«Зима 2025»

Презентация к интегрированному уроку по обществознанию на английском языке "Права ребенка"

Презентация выполнена ученицей 11 класса для выступления на районной научной конференции.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

W ork performed:  Stud ent of 11

W ork performed: Stud ent of 11 "A" class Maria Desyatnikova


Artemova Ekaterina

Pro ble m:  - I wanted to find out what is the fate of ch ildren  without parents .  О b jec tives:   - Systematizati on of legal for ms of ed ucation  for children and emerging re lations  with the child-rearing;  -  l egal analysis of each form of ed ucation of children left without pa rental  care.

Pro ble m:

- I wanted to find out what is the fate of ch ildren without parents .

О b jec tives:

- Systematizati on of legal for ms of ed ucation for children and emerging re lations with the child-rearing;

- l egal analysis of each form of ed ucation of children left without pa rental care.

Familial forms of education Adopt  Custody and guardianship Foster home

Familial forms of education


Custody and guardianship

Foster home

Adoption of children who lost their parents' care is the establishment between the adoptee and the adopter legal (personal and property) relationship that exists between parents and children.
  • Adoption of children who lost their parents' care is the establishment between the adoptee and the adopter legal (personal and property) relationship that exists between parents and children.
Under Russian law, adoptio n is perm itted  only in th e  case o f minor chil dren. Adoptio n  by the co u rt at the re quest of persons wishing t o adopt a child under a special proced u re und er the rules of civil procedu r e leg islation.
  • Under Russian law, adoptio n is perm itted only in th e case o f minor chil dren. Adoptio n by the co u rt at the re quest of persons wishing t o adopt a child under a special proced u re und er the rules of civil procedu r e leg islation.

In accordance with Article 139 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the mystery of the child's adoption in Russia is protected by law. Disclosu re  of adoption may result in a fine of up to eighty thousan d  rubles, or other forms of criminal punishment.
  • In accordance with Article 139 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the mystery of the child's adoption in Russia is protected by law.
  • Disclosu re of adoption may result in a fine of up to eighty thousan d rubles, or other forms of criminal punishment.
Сustody is a family arranging minors without guardians hip  of parents , as well as a form of protection of the rights and intere sts of citizens unfit to plead due to mental disorder.
  • Сustody is a family arranging minors without guardians hip of parents , as well as a form of protection of the rights and intere sts of citizens unfit to plead due to mental disorder.



  • - Custody is established by the decision of the guardianship authority, which is issued as a result of faster than adoption, because it does not require a court order. - The guardi an usually can only be assigned to one person
  • - The guar dian shall be paid monthly child support a nd assiste d in the organization of training, rest and tr e atment ward.
  • - Less stringent requirements for candidates for guardians in the part of the income and living conditions.
  • - The guardianship authority has been watching for the family for the whole term of being the child in the family more often and in more detail than in adoption.
Free guardianship (trusteeship) is often installed close relatives (gra ndparents, aunts or uncles) of a child whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, were in prison or dead.
  • Free guardianship (trusteeship) is often installed close relatives (gra ndparents, aunts or uncles) of a child whose parents have been deprived of parental rights, were in prison or dead.
C ompensatory custody is made , usua ll y in the  fo rm of a foster family.
  • C ompensatory custody is made , usua ll y in the fo rm of a foster family.
Number of chil dren in foster care, including own children, as a rule, should not exceed eight. Usually, in the foster  families are trying to  arr ange a children w ho c itizens d o  not wa nt to adopt or take custody of the chi ld be cause of adolescence, health problems, legal status (for example, children of prisoners), or the presence of brothers and sisters.
  • Number of chil dren in foster care, including own children, as a rule, should not exceed eight. Usually, in the foster families are trying to arr ange a children w ho c itizens d o not wa nt to adopt or take custody of the chi ld be cause of adolescence, health problems, legal status (for example, children of prisoners), or the presence of brothers and sisters.
Guardianship is a family arranging minors who has attained the age of 14. Guardianship is different from the custody that trustee can't do any thing himself on behalf of the ward, but he only consents to their c ommission. The other duties of the guardian lay on the trustee.
  • Guardianship is a family arranging minors who has attained the age of 14.
  • Guardianship is different from the custody that trustee can't do any thing himself on behalf of the ward, but he only consents to their c ommission. The other duties of the guardian lay on the trustee.
Another form of family pla ceme nt of children is their return to their own f amilies.
  • Another form of family pla ceme nt of children is their return to their own f amilies.
International adoption can be applied if the child can not be transferred to a foster or placed in a family that would agree to provide his education or adoption.
  • International adoption can be applied if the child can not be transferred to a foster or placed in a family that would agree to provide his education or adoption.
U.S. citizens Citizens of the Russian Federation 1 ) The cost of the adop tion procedure of a Russian child is an av erage  of 40,000 to 50,000 U.S. dollars. 1) The procedure of adoption is totally free 2) Duration of the adoptio n procedure takes an average of 18 mo n ths 2) The duration of the procedure of adoption of one to three months 3) Require to p ass all the examina tions provided for Russian adoptive parents, as well as to compile a complete set of documents

U.S. citizens

Citizens of the Russian Federation

1 ) The cost of the adop tion procedure of a Russian child is an av erage of 40,000 to 50,000 U.S. dollars.

1) The procedure of adoption is totally free

2) Duration of the adoptio n procedure takes an average of 18 mo n ths

2) The duration of the procedure of adoption of one to three months

3) Require to p ass all the examina tions provided for Russian adoptive parents, as well as to compile a complete set of documents

Since 1 993, foreign nationals over 80,000 adoption s  of Russian children left witho ut parental ca re. Thu s, accor ding to the expert of the Commi ssio ner for Children 's Rights in Moscow, we learn:
  • Since 1 993, foreign nationals over 80,000 adoption s of Russian children left witho ut parental ca re. Thu s, accor ding to the expert of the Commi ssio ner for Children 's Rights in Moscow, we learn:
  • "S in ce 1991, the total nu mber of children adopted by foreigners, k illing five ch ildren and 16 were victims of acc idents in Russ ia in the same period of 1220 children wer e killed, of whom 12 were killed by their adoptive parents."
Au thorized the President of the R uss ian F ederation for Children's Right s P av el Astakhov sharply reacts to incidents of child abuse by foreign adoptive pare nts. And it is part icularly strong reaction to the accident, which occurred with Dima Yakovlev.
  • Au thorized the President of the R uss ian F ederation for Children's Right s P av el Astakhov sharply reacts to incidents of child abuse by foreign adoptive pare nts. And it is part icularly strong reaction to the accident, which occurred with Dima Yakovlev.
1.What objectives of your department?

1.What objectives of your department?

  • "... The main task of the department guardianship is to identify and care for children left without parental care, protection of rights and legitimate interests of the minor."
2. What are the organization of the city and county to help you in your work?

2. What are the organization of the city and county to help you in your work?

  • "Division of the guardianship is supported in constant contact with all services in possession of information about children without parental care: -MUZ "Ozerskaya CRH"; -Department of Education; -Commission on the Protection of Minors and rights; -Department of Social Welfare; ATS-municipal area; GBU-CO MO "Ozersky Center for Family and Child" Sunflower "; Ozersky Center-employment ... "
3.Olga A., do you plan your work ?

3.Olga A., do you plan your work ?

  • "Yes, I plan to. The program is designed and approved for the prevention of child abandonment, rehabilitation and correction of orphans and children affected by domestic violence, plans to work together to prevent child abandonment with KDNi ZP education administration and management Ozersky municipal area. Additionally developed a work plan escort services, the development plan of family-based work plan with families at risk, the work plan for summer recreation and health improvement ... "
4.Olga A. if you are driving what - some records of children in need of help?

4.Olga A. if you are driving what - some records of children in need of help?

  • "The department is constantly formed and function of databases: - Children - orphans and children left without parental care are brought up in families of guardians (trustees); - Children - orphans and children left without parental care are brought up in families of adoptive parents ... "
5.What your department conducts activities for the prevention of social disadvantage?

5.What your department conducts activities for the prevention of social disadvantage?

  • "... For the organization of activities for the prevention of social disadvantage and protect the rights and interests of minors guardianship department has established an interchange of information with the relevant bodies of prevention : - Commission on the Protection of Minors and their rights; - Representative of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Moscow region in the metro area Ozerskoe LA Kosareva ; - Department of Social Welfare ; - Board of Education Administration Ozersky municipal district; - ATS Ozersky area ; - MUZ " Ozerskaya CRH "; GBU - CO MO " Social asylum for children and teenagers" Nest "; GBU - CO MO " Ozersky center for families and children " Sunflower"; - Information field Ozersky District is represented by a number of electronic and print media , providing a systematic approach to information about the activities of the department guardianship ... "
Thank you!

Thank you!

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