«Весна — лето 2025»

Серия уроков домашнего чтения в 10 классе (в. шекспир «венецианский купец»)

Данная методическая разработка представляет собой описание серии уроков домашнего чтения в 10 классе на примере комедии В.Шекспира "Венецианский купец". В разработке даны примеры заданий, формы работы и ключи к заданиям.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

СЕРИЯ УРОКОВ ДОМАШНЕГО ЧТЕНИЯ В 10 КЛАССЕ (В. ШЕКСПИР «ВЕНЕЦИАНСКИЙ КУПЕЦ») В развитии ключевых компетенций на уроках домашнего чтения в 10 классе очень важна работа с текстом. Работая над чтением текста на английском языке, учащиеся увеличивают свой лексический запас, пополняют знания по страноведению, лучше осваивают грамматику, учатся обсуждать материал в соответствии с языковыми нормами, писать эссе, делать сообщение монологического характера по заданной теме, общаться друг с другом. Я провожу уроки контроля домашнего чтения 1-2 раза в четверть, в основном в конце четверти. Каждая часть комедии (их 6) обсуждается на 2 уроках: первый посвящен отработке лексического материала, контролю понимания содержания текста. На втором уроке проводится обсуждение проблем комедии, звучат монологи и диалоги. Хотелось бы поделиться опытом работы по организации уроков домашнего чтения в 10 классе на примере комедии В. Шекспира «Венецианский купец» и представить свои методические разработки этих уроков в сжатом виде с примерами заданий. «Венецианский купец» (по В. Шекспиру) Часть 1. Урок l. "The author, the plot and the Сharacters”. 1. Answer the questions about the author: (p.4) When and where was Shakespeare born? What were his parents? What are his most famous plays? What did Shakespeare write about in his plays? When did he die? And how old was he? 2. What do you know about the background of the plot of “The Merchant of Venice"? (p.5) What particular expression from this play by Shakespeare is still used in English today? What does this expression mean? Venice is a city on the water, isn’t it? How many connected stories does this play tell? What are they? 3. Speak about the characters of the play. (p. 6—7) Who is Antonio? Is he a good man? Who is Bassanio? Whom does he want to marry? What can you say about Shylock? Do people respect him? Who is Portia? Does she love Bassanio? Speak about Lorenzo and Jessica. 4. Vocabulary Work (p.8-9) a) Explain the words: to lend money, to borrow money, to charge interest, to get on with, to make a profit, to propose. b) Find English equivalents of the words: купец, ростовщик, вместо, состоятельный, вернуть деньги, злить, жениться. c) Make collocations. Use the completed phrases to make sentences based on the text. 1. turn to (smb) for A. expensive tastes 2. come from B. help 3. have C. over the years 4. want D. a good family 5. borrow money from his friends E. to marry 6. use F. name KEYS: 1В, 2D, 3A, 4E, 5C, 6F. 5. Use the verbs in the correct form to complete the sentences below.to be in trouble, argue, to ask for help, (not) like paying interest, to respect, to borrow from a moneylender. 1. People in Venice liked and… Antonio. 2. Many people in Venice borrowed money from Antonio when they …. 3. People… and often borrowed money from Antonio. 4. Antonio and Shylock didn’t like each other and whenever they met, they .... 5. One morning Bassanio …his friend… 6. Antonio said that Bassanio could use his name… KEYS: 1. respected. 2. were in trouble. 3. didn’t like paying interest.4. argued. 5. asked… for help. 6. to borrow money from a moneylender. 6. Mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false): 1. Antonio charged a lot of interest. 2. Bassanio liked spending money.3. Shylock often lend people money. 4. Portia was a wealthy and beautiful woman. 5. Antonio agreed to give Bassanio some money. 6. Antonio told Bassanio to borrow money from a moneylender. KEYS: 1F, 2T, 3T, 4T, 5F, 6T. Homework: 1. Prepare for discussion and write your summary on the 1st episode of the book. Questions for discussion: Why does Bassanio want to borrow money? Do you think it is a good idea to borrow money? What do you do when you need money? What do you think is going to happen in the next episode? 2. Use the 2nd and the 3rd questions for making up a dialogue. Урок 2 ”A Good Friend” 1. Let’s discuss the problems of the comedy. 2. Dialogue. 3. Make up monologues: a) Imagine that you are Bassanio. You need money for going to Belmont for proposal. Ask your best friend Antonio to give you money. Begin your speech like this: Dear Antonio! I am happy to see you today. How are you? You see, I… b) Imagine that you are Antonio. Your answer may start like this: Dear Basmnio! You are my best friend. But…. Часть 2. Урок 3 ”A Dangerous Agreement” 1. Translate from English into Russian (p. l0-1l) 1. want it for 3 months, 2. steal everything, 3.had insulted him,4. laughed at him,5. take a pound of your flesh, 6. sign this agreement. KEYS:1.взять на три месяца. 2.разворовать все.3.оскорбил его.4.смеялся над ним.5.взять фунт твоей плоти.6.подписать это соглашение. 2. Translate from Russian into English (p.10 - l 1) l.выплатить, заплатить 2. атакованы пиратами 3. доверять моему другу 4. был в его власти 5. отомстить 6. макнул перо в чернила. KEYS: 1.to pay back. 2.attacked by pirates. 3.trust my friend. 4.was in his power. 5.to get his own back. 6.dipped the pen in the ink. 3. Tell about the agreement between Antonio and Shylock. Use the following words and expressions: don’t want interest from you, don’t repay what you owe, a pound of your flesh, whatever part of your body, agree to that. 4. Find sentences in the Future Simple Tense and translate them from English into Russian. Homework: 1. Prepare control reading of an extract (p. 10. till words «I will borrow for my friend Bassanio»). 2. Questions for discussion: 1. How much money did Antonio and Bassanio want to borrow from Shylock? 2. What might happen to Antonio’s ships? 3. Why didn’t Shylock want to eat with Antonio? Урок 4 1. Control reading of an extract (from L.3) 2. Discussion of the questions. 3. Imagine that you are Bassanio. Ask your best friend Antonio not to agree to Shylock’s little joke. Часть 3. Урок 5 ‘‘Jessica’s Escape” 1. Vocabulary work (p.12-13). Explain the words: more like a friend than a servant, strict, mean, greedy, to be ashamed of one’s father, horrible man, to disguise as a boy, to be embarrassed. 2. Find sentences in the Present Progressive, the Past Progressive Tense, translate them. Homework: 1.Tell about Shylock. Imagine that you are Jessica. 2. Discuss the problem: Do you agree that love is blind, and lovers cannot see? Урок 6 “The Test” 1. Let's check your homework. 2. Discuss the problem:Do you agree that love is blind, and lovers cannot see? 3. Find Russian equivalents of the words: designed a test, perfect husband, gold- silver-lead, the right man to marry, to deserve (p.14 —15). 4. Find the endings of the sentences: 1. I want to be able to choose my own husband, 2. Only the man who loves you wlll pass the test, 3. If уou choose the wrong box, 4. He went up to the 3 boxes and 5. He opened the silver box and 6. Many men want Portia, a. you can never see me again, b. so this must be the right box. c. and this man will be the man you love. d. found the picture of clown e. but I can‘t because of my father’s test. f. slowly read the writing on each one. KEYS: 1E, 2C, 3A, 4F, 5D, 6B 5. Make up a monologue. Tell about Portia’s father. Use the words from ex.3. 6. Find sentences that prove that Portia loves Bassanio. 7. Portia’s father was a wise and lovely father, wasn’t he? Choose the correct answer: a) He designed a song that only the perfect husband could sing. b) He loved his daughter dearly and wanted her to be happy. c) He wanted only rich man to be his daughter’s husband. KEYS: a) - b)+ 3)- Homework: 1. Compare Jessica’s and Portia’s fathers. Whose father is better? .2 Give Russian equivalent of the saying “All that glitters is not gold”. How do you understand it? Часть 4. Урок 7 ”The Perfect Choice” 1. Let’s check your homework. 2. Choose sentences that are true to the text (p. 16-l7). 1. Bassanio arrived with Antonio and Laucelot.2. "Try to pass the test today”, said Portia to Bassanio. 3. “I am going to choose the lead box”, Bassanio said. 4. Portia took a ring off her finger and handed it to Bassanio. 5. “I will not wear this ring”, Bassanio said, putting the ring off his finger. KEYS: 1-, 2-, 3+, 4+, 5- 3. Choose the correct answer: l. Why didn’t Portia want Bassanio to pass the test as soon as possible? a/ She wanted him to relax for a few days. b/She would like to spend some time with him. 2. Why did Bassanio choose the lead box? a/ He will give and risk everything for Portia. b/He didn't like gold and silver. 3. Why did Bassanio say that he never would take Portia’s ring off? a/ He loved Portia very much. b/ He wouldn’t always wear this ring. KEYS: 1b, 2a, 3a 4. Who said the following? 1. If you fail the test, you will have to go. 2. I love you and I am the right man for you. 3. I am so happy that you will be my husband. 4. I wish you all the joy that you can wish. 5. Nerissa and I wish to marry too. KEYS: 1 Portia 2 Bassanio 3 Portia 4 Gratiano 5 Gratiano Homework:1.Translate from Russian into English and learn by heart(p. l6 -17) Ты выйдешь замуж за меня? Я буду любить тебя вечно. Я никогда не сниму это кольцо. Я желаю вам счастья. Мы с Нериссой тоже хотим пожениться. Мы надеемся, что вы будете очень счастливы. Урок 8 “Trouble for Antonio” (p.18 — l9) 1. Translate from Russian into English (L.7) 2. Find words and expressions that show how Shylock felt when he found out that Jessica had run away with Lorenzo. Then tell about it using these expressions. KEYS: was very angry, didn’t like Lorenzo, become even more angry, he shouted, he wanted revenge, he was very serious. 3. Translate and learn by heart: моя плоть и кровь, она не такая как ты, сдержать своё слово, ловить рыбу, не могу поверить, я очень серьезен, заработать на жизнь. 4. Make up your own sentences with the words and expressions from ex. 3 Homework: Describe pictures (p.l8-l9). Speak about Shylock's, Salarino’s and Salanio's feelings. Часть 5. Урок 9 “Portia‘s Plan” 1. Let’s check up your homework. 2. Translate (p. 20-21): his face turned white, he is in very serious trouble, he is very serious, don’t let him hurt Antonio, 1 am very worried, asked for advice. 3. Explain Portia’s words: «They will see us, but they will not know us». Homework: Role play the dialogue between Portia and Nerissa. Урок 10 “The Trial”. 1. Let’s check your homework. 2. Say in English (p. 22 -23): судья, страшный враг, не добрый и грубый, защищать, все детали этого дела, убийца, заплатить за преступление, это не справедливо. 3. Agree or disagree: 1. Antonio’s trial was taking place in Belmont. 2. Shylock is able to be kind. 3. “Antonio has been kind and polite to me”, said Shylock. 4. The law of Venice is on Shylock’s side", said Portia. 5. “I am ready to take my payment”, shouted Shylock. 6. “I can take his heart without taking his blood”,cried Shylock. KEYS: 1. disagree, 2. disagree, 3. disagree, 4. agree, 5. agree, 6. disagree. 4. Ask questions to the sentence. Begin them with given words. He walked quietly out of the court with head down.1. Did. .. ? 2. How...? 3. Who...? 4.Where... from? 5. Why...? 6. Did … or...? 5. Find conditional sentences. Translate them. Homework: Discussion. Why doesn’t Shylock want the money? Часть 6 Урок 11 ”Portia’s Trick” 1. Translate: wedding ring, have broken promise, have some fun 2. Match the speech and the character: 1. It’s my job. a) Portia 2. I don’t want your gold b) Bassanio 3. Take this ring and give it to the lawyer c) Gratiano 4. Do you want to thank me too? d) Portia 5. Please, take the ring and all my thanks e) Nerissa KEYS: 1.d, 2.a, 3.b, 4.e, 5.c 3. Cross out the unnecessary word: 1. Everyone in the court was very sad/happy 2. It is not necessary to thank/invite me 3. Please, take this bag of gold/silver 4.You can give me your hat/ring 5. Now I think we can’t/can have some fun. KEYS: 1. sad 2. invite 3. silver 4. hat 5. can’t Homework: Discuss in pairs. Do you think the men were right or wrong to give away their rings? Why? Урок 12. “Happy Ending” 1. Checking of homework. 2. Turn the following into reported speech: 1.” My dearest Portia, I want you to meet Antonio”, Bassanio said. 2. “Gratiano, where is the ring that I gave to you?”, asked Nerissa. 3. “I didn’t give the ring to a woman”, Gratiano said to Nerissa. 4. “Is this true, Bassanio?”, Portia asked. 3.Translate: 1. I will never break another promise. 2. I swear that upon my life. 3. Please believe us, my dearest lady. 4. We have the cleverest wives in the world. 5. You must always remember it. 4. Discussion. 1. Has this story a happy ending for all the characters? 2. What lessons does this story teach you?

Список литературы: 1. Заир-Бек С.И., Муштавинская И.В. Развитие критического мышления на уроке: Пособие для учителя. М.: Просвещение, 2017. 2. Венецианский купец (по В.Шекспиру): Кн. для чтения в 10 классе. Пос.для учащихся общеобразовательных учреждений (пересказ О.В. Афанасьевой и др.). М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2017

3.Ваулина, Эванс, Дули, Подоляко. Английский в фокусе. Учебник для общеобразовательных учреждений. 10 класс. М.: Express Publishing: Просвещение, 2017

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