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through a wide range of tasks;
  • teach to analyze the information;
  • to develop positive attitude to health.

Visual aids: computer and multimedia projector; tape recorder; illustrations; handouts.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greeting
  • Good morning, students. Today we continue speaking about our important thing, it is our health.
  1. Warming-up:

- Do you often go to a doctor?

- When did you visit a dentist last time?

- What do you usually do if you are ill?

- When should people get up and go to bed?

- How often should people clean their teeth?

- What healthy food should people eat?

  1. Grammar comment

Must /Mustn't

1. To express obligation or duty

I must air the room before sleeping.

2. To emphasize the necessity of something

Humans must drink water at least every two days.

You mustn't use your smart phone while you are driving.


  1. Advice. You should drive carefully in bad weather.
  2. Obligation. You should switch off the light when you leave the room.
  1. Practice:

Exercise 1. ‘Doctor's advice” Fill in: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't

1. If you have a toothache, you ________________consult a doctor.

2. If you have a sore throat, you _______________ drink hot milk.

3. If you have a cut, you ____________________put a plaster on it.

4. If you have a stomachache, you ___________________eat garlic.

5. If you have a cough, you ___________________drink herbal tea.

6. If you have a headache, you _______________listen to music.

Exercise 2. Complete the proverbs. Try to give Kazakh and Russian equivalents.

  1. Health is above ______________.
  2. __________ a day, keeps the doctor away.
  3. __________to live, but not live to ____________.
  4. Eat at___________, ______with measure.

Exercise 3. Listen to the conversation ‘Doctor ‘s appointment’ and answer the questions.

  1. What is the man's name?
  1. Russell b) Randall c) Ronald
  1. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter?
  1. He saw the office on his way home from work.
  2. A friend referred him to Dr. Carter's office.
  3. He found Dr. Carter's number in the phone book.
  1. What time does he schedule an appointment to see Dr. Carter?
  1. Tuesday b) Wednesday c) Thursday
  1. Why does the man want to see the doctor?
  1. He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him.
  2. He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder.
  3. He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house.
  1. What does the receptionist suggest at the end of the conversation?
  1. The man should put some ice on his injury.
  2. The man needs to come into the office right away.
  3. The man ought to take it easy for a few days.

Exercise 4. Choose the health problem and make your own dialogue according to the example. Use new words and expressions you have learnt.


Pupil A: Hello, doctor!

Pupil B: Hi! What’s the matter?

Pupil B: Oh, I’ve cut my hand. What should I do?

Pupil A: Oh dear. Sorry to hear that. You should put a plaster on it.

Health problems

A headache

A toothache

A sore throat

A cough

The flu

A cold

Exercise 5. Read the text and share your opinion about non-traditional ways of treatment.

Medicine in the past

When people visited a doctor two hundred years ago in Europe, they had a very painful experience. For many illnesses, doctors used to “ bleed” their patients. They used leeches, small animals which bite the skin and suck the blood. They did this because they thought that illness was caused by “bad” blood.

Germs which caused different illnesses were discovered only in the nineteenth century. As well as bleeding patients, doctors used to give many herbal medicines, which were often more successful.

However, before the discovery of penicillin, you could die if even the smallest cut became infected. Also, before the nineteenth century, there were no anesthetics. This meant that during major operations many people died from the pain shock. Those who had a toothache went to a barber to have their tooth pulled out, as there were no dentists. Very few people had their own teeth by the time they were old, though false teeth were made for some rich people. Glasses were first invented by Arab and Persian doctors and many towns had shops which sold them. However, people did not have their eyes tested and used to try on glasses until they found a suitable pair.

Task. Say whether the statements are true or false.

  1. Doctors used to “bleed” their patients in the nineteenth century.
  2. They used flies, small animals which bite the skin and suck the blood.
  3. Germs cause many illnesses.
  4. Germs were discovered only in the nineteenth century.
  5. Doctors didn’t use to give many herbal medicines.
  6. Before the nineteenth century there were no anesthetics.
  7. People could easily test their eyes.
  1. Consolidation.

Complete these sentences. “Are you a healthy kid?”

I think I’m a healthy kid, because I often____________________________________

But I think, I should (must)___________________________________________________ more.

And I shouldn’t________________________________________________________

I don’t think I’m a very healthy kid, because I _______________________________

I think I shouldn’t______________________________________________________

I should (must)________________________________ ____________to be healthier.

  1. Home task: Learn new words by heart, make the sentences using them. Project work ”Non-traditional ways of treatment”
  2. Evaluation.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Theme: Health is above wealth


  • to develop reading, writing, listening and speaking skills through a wide range of tasks;

  • teach to analyze the information;

  • to develop positive attitude to health.

Visual aids: computer and multimedia projector; tape recorder; illustrations; handouts.

Procedure of the lesson:

  1. Greeting

  • Good morning, students. Today we continue speaking about our important thing, it is our health.

  1. Warming-up:

- Do you often go to a doctor?

- When did you visit a dentist last time?

- What do you usually do if you are ill?

- When should people get up and go to bed?

- How often should people clean their teeth?

- What healthy food should people eat?

  1. Grammar comment

Must /Mustn't

1. To express obligation or duty

must air the room before sleeping.

2. To emphasize the necessity of something

Humans must drink water at least every two days.

You mustn't use your smart phone while you are driving.


  1. Advice. You should drive carefully in bad weather.

  2. Obligation. You should switch off the light when you leave the room.

  1. Practice:

Exercise 1. ‘Doctor's advice” Fill in: should, shouldn't, must, mustn't

1. If you have a toothache, you ________________consult a doctor.

2. If you have a sore throat, you _______________ drink hot milk.

3. If you have a cut, you ____________________put a plaster on it.

4. If you have a stomachache, you ___________________eat garlic.

5. If you have a cough, you ___________________drink herbal tea.

6. If you have a headache, you _______________listen to music.

Exercise 2 . Complete the proverbs. Try to give Kazakh and Russian equivalents.

  1. Health is above ______________ .

  2. __________ a day, keeps the doctor away.

  3. __________to live, but not live to ____________.

  4. Eat at___________, ______with measure.

Exercise 3. Listen to the conversation ‘Doctor ‘s appointment’ and answer the questions.

  1. What is the man's name?

  1. Russell b) Randall c) Ronald

  1. From the conversation, how did the man probably find out about Dr. Carter?

  1. He saw the office on his way home from work.

  2. A friend referred him to Dr. Carter's office.

  3. He found Dr. Carter's number in the phone book.

  1. What time does he schedule an appointment to see Dr. Carter?

  1. Tuesday b) Wednesday c) Thursday

  1. Why does the man want to see the doctor?

  1. He hurt his knee when a tall ladder fell on him.

  2. He injured his ankle when he fell from a ladder.

  3. He sprained his hand when he fell off the roof of his house.

  1. What does the receptionist suggest at the end of the conversation?

  1. The man should put some ice on his injury.

  2. The man needs to come into the office right away.

  3. The man ought to take it easy for a few days.

Exercise 4. Choose the health problem and make your own dialogue according to the example. Use new words and expressions you have learnt.



Pupil A: Hello, doctor!

Pupil B: Hi! What’s the matter?

Pupil B: Oh, I’ve cut my hand. What should I do?

Pupil A: Oh dear.  Sorry to hear that. You should put a plaster on it.

Health problems

A headache

A toothache

A sore throat

A cough

The flu

A cold

Exercise 5. Read the text and share your opinion about non-traditional ways of treatment.

Medicine in the past

When people visited a doctor two hundred years ago in Europe, they had a very painful experience. For many illnesses, doctors used to “ bleed” their patients. They used leeches, small animals which bite the skin and suck the blood. They did this because they thought that illness was caused by “bad” blood.

Germs which caused different illnesses were discovered only in the nineteenth century. As well as bleeding patients , doctors used to give many herbal medicines , which were often more successful.

However , before the discovery of penicillin , you could die if even the smallest cut became infected. Also, before the nineteenth century, there were no anesthetics . This meant that during major operations many people died from the pain shock. Those who had a toothache went to a barber to have their tooth pulled out , as there were no dentists. Very few people had their own teeth by the time they were old, though false teeth were made for some rich people. Glasses were first invented by Arab and Persian doctors and many towns had shops which sold them. However , people did not have their eyes tested and used to try on glasses until they found a suitable pair. 

Task. Say whether the statements are true or false.

  1. Doctors used to “bleed” their patients in the nineteenth century.

  2. They used flies, small animals which bite the skin and suck the blood.

  3. Germs cause many illnesses.

  4. Germs were discovered only in the nineteenth century.

  5. Doctors didn’t use to give many herbal medicines.

  6. Before the nineteenth century there were no anesthetics.

  7. People could easily test their eyes.  

  1. Consolidation.

Complete these sentences. “Are you a healthy kid?”

I think I’m a healthy kid, because I often____________________________________

But I think, I should (must)___________________________________________________ more.

And I shouldn’t________________________________________________________

I don’t think I’m a very healthy kid, because I _______________________________

I think I shouldn’t______________________________________________________

I should (must)________________________________ ____________to be healthier.

  1. Home task: Learn new words by heart, make the sentences using them. Project work ”Non-traditional ways of treatment”

  2. Evaluation.

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