«Зима 2025»

Методическая разработка урока по английскому языку по теме «Одежда. Мода. Рисунок, узор (ткани), стиль, материал», 8 класс

Методическая разработка урока составлена к учебнику "Spotlight", 8 класс

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Предмет: английский язык

Место проведения: 8 класс

Тема: Одежда. Мода. Рисунок, узор (ткани), стиль, материал. Лексика по теме.

Цель: освоить во всех видах речевой деятельности новые лексические единицы по теме; научиться вести разговор о моде и стиле в одежде; развивать умение планировать свое речевое поведение; прививать эстетический вкус в одежде; чувство стиля.

Оборудование: иллюстрации по теме, аудиосопровождение.

Ход урока

  1. Организация класса. Речевая зарядка.

- Good morning, children! I’m glad to see you! How are you? Who is absent todаy?

- Let’s practice some English sounds. Look at the board.

[ʃ]- shoes, shirt, T-shirt, shorts

[ai]- buy, size, try

[ʤ]-jeans, jacket, Jack

[eə] – bear, wear, their, hair

Read and repeat together:

Shoes and boots,

Boots and shoes,

Come and buy

The size you use.

Try them on,

Before you choose,

Shoes and boots,

Boots and shoes.

  1. Проверка домашнего задания. Активизация опорной лексики.

  • What was your homework for today?(ex.8,p.59)

  • You should give an advice to your best friend who wants to lose her/his weight but she/he isn’t fat at all (учащиеся читают свои советы другу (выборочно).

  1. Изучение нового материала

  1. Вступительная беседа

- Last lesson we had a talk about your feelings when the changers in your bodies are started. And one of advices for your friends to be more confident is to wear clothes which suit you more than other. Say what we have a talk about this lesson?

- Yes. Today we will talk about clothes and fashion. Tell me, please , what is fashion?

Fashion /ˈfaʃ(ə)n/

  • Fashion is a popular or the latest style of clothing, hair, decoration, or behaviour.

  • Fashion is a manner of doing something

  • Fashion is the art of transforming a simple thing into one that of elegance.

- Do we use fashion in our life? How? Do we have attitude to fashion? How?

- Can you say that you are trendy girl or boy?

  1. Просмотр видеофильма о моде.

- Now you will see the film about attitude British students to fashion and clothes. And then answer the question: What does British students think about fashion.

- Before we start we need to remember some words.

Promotion events

рекламные мероприятия





Camden Lock

Камден Лок









True / False sentences:

  1. Teenagers typically spend 2 hours per week and 80 Euros per month shopping for clothes.

  2. Sales are typically in Spring.

  3. Camden Lock is shopping Paradise.

  4. British students enjoy shopping for clothes very much.

( чтение по очереди, дискуссия фронтально).

  1. Описание иллюстраций; развитие умений монологического высказывания, описание тематических картинок.

- Imagine you have just been at Camden Lock in London and bought a lot of new clothes. Try to describe these pictures as full as you can do.

3.1 - Before we start we need to remember some words which help us to make our speech more completed. Exercise 1 on page 60 will help us. Let’s read and translate following words (чтение и фронтальный перевод слов).





Baggy- мешковатый


Striped- полосатый

Elegant - элегантный


Checked- в клеточку

Tight-fitting- облегающий


Plain- простой, без узоров

Loose – fitting- бесформенный

Cotton- хлопковый

Polka-dot- в горошек

Casual -повседневный

Wool- шерстяной

Patterned - узорчатый

Smart- нарядный


Ridiculous - нелепый

Sporty- спортивный

Linen- льняной

Weird - странный


    1. Описание картинок.

- Now you have enough word to describe each person’s clothes in pictures from the blackboard.

A: The Man in picture A is wearing a floral shirt and loose-fitting shorts.

B: The woman in picture B is wearing loose-fitting checked trousers and a smart long jacket.

C: The woman in picture C is wearing a tight-fitting striped dress and an elegant hat.

D: The man in picture D is wearing a casual woolen jumper, a plain shirt and a pair of scruffy jeans.

E: The woman in picture E is wearing a plain tight-fitting cotton dress with a smart jacket and patterned scarf around her waist.

- Look at the pictures again and say what do you think about of these people’s clothes? Make sentences using phrases from ex.1,p.60

A: The man in picture A looks funny.

B: The woman in picture B looks comfortable. Her clothes suitable for a walk in the country or in a city park or to go to a café with her friends.

C: The woman in picture C looks fashionable. I think she’s a model.

D: The man in picture D looks casual. His clothes very suitable for many occasions.

E: The woman in picture E looks classy. I think she’s an actress.

  1. Введение новых ЛЕ. Запись в словари.

- When we buy some new clothes of course we need an advice. There are some words which help us. Read following words from the blackboard. Can we use them describing our clothes?

Fit - соответствовать, подходить

Match - совпадать

Suit - подходить по цвету, материалу

Wear- носить (одежду)

Try on - примерять

Go with - сочетаться с

  1. Работа по учебнику. Развитие навыков распознавания и употребления в речи глаголов по теме «Одежда» (ex.3,p.60)

  • Now let’s try using new words in our speech. You need to use the correct form of each word to fill in the blanks. Listen and check (слушание текста, заполнение пропусков устно)

  • Read and translate sentences.

Keys : 1 A: fit; 2 A: matches B: worn; 3 A: try B: suit; 4 B: go

  1. Физкультминутка

  2. Чтение диалога. Развитие умений аудирования (развитие умения понимать основное содержание текста); развитие умений ознакомительного чтения.

- When you are going to the party do you usually ask somebody what you should to wear or you get dressed yourself?

- Lisa is going to the party. What is she going to wear? Listen, read and say why she isn’t ready yet (ex.5,p.61)

1) слушание диалога

2) чтение диалога учениками

3) ответы на вопросы по тексту диалога

Keys :

1) She can’t decide what to wear.

2) It is too casual.

3) They don’t fit her any more.

4) He wants to look as smart as Lisa.

  1. Изучение грамматического материала. Развитие умений распознавания и

употребления в речи наречий tooenough.

  • Look at the pictures. Can we say that people look good? Now, because their clothes don’t fit them. To describe these pictures we must to use too и enough. What are these words in your language? Fill in the gaps with too – enough (ex.7,p.61)

Учащиеся соотносят значения наречий too и enough с русскими эквивалентами: too - слишком, enough - достаточно, анализируют примеры, делают вывод о месте наречия (порядок слов) в предложении.

Keys :

a) 1 too 2 enough

b) 1 too 2 enough 3 too 4 enough, too

9. Составление высказывания по теме. Развитие умений продуктивного

письма (выражение собственного мнения по проблеме).

  • Think! Do fashionable clothes really change the way a person looks? In three minutes write a few sentences on the topic. Read your sentences to the class.


Keys: I think a person who dresses smart and wears fashionable clothes looks better. Clothes should always be comfortable and suit the person. It’s important to look good but not too trendy. Fashionable clothes don’t change the way a person looks but it can improve their appearance. A person should wear clothes that match the occasion.

  1. Домашнее задание

  1. Повторить лексику по теме

  2. Заполнить пропуски в предложениях письменно (ex.7,p.61).

  1. Рефлексия. Работа в парах. Развитие умений диалогической речи (диалог

расспрос по теме «Одежда») с опорой на вопросы

  1. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?

A: I like to wear casual clothes. I feel comfortable in them.

B: I like to wear cotton clothes. I like plain colours best.

C: Me too. But I also have a few patterned things in my wardrobe. I like wearing silk tops.

D: I sometimes wear floral designs. I like wearing bright colours like red.

  1. What do you usually wear on a cold day?

A: I wear trousers or jeans and a woolen jumper.

B: So do I. I also wear a leather jacket to keep me warm.

C: I wear comfortable clothes to school, sometimes a skirt but mostly trousers.

D: I try not to look too scruffy for school. At home I wear anything I like — usually loose – fitting trousers and a T-shirt.

E: Me too. But when I go somewhere special I like to wear something smart, like a dress.

  1. Do you try to keep up with the latest fashions?

A: Not really. I like to wear what I like, not what the magazines tell us to wear.

B: I like to experiment with clothes and see what looks good.

  1. Подведение итогов урока. Оценивание учащихся

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