«Весна — лето 2025»

New Year - реферат

One of the most important holidays in the world, that everybody looks forward to, is New Year. On this day the new calendar year begins. According to Gregorian calendar this holiday falls on the 1st of January. Old style New Year falls on the 14th of January and some countries in Eastern Europe still celebrate it. Even the countries with different dates for New Year, such as Israel, China, acknowledge the global festival of January 1st. Chinese people traditionally celebrate New Year between 21 of January and 21st of February. Jewish people celebrate it in September and call it Rosh Hashanah. There are other variations in dates in different countries. However, everyone celebrates this holiday festively and joyfully.

One of the common traditions for most countries is to watch a parade or fireworks at midnight. It is usually a spectacular sight so many people don’t go to bed until they see the colorful lights of fireworks. Traditionally people exchange presents on this night or early in the morning and wish each other a prosperous and happy New Year. So many countries, so many traditions. If in Russia people associate New Year with snow and fir-trees, Australians go on a picnic or to the beach to celebrate this day, as they have warm weather and comfortable temperature. Thai New Year, which falls on April 13th, comes with water festival, known as Songran.

English-speaking countries have their own traditions of New Year celebration. It is common to meet the coming year in the company of family or friends. Such parties begin usually at 8 pm and continue till the middle of the night. There are snacks and drinks served. For example, a big bowl of punch, cold meat, savouries, sandwiches, cakes or biscuits. In England people at midnight listen to the chimes of Big Ben. The party can continue at dance halls. Many Londoners or city guests like gathering at Piccadilly Circus and Trafalgar Square. Luckily, January 1st is a public holiday, so people don’t have to wake up early next morning and proceed to work. One of the most interesting traditions, which date back to the early Babylonians, is the making of New Year’s resolutions. It’s a list of important changes that a person wishes to make in the coming year. It can be giving up smoking, losing some weight, returning borrowed money, acquiring a habit of getting up earlier, etc.
Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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