«Весна — лето 2025»

Open lesson "Outer world - Тысқары әлем"



Grammar: passive advanced structures

Vocabulary: space exploration words

Expressions: Expressing an opinion and giving reasons and results

Communicative tasks: Speaking about holidays in space and talk about space exploration

Level Upper-Intermediate

Organization Individuals and group

Preparation Handouts

Modules Critical thinking, dialogic teaching, assessment of and for learning


  1. ORGANIZATION MOMENT “Think the lesson is going to be…”

Each student receives a handout. Everyone walks around the room and finds out who

  1. … enjoys adventure travel
  2. … likes space tourism
  3. … is interested in spending his/her holiday in the Moon
  4. … likes science fiction stories
  5. … saw the film War of the Worlds
  6. … knows the meaning of the word NASA
  7. … can elicit the meaning of UFO
  8. … wants to explore the stars and planets
  9. … doesn’t know that the Sun is a star
  10. … enjoys watching sci-fi and fantasy films
  11. …knows the name of Red Planet
  12. … knows the planet that has rings

Step 2. Making a circle in the middle of the classroom students introduce with their find out sentences: Eg.

St.1 Nurjan told me that the name of the Red Planet was Mars.

St.2 Dias says the film War of the Worlds is about the Earth that had been invaded by Martians with ray guns and poison gas.

St.3 Zhulduz knows the meaning of the word UFO. It means Unidentified Flying Object.

Step 3. The teacher asks them what they think the lesson is going to be about. Each student can talk their opinion.

  1. KEY VOCABULARY “The quickest”

Step1 Each group is given 3 minutes to complete the timeline of space exploration with the words in the box.

Space astronaut astronomer atmosphere capsule cosmos crew gravity launch (v) man-made mission mission control orbit (n) orbit (v) planet re-enter satellite spacecraft space shuttle space station touchdown

1st group Timeline of space exploration

1957 The Soviet Union sent a 1______called Sputnik into space. It was the first2__________ object ever to leave the Earth’s 3__________

1959 Two monkeys became the first animals to survive space travel. They experienced zero 4__________for nine minutes before their space 5__________returned to Earth.

1961 The first man in Space, Russian 6___________ Yuri Gagarin,7 _______the Earth for 108 minutes before 8____________________________ the Earth’s atmosphere and landing at a secret location.

1968 Three Americans orbited the Moon in their9__________Apollo 8 for 20 hours before making a safe 10 in the sea.

2nd group Timeline of space exploration

1969 American Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.

1972 Apollo 1 successfully completed the last ever11_____________to the Moon.

1981 Columbia, the first12 ___________, made its first flight. Unlike previous spacecraft, it was designed to be re-used.

1986 The Soviet Union 13 __________ the Mir14____________, which remained in 15 around the Earth until November 2000.

3rd group Timeline of space exploration

1990 The Hubble telescope, named after the 16___________Edwin Hubble, was sent into orbit and began sending back amazing photos of the 17____________

1997 A robot called Sojourner spent nearly three weeks moving around the surface of the 18____________Mars and sent back 550 photos to scientists at19 ___________on Earth.

2001 A billionaire businessman called Denis Tito paid $20 million to become the first space tourist. He joined the 20_________of the International Space Station for 8 days.

2018 The USA plans to spend $100 billion on a mission to put humans back on the Moon by 2018.

Step 2. Speaking. Groups are given 2min. to write two questions about the information in the timeline using question words: Who? What? Where? When? How long/many… and take turns to ask a member of the other team a question.

Group 1.

  • What animals were the first to survive space travel?
  • Who orbited the Moon in their spacecraft Apollo 8 for 20 hours?

Group 2.

  • Who was the first man to walk on the Moon?
  • What spacecraft was to be re-used designed?

Group 3

  • How long did a robot called Sojourner spend moving around the surface of the Mars?
  • How much money did Denis Tito pay to become the first space tourist on the Moon?

Step 1. Students are given passive advanced structures and do tasks in 5 minites. Passive with know, believe, think, etc.

• Verbs tike know, believe and think are often used in passive constructions, especially in formal language. We can use an impersonal construction with it + passive: it + passive (present or past) + that.

It was believed by many people in the Middle Ages that the Sun went round the Earth.

It is now known that the Earth goes round the Sun.

• Alternatively we use a passive construction with an infinitive: subject + passive (present or past) + to do / to have done something

The Sun was believed by many people to go round the Earth.

• If the sentence refers to a present belief about a past event, we use the present simple passive followed by a perfect infinitive (to have done something).

The prisoner is believed to have escaped through an open window.

Step 2. Rewrite the sentences using passive structures using know, believe, think, etc.

Start with the words given.

1. They say that no living thing can survive without the Sun

a It is said./ It is believed …

  1. They think that the Saturn made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things

a It is thought…

3. They believed that the Earth was flat.

a It. b The Earth.

  1. They now know that Mercury gets super hot and cold and spins very slow

a It. b Mercury

  1. They reported that Mars, the red planet got deserts, ice and two moons

a It. b It was reported …

6. They expect that a huge asteroid will come close to the Earth.

a It. b A huge asteroid

  1. PRESENTATIONIn my opinion or I think…

Step 1 Students are given the photos to discuss in pairs:

What is happening in each photo? What aspects of space exploration do they show? What can be learned from space exploration?

Possible answers

  • The first picture shows that a US astronaut putting a flag on the Moon. I think the US flag is seen all about national pride.
  • In my opinion in the second photo astronauts doing an experiment in space.

Step 1. Students are given the sheet of paper song and sing together with Storybots.


We can see the whole Solar System from here.


I think we can hear it from here too.


We are the planets of the Solar System

Different sizes for every one

The music never ends

We are such good friends

And we all orbit the sun


Here comes the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginning

I'm the center of the solar system, planets be spinning

Around me, so hot, I'm roasting, ya see?

Now I pass the mic to the planet closest to me


Mercury! The smallest planet, small as Earth's moon (MOON: "Yo!")

I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow


I'm Venus! I've got mountains and volcanoes that spray

I'm the same size as Earth but spin the opposite way


Yeah, I'm Earth, I'm the home to every boy and girl

(Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful world


I'm Mars, the red planet, I've got deserts and ice

And I've got two moons - nice - that's like one moon, twice!


I'm Jupiter! the biggest planet, I'm humungous, gargantuan

I spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I'm handsome, BAM SON!


Oh please, I'm Saturn, check out my beautiful rings

Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things


I'm Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied

I'm embarrassed 'cause I'm the only planet lying on its side

(Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune)


I'm Neptune, I'm cold, dark, windy and mysterious

I'm very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I'm serious


We're the planets in the Solar System

Different sizes for every one

The music never ends

We are such good friends

And we all orbit the sun


Well, we are done exploring the Solar System.


I am thirsty. Let's explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.


Step 1 Students imagine that they are going on a trip to the Moon for two weeks. Students are given pictures of some things that they can take with them to the Moon: a camera, a computer, a scaphander, a telescope, a diary, a gun, a paintball, a pen, an umbrella, a glass, a mobile phone, a match, a car and so on.

Step 2. Students discuss which thing will be useful on the trip and which won’t and use useful phrases below:

Expressing an opinion

Giving reasons and results

I (don’t) think we’ll need …

Maybe we should take …

… as…

A (an) is (isn’t) going to be very useful…

… seeing as…

I’m definitely taking …

The main reason is …

We’ll/ We won’t be able to use …

… so …

Eg. I’m definitely taking a telescope because I will see asteroids going round the Sun.

We won’t be able to use a match as there is no air on the Moon.


Step 1. The teacher asks every member of the group to share the basic idea of the theme in one sentence or what they have learnt from this lesson.

Student 1: I have learnt that the Sun is a star.

Student 2: Now I know there are eight planets in the Solar System.

Student 3: The Earth is the third planet in the world.

Student 4: I know that the Solar system has got two planets: inner planets and outer planets.

Student 5: Mercury is the smallest planet, it gets super hot and super cold and spins very slow.

Student 6: I have learnt three quarters of the Earth is covered in water.

Student 7: Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon. Student 8: I think nuclear weapons will be used to destroy dangerous asteroids.

Student 9: Now I know that the Hubble telescope, named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble.

Student 10: A billionaire businessman called Denis Tito paid $20 million to become the first space tourist.

Student 11: A robot called Sojourner sent back 550 Mars’ photos to scientists at mission control on Earth.

Student 12: I have learned about the invaders from outer space.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки



Grammar: passive advanced structures

Vocabulary: space exploration words

Expressions: Expressing an opinion and giving reasons and results

Communicative tasks: Speaking about holidays in space and talk about space exploration

Level Upper-Intermediate

Organization Individuals and group

Preparation Handouts

Modules Critical thinking, dialogic teaching, assessment of and for learning


  1. ORGANIZATION MOMENT “Think the lesson is going to be…”

Step 1 Find someone who

Each student receives a handout. Everyone walks around the room and finds out who

  1. enjoys adventure travel

  2. likes space tourism

  3. is interested in spending his/her holiday in the Moon

  4. likes science fiction stories

  5. saw the film War of the Worlds

  6. knows the meaning of the word NASA

  7. can elicit the meaning of UFO

  8. wants to explore the stars and planets

  9. doesn’t know that the Sun is a star

  10. enjoys watching sci-fi and fantasy films

  11. knows the name of Red Planet

  12. knows the planet that has rings

Step 2. Making a circle in the middle of the classroom students introduce with their find out sentences: Eg.

St.1 Nurjan told me that the name of the Red Planet was Mars.

St.2 Dias says the film War of the Worlds is about the Earth that had been invaded by Martians with ray guns and poison gas.

St.3 Zhulduz knows the meaning of the word UFO. It means Unidentified Flying Object.

Step 3. The teacher asks them what they think the lesson is going to be about. Each student can talk their opinion.

  1. KEY VOCABULARY “The quickest”

Step1 Each group is given 3 minutes to complete the timeline of space exploration with the words in the box.

Space astronaut astronomer atmosphere capsule cosmos crew gravity launch (v) man-made mission mission control orbit (n) orbit (v) planet re-enter satellite spacecraft space shuttle space station touchdown

1st group Timeline of space exploration

1957 The Soviet Union sent a 1______called Sputnik into space. It was the first2__________ object ever to leave the Earth’s 3__________

1959 Two monkeys became the first animals to survive space travel. They experienced zero 4__________for nine minutes before their space 5__________returned to Earth.

1961 The first man in Space, Russian 6 Yuri Gagarin,7 _______the Earth for 108 minutes before 8 the Earth’s atmosphere and landing at a secret location.

1968 Three Americans orbited the Moon in their9__________Apollo 8 for 20 hours before making a safe 10 in the sea.

2nd group Timeline of space exploration

1969 American Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.

1972 Apollo 1 successfully completed the last ever11_____________to the Moon.

1981 Columbia, the first12 ___________, made its first flight. Unlike previous spacecraft, it was designed to be re-used.

1986 The Soviet Union 13 __________ the Mir14____________, which remained in 15 around the Earth until November 2000.

3rd group Timeline of space exploration

1990 The Hubble telescope, named after the 16___________Edwin Hubble, was sent into orbit and began sending back amazing photos of the 17____________

1997 A robot called Sojourner spent nearly three weeks moving around the surface of the 18____________Mars and sent back 550 photos to scientists at19 ___________on Earth.

2001 A billionaire businessman called Denis Tito paid $20 million to become the first space tourist. He joined the 20_________of the International Space Station for 8 days.

2018 The USA plans to spend $100 billion on a mission to put humans back on the Moon by 2018.

Step 2. Speaking. Groups are given 2min. to write two questions about the information in the timeline using question words: Who? What? Where? When? How long/many… and take turns to ask a member of the other team a question.

Group 1.

  • What animals were the first to survive space travel?

  • Who orbited the Moon in their spacecraft Apollo 8 for 20 hours?

Group 2.

  • Who was the first man to walk on the Moon?

  • What spacecraft was to be re-used designed?

Group 3

  • How long did a robot called Sojourner spend moving around the surface of the Mars?

  • How much money did Denis Tito pay to become the first space tourist on the Moon?


Step 1. Students are given passive advanced structures and do tasks in 5 minites. Passive with know, believe, think, etc.

  • Verbs tike know, believe and think are often used in passive constructions, especially in formal language. We can use an impersonal construction with it + passive: it + passive (present or past) + that...

It was believed by many people in the Middle Ages that the Sun went round the Earth.

It is now known that the Earth goes round the Sun.

  • Alternatively we use a passive construction with an infinitive: subject + passive (present or past) + to do / to have done something

The Sun was believed by many people to go round the Earth.

  • If the sentence refers to a present belief about a past event, we use the present simple passive followed by a perfect infinitive (to have done something).

The prisoner is believed to have escaped through an open window.

Step 2. Rewrite the sentences using passive structures using know, believe, think, etc.

Start with the words given.

  1. They say that no living thing can survive without the Sun

a It is said .../ It is believed …

  1. They think that the Saturn made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things

a It is thought…

  1. They believed that the Earth was flat.

a It... b The Earth ...

  1. They now know that Mercury gets super hot and cold and spins very slow

a It... b Mercury

  1. They reported that Mars, the red planet got deserts, ice and two moons

a It... b It was reported …

  1. They expect that a huge asteroid will come close to the Earth.

a It... b A huge asteroid

  1. PRESENTATIONIn my opinion or I think…

Step 1 Students are given the photos to discuss in pairs:

What is happening in each photo? What aspects of space exploration do they show? What can be learned from space exploration?

Possible answers

  • The first picture shows that a US astronaut putting a flag on the Moon. I think the US flag is seen all about national pride.

  • In my opinion in the second photo astronauts doing an experiment in space.


Step 1. Students are given the sheet of paper song and sing together with Storybots.


We can see the whole Solar System from here.


I think we can hear it from here too.


We are the planets of the Solar System

Different sizes for every one

The music never ends

We are such good friends

And we all orbit the sun


Here comes the Sun rapping first on this track, from the beginning

I'm the center of the solar system, planets be spinning

Around me, so hot, I'm roasting, ya see?

Now I pass the mic to the planet closest to me


Mercury! The smallest planet, small as Earth's moon (MOON: "Yo!")

I get super hot and cold and I spin very slow


I'm Venus! I've got mountains and volcanoes that spray

I'm the same size as Earth but spin the opposite way


Yeah, I'm Earth, I'm the home to every boy and girl

(Sung by Stars) Such a beautiful, beautiful world


I'm Mars, the red planet, I've got deserts and ice

And I've got two moons - nice - that's like one moon, twice!


I'm Jupiter! the biggest planet, I'm humungous, gargantuan

I spin the fastest, rap the fastest, plus I'm handsome, BAM SON!


Oh please, I'm Saturn, check out my beautiful rings

Made up of billions of rocks, dust, and other things


I'm Uranus, I say that with pride, okay, I lied

I'm embarrassed 'cause I'm the only planet lying on its side

(Uranus lies on its side and the mic flies to Neptune)


I'm Neptune, I'm cold, dark, windy and mysterious

I'm very stormy, so bring an umbrella - I'm serious


We're the planets in the Solar System

Different sizes for every one

The music never ends

We are such good friends

And we all orbit the sun


Well, we are done exploring the Solar System.


I am thirsty. Let's explore the rest of the Milky Way Galaxy.


Step 1 Students imagine that they are going on a trip to the Moon for two weeks. Students are given pictures of some things that they can take with them to the Moon: a camera, a computer, a scaphander, a telescope, a diary, a gun, a paintball, a pen, an umbrella, a glass, a mobile phone, a match, a car and so on.

Step 2. Students discuss which thing will be useful on the trip and which won’t and use useful phrases below:

Expressing an opinion

Giving reasons and results

I (don’t) think we’ll need …


Maybe we should take …


A (an) is (isn’t) going to be very useful…

seeing as…

I’m definitely taking …

The main reason is …

We’ll/ We won’t be able to use …

so …

Eg. I’m definitely taking a telescope because I will see asteroids going round the Sun.

We won’t be able to use a match as there is no air on the Moon.


Step 1. The teacher asks every member of the group to share the basic idea of the theme in one sentence or what they have learnt from this lesson.

Student 1: I have learnt that the Sun is a star.

Student 2: Now I know there are eight planets in the Solar System.

Student 3: The Earth is the third planet in the world.

Student 4: I know that the Solar system has got two planets: inner planets and outer planets.

Student 5: Mercury is the smallest planet, it gets super hot and super cold and spins very slow.

Student 6: I have learnt three quarters of the Earth is covered in water.

Student 7: Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the Moon.
Student 8: I think nuclear weapons will be used to destroy dangerous asteroids.

Student 9: Now I know that the Hubble telescope, named after the astronomer Edwin Hubble.

Student 10: A billionaire businessman called Denis Tito paid $20 million to become the first space tourist.

Student 11: A robot called Sojourner sent back 550 Mars’ photos to scientists at mission control on Earth.

Student 12: I have learned about the invaders from outer space.

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