«Весна — лето 2025»

Profession - реферат

Every person needs a profession in life. There are so many professions nowadays in the world that it won’t be a problem to find one suitable for you. Choosing a certain profession people shouldn’t forget about their natural gifts and abilities. If a person easily remembers rhymes, likes reading books, can write long letters or essays, then his field is the humanities. These people make good linguists, language teachers, journalists or writers. If a person has good logical skills and is good at Mathematics, he can choose to become an engineer, a Math teacher, a bank manager. People, who are fond of Biology and Chemistry, make good doctors. People, who are interested in Physics and scientific experiments, could be inventors. People with good analytical and research skills can become excellent lawyers.

Choosing a profession people also have to consider the responsibilities and the conditions of future work. For example, one might think that being a football player is easy. They simply wear a uniform, kick the ball and sometimes score goals. In fact, it’s not as easy as it seems. A successful footballer attends millions of trainings no matter the weather and his general health. He can practice under the rain, with aching body parts, leaving behind family and other problems. He also needs certain traits of character to succeed, such as being self-confident, level-headed, communicative and cooperative with fellow players. Thus, good footballer should be a team player.

Taking into account various job factors before choosing a profession is a good idea. A person should think whether he wants to work inside or outside. Lots of young people today choose to work in an office. They spend half of the day in their armchairs in front of the monitors. This is not only tiresome, but it also can cause some health problems, such as eyesight deterioration, headaches, back and neck pains. It would be good if office workers received at least ten minutes of physical exercise daily. Some modern companies provide such exercises for their employees. They even have a separate gym for those who get tired of sitting. Salary is also something to consider. If it’s not very high, the employers should at least offer some transport or accommodation reimbursement. So, whatever your choice is, it’s good to consider all factors in advance.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

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