«Весна — лето 2024»

Рабочий лист по теме «Present Simple: positive, negative, question»

Рабочий лист по теме «Present Simple: positive, negative, question»

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Рабочий лист по теме «Present Simple: positive, negative, question»

  1. Write the verbs with -s or -es.

  1. (bite) it _____________

  2. (cry) she _____________

  3. (hide) he ____________

  4. (relax) Tom _____________

  5. (swim) Sandra ______________

  6. (wash) the cat ______________

  1. Complete the sentences. Use:

take swim use hunt carry hide

  1. Mike always ______________ a shower every morning.

  2. Tigers _____________ big animals, like deer.

  3. Tim ______________in the swimming pool every Saturday.

  4. Lisa is very good at computers. She ____________ her computer a lot.

  5. Dogs ____________ bones in the ground.

  6. Kangaroos _____________ their babies in a special bag.

3. Complete the sentences. Use present simple.

  1. Tom always gets to school early. (get)

  2. I ______________TV very often. (watch)

  3. Lisa ____________her hair every morning. (wash)

  4. My parents _____________ in a big company. (work)

  5. Helen ______________ not far from the zoo. (live)

  6. They _____________to the gym every day. (go)

  7. Julia ______________her homework every evening. (do)

  1. Write the third person singular.

  1. I work – she _____________

  2. They stay – Tom_____________

  3. I wash – my mum _____________

  4. You see – he_____________

  5. We read – Jack___________

  6. You catch – she_____________

  7. I swim – Sarah_____________

  8. I drive – he_____________

  9. Tom and Jack play – Sandra__________

  10. You change – the pupil____________

  1. Put the verbs from exercise 4 in the correct column in third person singular. Read them out.




6. Write the negative.

    1. Elephants eat tigers. ________________________________________

    2. Bears fly. ________________________________________

    3. I like snakes and spiders. ________________________________________

    4. She finds monkeys noisy. ________________________________________

    5. Giraffes live in Europe. ________________________________________

    6. Peacocks are noisy. ________________________________________

    7. We work very hard. ________________________________________

    8. You do your morning exercises

  1. every morning. ________________________________________

    1. Kate knows Tom’s telephone________________________________________

  2. number.

    1. He feeds his dog seven times a day. _________________________________

7. Make questions from the words in brackets.

    1. (where/ live/you) ________________________________________

    2. (Sue/ early/ get up/ always) ________________________________________

    3. (mum/ for dinner/ want/ what) _____________________________________

    4. (feed/ your cat/ how often/you) ____________________________________

    5. (they/ travel/ a lot) ________________________________________

    6. (to the cinema/ you/ often/ go) _____________________________________

8. Write short answers.

    1. Do you often go to the zoo? _________________________

    2. Does it rain a lot in Moscow? __________________________________

    3. Do you sing a lot? _______________________

    4. Do you often skate? _______________________

    5. Do you play the guitar? ______________________

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