«Весна — лето 2025»

Open lesson on the theme "What are you going to do?" ( to be going to … ) 5 а класс, по учебнику "Messages 1"

Open lesson on the theme "What are you going to do?" ( to be going to … ) 5 а класс, по учебнику "Messages 1"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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Открытый урок

на тему

What are you going to do ?

( to be going to … )

(экспериментальный 5 а класс, по учебнику “Messages 1”)

Подготовила : Джулдасбаева С.А.

учитель английского языка

2014год, март

Разработка открытого урока на тему

What are you going to do ? ( to be going to … )

Цель урока: образовательные: активизировать навыки монологической и

диалогической речи , чтения ;

воспитательные: уметь правильно планировать свои цели

и верно использовать свое время;

развивающие: развить критическое мышление, умение

выражать свои мысли ;

Оборудование: Интерактивная доска, компьютер, постеры, картинки,

плакаты, маркеры, диски.

Ход урока

I. Организационный момент - Greeting

Teacher : Good afternoon, boys and girls! Sit down please!

Who is on duty today ? Who is absent? What date is it today?

What season is it now ?

II. Фонетическая разминка.

So pupils let’s revise the words of the previous lessons. Look at the active board there are words and word combinations on it.

today - бүгін

tomorrow - ертең

at the moment осы уақытта

next month – келесе айда

next week – келесе аптада

this evening бүгін кешке

now - қазір

tonight бүгін түнде

next year келесе жыл

at the weekend демалыс күндерде

III . Checking of the Homework .

IY.Presentation . The main part of the lesson : What are you going to do ?

(to be going to)

Look at the photos (a, b, c) of the Natural History Museum in London. Find a dinosaur, a whale and a fossil. Ex.1(a) on page 104

  1. a fossil b) a dinosaur c) a whale

Y. Working on the dialogue. Ex.1 ( b ) on page 104

  1. listen to the dialogue then read it with your classmate.

  1. listen again and answer the questions :

  1. Who’s going to take some photos ? ( Lisa and Sadie )

  1. Who’s going to draw a dinosaur ? ( Jack )

  1. Who’s going to have a drink ? ( Mr White )

  1. Who’s going to see the blue whale ? (Lisa )

  1. Who’s going to look at the fossils ? ( Ben )

YI. Working on the new grammar theme : to be going to …

Look at the active board and repeat after me.

( + )

I am going to take photos.

You are going to take photos.

He/ she is going to take photos.

We are going to take photos .

You are going to take photos.

They are going to take photos.

( - )

I’m not going to take photos.

You are not going to take photos.

He/ She is not going to take photos.

( ? )

Am I going to take photos ? Yes, I am . No , I’m not .

Are you going to take photos? Yes, you are . No, you aren’t .

Is he/she going to take photos? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t .

YII. Practice. Ex. 3 (a) on page 105 , put the words in the right order and make sentences.

f.e. going / take / we’re / photos / to / some .

We’re going to take some photos.

YIII. Reading and speaking. Ex.4 (a, b ) on page 105

IX. Listening . Ex.5 on page 105,( disc 28.10), listen to the song : Leaving.

I’m going to catch a train.

I’m going to find a better place.

I don’t want to see another dinosaur or whale.

I’m going to leave this job.

I’m leaving tonight.

I’m going to be free.

I’m going to be me.

I don’t want to see this museum again.

I’m going to leave this job.

I’m leaving tonight.

X .Working on the pronunciation / ә /. Practise the stress and the ‘ weak form’ of to / tә /

I’m going to catch a train.

I’m going to leave this job.

I’m going to be free.

XI.Writing. My resolutions. Good intentions week. Write your “good intentions”

Put them on the poster of your classroom.

What are you going to do in this week ?

P 1- I’m going to help my mother.

P2 - I’m not going to argue with my sister.

P3 - I’m going to visit my grandparents.

P4 - I’m going to be polite.

P5 - I’m going to be active at the lesson.

P6 – I’m going to be friendly.

XII. Conclusion. Giving marks.

XIII. Homework. Ex. 5 on page 105 to learn the song “Leaving “ by heart.

So pupils you were very active at the lesson. Thank you for your

[Привлеките внимание читателя с помощью яркой цитаты из документа или используйте это место, чтобы выделить ключевой момент. Чтобы поместить это текстовое поле в любой части страницы, просто перетащите его.]

preparation . The lesson is over, you may be free. Good bye !

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