«Зима 2025»

Открытый урок на тему Our body

Сабақ тақырыбы Дене мүшелері 2 сынып оқушыларына арналған

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Short term plan

Lesson plan

Unit: Health and body

School: №26


Teacher name: Keneeva A.K

CLASS: 2 “A”

Number present: 8


Lesson title

Our body

Learning objectives

2.L1 understand a range of short basic supported classroom instructions

2.S3 use a limited range of basic words, phrases and short sentences to describe objects, activities and classroom routines

2.R1 read and spell out words for others

2.UE6 use demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those to make and respond to requests for information

Lesson objectives

All learners will be able to:

  • recognise the names of the body with some support

  • pronounce words and use words in short exchanges, to talk about ability with some support

  • read words and expressions, spell words correctly and use them in both oral and written speech

Most learners will be able to:

  • recognise the names of the body with a little support

  • pronounce words and use words in short exchanges, to talk about ability with some support

  • read words and expressions, spell words correctly and use them in both oral and written speech

Some learners will be able to:

  • recognise the names of the body without support

  • pronounce words and use words in short exchanges, to talk about ability with some support

  • read words and expressions, spell words correctly and use them in both oral and written speech

Assessment criteria

Revise the previous vocabulary with the help of the method “Hot Seat”.

Learn the names of the body parts and demonstrative pronouns “this”, “that”, “these” and “those”.

Match the parts of the body with the pictures.

Apply demonstrative pronouns and names of the body in short sentences.

Level of thinking skills

Knowledge, Understanding, Application

Values links


Cross-curricular links


Previous learning

Learners have prior knowledge of some of the vocabulary related to the topic “My face” and personal pronouns “I”, “you”, “he”, “she”, “we” and “they”.


Planned timings

Planned activities (replace the notes below with your planned activities)



1 min

3 min

3 min

I. Greeting

Sing the song “Hello”

Hello, hello, hello!

How are you?

I’m fine. I’m fine.

I hope that you are too.

II. Check up their homework

Method “Hot seat”

Learners name the words from the previous unit looking at the pictures shown by the teacher.

III. Brainstorming

The teacher prepares 6 pictures of parts of the body (for 12 students). She cuts each picture into two parts and hands out to the learners. Learners have to find the second half of their picture. They make a circle, look at each other`s pictures and guess the topic of the lesson.

Hello ¦ Family Sing Along - Muffin Songs

Cards with pictures


7 min

3 min

5 min

2 min

2 min

3 min

3 min

2 min

2 min

6 min

IV. The presentation of the new lesson

New words

head – бас finger - саусақ

forеhead- маңдай arm- қол

toesө аяқ саусақ neck- мойын

knee- тізе hair-шаш

shoulder- иық teeth- тіс

Teacher reads new vocabulary. Chorus drilling:

  • students with long hair

  • students with short hair

  • only boys

  • only girls

Individual drilling.

Differentiation by task.

Before the lesson begins, the teacher hands out coloured stickers. Green stickers for high-level learners, red stickers for mid- level learners and yellow stickers for low-level learners.

Learners are divided into three groups according to the colour of the stickers: high-level learners, mid-level learners and low-level learners.

Each group gets a task according to their performance level.

Self-assessment. After learners do the tasks, the teacher provides them with the right answers. Learners check their work looking at the answers.

Assessment criteria: learners can match almost all the names of the parts of the body with the pictures.

Descriptor: A learner can:

  • Find the part of the body and match to the picture.

  • Spell the part of the body correctly.

Task 1. Listening. Give the instructions of what to do and start naming sentences:

  1. Pre-listening: Learners label the picture of a face with the correct word with teacher’s support.

  2. While-listening: Listen to the teacher and tick the monster that is described.

  • It has got 3 eyes, 1 round head, 1 mouth.

  • It has got 6 eyes, 8 teeth and fingers and 2 horns.

  • It has got 2 long ears, no arms, 2 eyes.

  • It has got 1 big eye, 6 teeth, 2 horns.

  1. Post-listening: colour the face into different colours.

Assessment criteria: learners are asked to compare the results of their individual listening task.

Descriptor: A learner can:

  • follow teacher’s instruction

  • work individually to colour the face.

V. TPR. Energizer. “Head and shoulders”

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Eyes and ears and mouth and nose

Head, shoulders, knees and toes

Task 2. Speaking. Before starting the activity teacher will show learners how to do it. (using demonstrative pronouns this, these, that, those)

Learners stand in a circle together with the teacher.

This is my nose.

These are my eyes.

That is his head.

Those are his ears.

Descriptor: A learner can:

  • make up short sentences with demonstrative pronouns.

  • make up short sentences showing their and their classmates` parts of body.



Colouring cartoons


3 min

Feedback: At the end of the lesson, using the method


Colour the sailboat into green if the learner understood everything learned at the lesson.

Colour the sailboat into red if the learner did not understand everything learned at the lesson.

Colour the sailboat into yellow if the learner partly understood what was learned at the lesson.

Homework: learn by heart new words and complete the worksheet.


Additional information

Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners?

Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning?

Health and safety check


Were the lesson objectives/learning objectives realistic?

Did all the learners achieve thelesson objectives/ learning objectives? If not, why?

Did my planned differentiation work well?

Did I stick to timings?

What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation

What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)?



What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)?



What have I learned from this lesson about the class orindividuals that will inform my next lesson?

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