
Part of body
- head hand short/long
- face legs small
- nose arm tall
- ear hair slim/fat
- Forehead mouth large
- eye teeth strong
- shoulder neck handsome
- wrist heart curly
- knee lips straight
- Eyebrow funny kind
- Well-built finger round

Past Simple Tense
+ N + Ved / d ( непр. глагол-2 форма )
- N + did not + V
? Did + N + V
N – существительное
V – глагол
I went to school yesterday.
Я вчера ходила в школу.
She read a book last Friday.
Она читала книгу в прошлую пятницу.

Mark words
- yesterday
- Last week
- Last month
- Last year

Make a sentence
N - My sister , V - listen to music, last evening.
N – You, V – miss lessons, yesterday.
N – He , V – read a book, whole last week.
N – Girls , V – go for a walk, last Saturday.

- Вчера мы ходили в музей.
- На прошлой неделе у Салли был день рождения.
- Я играла в теннис прошлые выходные.
- Анна танцевала в школьном театре на прошлом празднике.
- Вчера мои родители обедали с друзьями.
- Бобби ходил вчера в кино.

Use correct form
- She (like) to play tennis with her friends.
- We (celebrate) New year every year .
- My brother (go) to the cinema last week.
- You (drink) coffee very often.
- He (read) detectives and adventure stories last year.
- His mother (work) in a big company.
- They (build) a big and nice house.
- Yesterday I (want) to have a rest.

She is a young pretty girl in her early twenties. She’s got beautiful blue eyes and elegant dark eyebrows. Her shoulder-length hair is dark brown and straight. She’s got full lips and broad nose. Her face is all freckled