How to write paragraph writing?
Annotation. This article is to inform the students and the future writing teachers about methods and rules of writing perfect academic paragraph.
Key words: writing , paragraph, unity , coherence , multiple facets
In many languages, the fundamental unit of composition is the paragraph. A paragraph consists of several sentences that are grouped together. These groups of sentences together discuss one main subject. In U.S. formal academic English, paragraphs have three principal parts. These three parts are the topic sentence, body sentences, and the concluding sentence. We will also talk briefly about details in paragraphs. One of the central components of an essay or a paper is the paragraph. You may think that a paragraph is ideally 5 sentences put together, or a paragraph has a topic sentence, etc. But the essential definition of a paragraph is “It is a group of sentences or a single sentence that forms a unit”1. In this definition the term “unit” or “unity” is the most important element. It is the unity and coherence among the sentences that makes a paragraph a paragraph.
What is meant by “unity” and “coherence”?
Unity – The sentences all refer to the main idea, or thesis of the paper 2
Coherence - The sentences should be organized in a logical manner and should follow a definite plan of development.
Coherence refers to a certain characteristic or aspect of writing. Literally, the word means "to stick together." Coherence in writing means that all the ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. With coherence, the reader has an easy time understanding the ideas that you wish to express.
My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton River, which is very wide and beautiful. On either side of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are many willow trees which have long branches that can move gracefully in the wind. In autumn the leaves of these trees fall and cover the riverbanks like golden snow. Second, on the other side of the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it is steep, climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks along the sides that can be used as stairs. There are no trees around this hill, so it stands clearly against the sky and can be seen from many miles away. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands two hundred feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing and make my hometown a famous place.
Paragraph gives structure to a piece of writing. They are a way to organize your thoughts, and to give clarity to your may be helpful to think of paragraphs as signposts, telling whoever reads your work where your ideas are going, and when you are moving on to a different point. Since paragraphs are used to explain your argument in stages, it is important that you only express one idea or set of ideas in each paragraph. If you try to say too much, your reader will be confused and your argument will be clouded.3It's important to write a paragraph in order to introduce a thought (through a topic sentence) and then and use more specific information to explain the thought. When you proceed to a thought different from the topic sentence, create a new paragraph.
At the end of each paragraph say something that signals to the reader that you’re moving on to a new thought so that there is a transition from one paragraph to the next. You want to have many paragraphs when you write a report for readability (i.e. you don't want people to wade through one large block of text (since it will make it difficult for people to understand what you’re talking about (get the main points) and it’s not good style.
However, writing a single, strong, cohesive paragraph is difficult. For some, writing an entire essay of them can be near impossible! Your students will need lots of support on how to develop an idea. So start at an early age!
The paragraph is the building block of solid writing. A paragraph (or set of paragraphs) develops a part of the topic; it explains a facet of the topic. Strong writing includes multiple facets of a bigger idea explored among several paragraphs.
Tom Johnson. Aug 2004. About "How To Write An Essay."
Nina M. Koptyug, Ph.D., associate professor of English, Lyceum # 130, Novosibirsk, Russia.
Ellis and Sinclair, Learning How to Learn, CUP, 1989
White, Rand and Arndt, Process Writing, Longman, 1991
1 (Lunsford and Connors, 1995, p.116)
2 (Rosen and Behrens, 1997, p.119)