Cрез знаний по английскому языку для 6 класса.
Пояснительная записка.
Цель работы : проверить знания учащихся по английскому языку, по двум темам: Past simple Tense и Degrees of Comparison. Работа состоит из 1 варианта, 5 вопросов по теме Past Simple и 5 вопросов по теме Degrees of Comparison. К работе прилагаются ключи.
I. Positive/Comparative/Superlative. Fill in the blanks with the correct form. (Выбрать правильную форму прилагательного)
1. The weather was not very _________ yesterday, buy it is _________ today.
a) good b) better c) the best
2. China has got _______ population in the world.
a) a large b) a larger c) the largest
3. Susan is _________ person in the whole class.
a) a wonderful b) more wonderful c) the most wonderful
4. She has ________ job of all.
a) a difficult b) more difficult c) the most difficult
5. I think dogs are _________ than cats.
a) intelligent b) more intelligent c) the most intelligent
II. Write down the right form of the verb in Past Simple. (Напишите правильную форму глагола в прошедшем времени)
1. Where did you go?
a) I do to France b) I went to India c) Yes, I did
2. What was the food like?
a) He liked fruit b) It is nice c) It was good
3. Where were you?
a) I were at home b) I was in class c) Yes, I was
4. Were you at school last Sunday?
a) No, I wasn’t b) I wasn’t at school last Sunday c) Wasn’t at school
5. I _______ read when I was 6.
a) could b)can c) can not
a, b