Упражнение 1. Выберите из скобок нужную форму. Объясните сделанный выбор.
1. It sometimes (snows/is snowing) here in April. 2. It (snows/is snowing) now. 3. Every morning mother (cooks/is cooking) breakfast for us. 4. It is 8 o’clock now. Mother (cooks/ is cooking) breakfast. 5. Every day father (leaves/is leaving) the house at half past eight. 6. Now it is half past eight. Father (leaves/is leaving) the house. 7. We often (watch/are watching) TV. 8. Now we (sit/ are sitting) in armchairs and (watch/are watching) TV. 9. Sometimes Mike (does/is doing) his lessons in the evening. 10. Look at Mike. He (does/is doing) his lessons. 11. It often (rains/is raining) in September. 12. It (rains/is raining) now. 13. Every day the family (has/is having) tea at 5 o’clock. 14. It is 5 o’clock now. The family (has/is having) tea.
Упражнение 2. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени и в нужной форме.
1. Не often (go) to the cinema. 2. They (watch) TV at the moment. 3. She (write) letters to her mother every week. 4. Nina usually (drive) to work. 5. Father (sit) on the sofa now. 6. Listen. The telephone (ring). 7. Tim (study) a new language every year. 8. We always (spend) the summer in York. 9. In summer we usually (go) to the seaside. 10. Look at Tom. He (ride) a horse. 11. He often (watch) birds in autumn. 12. Don’t ask me now. I (write) an exercise. 13. She usually (watch) television in the evening. 14. I (play) the piano every day.
Упражнение 3. Заполните пропуски, используя don’t, doesn’t, isn’t, aren’t или am not.
1. We … watching a television programme now. 2. We … watch television every day. 3. It… raining very hard at the moment. 4. I … hear you well. 5. It… rain very much in summer. 6. Mr Johnson … eating his lunch now. 7. Mr Johnson … always eat at that cafe. 8. I… see any students in that room. 9. They … like milk for lunch. 10. He … have money for a new car.
Упражнение 4. Начните вопросы с do, does, is, are или am.
1. … you learn new words in each lesson? 2. … you learning the new words right now? 3. … she usually sit at the third desk? 4. … she sitting at the third desk today? 5. … you read many books every year? 6. … you reading an interesting book now?
Упражнение 5. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1.We not going to school today. 2. What you doing after school? 3. At the moment Peter is work in Russia. 4. Does he got a new car? 5. He never wear a hat. 6. He don’t like black coffee. 7. We are have a good time. 8. What you doing now? 9. It rains at the moment. 10. How you like the game?
Упражнение 6. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужном времени.
1. My brother (talk) to Tom now. 2. Не (work) hard every day. 3. That girl (speak) English very well. 4. My friend (enjoy) hamburgers very much. 5. John and Frank (write) letters at this moment. 6. The children (sleep) for two hours every afternoon. 7. It (rain) very much in autumn. 8. Miss Peters (talk) to Mr Johnson right now. 9. We (do) Exercise 13. 10. My mother (cook) very well.
Упражнение 7. Найдите ошибки и исправьте их.
1. Where your sister work? 2. I’m go to the cinema tonight. 3. How much you sleep? 4. We no wear a uniform at school. 5. That’s my brother over there. He stands near the window. 6. Claire not like oranges. 7. Sorry. You can’t speak to Jane. She’s sleep. 8. My friend live in Great Britain. 9. Peter’s a businessman. He’s working all over the world.
Упражнение 8. Переведите на английский язык.
1. Я люблю апельсиновый сок. Я всегда пью его по утрам. 2. — Что ты сейчас пьешь? — Я пью апельсиновый сок. 3. — Том, куда ты идешь? — Я иду в библиотеку. — Я всегда хожу в библиотеку по субботам. 4. — Где Джек? — Он играет в саду. 5. Джек хорошо играет в теннис.
Упражнение 9. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Elephants (not/eat) meat. 2. He (go) to the cinema once a week. 3. He (not/watch) always a good film. 4. Uncle George always (come) to dinner on Sundays. 5. He (not/work) on Sundays, of course. 6. Look! A big white bird (sit) in our garden.
Упражнение 10. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
—What you (do) here? —I (wait) for a friend. 2. —He (speak) French? —Yes, he (speak) French well. 3. Someone (knock) at the door. 4. Don’t go into the classroom. The students (write) a dictation there. 5. The man who (read) a book is our English teacher. 6. Let’s go for a walk. It (not/rain). 7. — Where is Joe? — He (look for) his key. 8. Don’t disturb Ed. He (do) his homework. 9. We usually (watch) TV One but tonight we (watch) TV Two for a change. 10.—What’s that noise? —Sam (play) ball.
Упражнение 1. Поставьте апостроф в нужное место и переведите предложение.
ПРИМЕР. That’s Jims new girlfriend. — Jim’s new girlfriend
1. Can you tell me where the girls mother is? —
2. Where are the childrens books? —
3. The students results are very good. —
4. I’ve got to go to the doctors. —
5. These are John and Mary children. –
Упражнение 3. Раскройте скобки, соединив существительные с помощью конструкции притяжательного падежа.
ПРИМЕР. Show me (timetable, Kathy). = Show me Kathy’s timetable.
1. Where is (album, Richard)?
2. Is (Tom, school) far from his house?
3. Do you know (Bill, new teacher)?
4. What are (names, their children)?
5. Is ( your mother, car) new?
6. (parrot, Kathy) is smart and funny.
7. (birthday, my mum) is on the 8th of July.
3. Прочитайте текст и определите родственные связи героев, используя притяжательный падеж.
George and Mary are married. (Джордж и Мэри женаты.) They have 2 children: John and Laura. (У них двое детей: Джон и Лаура.) Mary has a sister, Kelly. (У Мэри есть сестра Кэлли.) George has a brother, Rob. (У Джорджа есть брат Роб.)
George is Mary’s husband. (Джордж – муж Мэри.)
Mary is ______ wife. (жена)
George is __________ father. (отец)
Mary is _________ mother. (мать)
John is __________ son. (сын)
Laura is _______ daughter. (дочь)
John is __________ brother. (брат)
Laura is _________ sister. (сестра)
Kelly is _________ aunt. (тетя)
Rob is __________ uncle. (дядя)
John is __________ nephew. (племянник)
Laura is _________ niece. (племянница)
Перепишите предложения, используя притяжательный падеж существительных. Переведите готовые предложения.
This car belongs to Sam. (Эта машина принадлежит Сэму.) – This is Sam’s car. (Это машина Сэма.)
These apples belong to the girls. (Эти яблоки принадлежат девочкам.) – These are the girls’ apples. (Это яблоки девочек.)
This notebook belongs to Jane.
These suitcases belong to our guests.
This bedroom belongs to my son.
These keys belong to Mark.
This painting belongs to Picasso.
These poems belong to Pushkin.
This helicopter belongs to our boss.
These dictionaries belong to the students.
2. Напишите, чем является ‘s в каждом предложении – обозначением притяжательного падежа существительного или сокращенной формой глагола is.
Ann is David’s wife. (Аня – жена Дэвида.) - ‘s обозначает притяжательный падеж.
Ann’s a wonderful wife. (Аня – прекрасная жена) - ‘s является сокращением глагола is (Ann is a wonderful wife.)
Mary’s day was very hard. 2.Peter’s a dentist. 3.My son’s girlfriend speaks four languages.
She’s a talented tennis-player.
4.It’s cold today.
5.Kate’s uncle has lost his passport.
This is Jane’s notebook. (Это ноутбук Джейн.)
These are our guests’ suitcases. (Это чемоданы наших гостей.)
This is my son’s bedroom. (Это спальная моего сына.)
These are Mark’s keys. (Это ключи Марка.)
This is Picasso’s painting. (Это картина Пикассо.)
These are Pushkin’s poems. (Это поэмы Пушкина.)
This is our boss’s helicopter. (Это вертолет нашего босса.)
These are the students’ dictionaries. (Это словари студентов.)
притяжательный падеж (День Мэри был очень трудным.)
сокращенное is (Петр является дантистом.)
притяжательный падеж (Подруга моего сына говорит на 4 языках.)
сокращенное is (Она является талантливой теннисисткой.)
сокращенное is (Сегодня холодно.)
притяжательный падеж (Катин дядя потерял паспорт.)
John and Laura’s (или - Laura and John’s)
John and Laura’s
George and Mary’s (или – Mary and George’s)
George and Mary’s
John and Laura’s
John and Laura’s
Kelly and Rob’s (или – Rob and Kelly’s)
Kelly and Rob’s