«Весна — лето 2025»

Разработка урока для 8 класса "Save our planet"

Данный урок является итоговым в изучении темы "Экология, глобальные проблемы человечества". Для активизации лексики используется презентация, а также карточки для индивидуальной работы.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

План – конспект открытого урока

по английскому языку

8 класс, УМК «Spotlight» , 5 модуль

тема SAVE OUR PLANET ( Спасем нашу планету)

Составлено учителем высшей категории МОУ «Рыбачьевская школа»

г. Алушта Республика КРЫМ

Бережной Татьяной Владимировной

2016, Крым, Россия

Цель урока – выработка умений самостоятельно применять полученные знания в речевой ситуации.

Задачи :

Образовательные: оперировать имеющимся потенциалом в конкретной ситуации, закрепить умения и навыки работы с новыми понятиями, явлениями, научить отстаивать свою точку зрения

Воспитатльные : формировать экологическую культуру обучающихся, любовь и бережное отношение к природе.

Развивающие : развивать логическое мышление, способность к анализу, умение выступать и защищать свою точку зрения, развивать коммуникатиные навыки работы в группах, творческие способности.

Оснащение – учебник «Spotlight 8», видеопроектор, презентация, видеофильм, плакат « How big is the problem» , плакат «Message to humanity», раздаточный материал

Тип урока – комбинированный.

Ход урока –

  1. Начало урока. А)Приветствие, речевая разминка, мозговой штурм.

Teacher : Good morning dear children! I am extremely glad to see you here with me, and hope to spend great time all together. Happy to find you smiling and optimistic, by the way, can you name at least

a) 5 reason which make you smile?

b) 5 reasons to feel happy?

c) 5 goals you want to reach in your life?

d) 5 things that irritate you?

(answers of students)

B) Мотивация на работу по теме урока

Teacher – My dear students, yesterday I received an invitation from my British colleagues to participate in the scientific congress in London next month. I must be prepared for it, but they seem to forget to inform me about the theme of the congress. They have just sent me a video, perhaps, watching it we will be able to realise what the topic is. So let’s do it now together!

Work in groups and try to define the main idea of the video, using these possible prompts (возможные названия темы конгресса вывешаны на доске)

  1. Travelling around our wonderful world

  2. Global problems of the Earth

  3. Medicine issues

  4. Environmental protection

  5. The future of the Earth is in our hands

(Students choose the right variant and stick it in the middle of the blackboard.)

Teacher – What feeling do you have after watching the video? ( sympathy, anger, sadness, horror, sorrow). Do you really believe our planet is in danger now? Do you expect a lot of fun from our lesson?

Now I hope you will help me prepare for the congress, won’t you?

  1. Основная часть урока. А) Введение новой лексики.

Teacher - Let us learn some new vocabulary to be able to have our conversation: Включается презентация. Слайд 1. Оглавление «Save our planet»

Слайд 2, 3 – введение новой лексики к теме урока.

To donate (to)жетвовать, дарить

To heal (of) исцелять от...

To get rid (of )– избавляться от...

To save - экономить, спасать

To ban - запрещать

To fine for - штрафовать

Violence - жестокость


Compassion - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие

Greed - жадность



To destruct, to destroyразрушать

Charity – благотворительность

B) Практикование новых слов в устной речи.

Match the word from the left column to those from the right one. (Работа на раздаточных карточках – прил.1)

1 To get rid of a) pollution

2 To ban b) animals

3 To fine for c) littering

4 To reduce d) hunting

5 To donate to e) violence

6 To destroy f) our souls

7 To save g) natural habitat

8. To heal h) water

Keys: 1e, 2d, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6g, 7h, 8f.

Teacher - Great job, and now let’s refresh the vocabulary on this topic.

С) Закрепление лексики, актуализация знаний.

Слайд 4. Teacher: I want to suggest you the saying of Mahatma Gandhi as an epigraph for our lesson “Be the change you wish to see in the world”. Tell me, how can you explain these words?

(Предполагаемый ответ обучающихся – I think it means that in order to change the world we must change our souls, our minds.)

So let’s revise what global issues we are going to discuss today.

Слайд 5. Three categories of global issues – natural disasters, ecological problems and social problems.

Global issues

Social problems (wars, poverty, famine, homelessness,

child labour, terrorism)

Natural disasters (flood, hurricanes

volcano, tornado, draught, avalanches, tsunami, earthquake, global warming)

Ecological problems (pollution, acid rains,

deforestation, extinction of plants and animals, littering)

Учитель показывает слайды с 6 по 15, с 19 по 24, ученики определяют по

изображению название глобальной пробемы.

Слайды 16 – 18; 25 - 29 - просмотр, чтение и комментирование.

Teacher – Let‘s try and find the most dangerous problem for our planet. Using the linking words (written on the blackboard)

In my opinion;

To my mind;

I think ;

I believe;

express your opinion and say what the most serious and dangerous problem for the Earth is. But first please write down your variant on the piece of paper and stick it on the blackboard.

D) Speaking

Используя интерактиный прием «Карусель» ученики выражают свое мнение.

Один из учеников подсчитывает результат, а в это время проводится релакс-минутка.

Ученики остаются по окончании упражнения «Карусель» в той же позиции. Игра “Double-double this, this” (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4ea2GmBqFo)

Подведение итога по «карусели» -

So, as we can see, the most serious problem for our planet, in your opinion, is….

The next place is going to….

The third place is going to….

(Ученики объявляют результаты опроса и согласно им заполняют плакат «How big is the problem(Приложение 2) и приклеивают соответствующие стикеры-смайлики)

Teacher – As we can see, many problems are caused by human activities. We are not magicians, we are not scientists, we are not a government. But we can heal the world, changing our mind, changing ourselves. What can we do, each of us, to protect our nature, to save our planet?

(Ответы обучающихся)

Teacher – You are right, children, first of all we should be GREEN; who remembers what it means to be green?

(ответы обучающихся)

Teacher - I want you to watch a short video about 8 important things you must do in your everyday life. ( показ видео https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vONBU7btYuo)

So, what else can we do for saving our planet?

(Ответы обучающихся - Turn off water while brushing our teeth, switch off the light when leave a room, reuse old crayons and bottles, paint coffee cans and use them for plants, donate old clothes and toys to charity, make birdfeeders, plant own vegetables, and recycle plastic bottles and bags, aluminium cans, electronics, glass, paper.)

Now, when we realise that we are really able to do much to help the environment, tell me, how green you are.

(Учащиеся высказываются,­ используя словесную опору (слайд 28)

Teacher – So, being green is very important, but let‘s recall the epigraph of our lesson “be the change you want to see in the world”. You told me that we should change ourselves. What exactly should we change in our souls?

(Предполагаемые ответы обучающихся – We must get rid of greed and violence, we must have mercy and compassion in our souls. We must be generous, kind and friendly.)

Teacher – I believe that you will do your best to follow these rules. And now let us make the message to humanity, to the next generations, expressing our claims, our thoughts on these colourful pieces of paper.

E) Project work.

Учащиеся выполняют проектную работу «Послание человечеству» . На лист ватмана дети приклеивают заготовленные заранее картинки по теме «Экология, глобальные проблемы человечества» и на листочках бумаги в форме детской ладошки пишут призывы к будущему поколению, затем приклеивают их на плакат. Работа ведется всей группой.

3.Окончание урока. A) Рефлексия.

Teacher - My dear students, thank you for your priceless help, now I feel prepared for the conference, and the last task for you. Express your impressions about our work at the lesson in the cinquain. Let it be about our planet.

The Earth

Magnificent, unique,

Feeding, protecting, caring,

It needs our love and help.


Teacher - And now let us sing the wonderful song by Michael Jackson which was created to help the people in Africa.

B) Исполнение песни “We are the world”

There comes a time when we hear a certain call

When the world must come together as one

There are people dying

And it’s time to lend a hand to life

The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day

That someone, somewhere will soon make a change

We are all a part of God's great big family

And the truth, you know,

Love is all we need


We are the world, we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let’s start giving

There's a choice we're making

We're saving our own lives

It’s true we'll make a brighter day

Just you and me….

Teacher – Our lesson is over, thank you for your job, your home task is to make up 14 sentences, using new words. Good bye!

Приложение 1

Match the word from the left column to those from the right one.

1 To get rid of a) pollution

2 To ban b) animals

3 To fine for c) littering

4 To reduce d) hunting

5 To donate to e) violence

6 To destroy f) our souls

7 To save g) natural habitat

8. To heal h) water

Приложение 2


  1. Emergency ……………….....

  1. Gigantic problem……………..

  1. Serious problem………………

  1. Little problem………………...

Содержимое разработки

Save our planet! Presentation is made by Tatiana Quisbert, teacher of English, Rybachie school, Alushta, Crimea

Save our planet!

Presentation is made by

Tatiana Quisbert,

teacher of English, Rybachie school,

Alushta, Crimea

New vocabulary   1 . To donate  (to) – жетвовать, дарить 2 . To heal  (of) – исцелять от... 3 . To get rid of – избавляться от... 4 . To save - экономить, спасать 5 . To ban - запрещать 6 . To fine for- штрафовать 7. Violence - жестокость

New vocabulary

1 . To donate (to) – жетвовать, дарить

2 . To heal (of) – исцелять от...

3 . To get rid of – избавляться от...

4 . To save - экономить, спасать

5 . To ban - запрещать

6 . To fine for- штрафовать

7. Violence - жестокость

8 . Mercy – милосердие 9 . Compassion - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие 10 . Greed - жадность 11 . Soul – душа 12 . Generosity – щедрость 13 . To destruct, to destroy – разрушать 14 . Charity - благотворительность

8 . Mercy – милосердие

9 . Compassion - жалость, сострадание, сочувствие

10 . Greed - жадность

11 . Soul – душа

12 . Generosity – щедрость

13 . To destruct, to destroy – разрушать

14 . Charity - благотворительность

“ Be the change you wish to see in the world” Mahatma Gandhi

Be the change you wish to see in the world”

Mahatma Gandhi

Global issues Natural disasters  Еcological problems Social problems

Global issues

Natural disasters

Еcological problems

Social problems

Natural disasters

Natural disasters

Flood  Drought

Flood Drought

Hurricane Tornado

Hurricane Tornado

Volcano Avalanche

Volcano Avalanche

Earthquake Tsunami

Earthquake Tsunami

Ecological problems

Ecological problems

Global warming

Global warming



Acid rains  Deforestation

Acid rains Deforestation

Endangered species

Endangered species

Is it too late for us?...

Is it too late for us?...

They need our help to survive!  our protection…  our mercy…  our compassion…  Stop killing animals until it is too late!!!

They need our help to survive! our protection… our mercy… our compassion… Stop killing animals until it is too late!!!



Social problems

Social problems

Wars  Terrorism

Wars Terrorism

Poverty  Famine

Poverty Famine

Child labour

Child labour



Stop violence!  Stop greed!

Stop violence! Stop greed!

We are on a mission to save this planet! Let’s go for green!!!

We are on a mission to save this planet! Let’s go for green!!!

What does it mean to be green ?    1)to recycle  paper, metal, glass, plastic, wastes   2)to reduce pollution, traffic, packaging, lettering   3)to reuse bottles, cans, lids, clothes, plastic bags   4)to save water, energy, gas, oil, electricity   5)to ban and  fine for hunting, cutting down trees, littering, pollution   6)to donate to animals in danger, people in poverty

What does it mean to be green ?

1)to recycle paper, metal, glass, plastic, wastes 2)to reduce pollution, traffic, packaging, lettering 3)to reuse bottles, cans, lids, clothes, plastic bags 4)to save water, energy, gas, oil, electricity 5)to ban and fine for hunting, cutting down trees, littering, pollution 6)to donate to animals in danger, people in poverty

The future of our planet is in our hands!

The future of our planet is in our hands!

the end

the end

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