«Весна — лето 2024»

Итоговая контрольная работа

Итоговая контрольная работа разработана с целью проверить уровень знаний учащихся за программу обучения начальной школы

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Контрольная работа для 4 класса

Ф. И. ________________________________________класс________________

Дата проведения___________________________________________________

Задание 1.

Впиши нужный транскрипционный значок в пропуск.

Пример: 0. p___[p]_____

  1. wr________

  2. j__________

  3. ph_________

  4. s__________

  5. c__________

[k] [z] [f] [p] [ds] [r]

Задание 2.

Прочитай предложения 1-5. Посмотри на картинки и прочитай слова под картинками. Выбери нужную картинку и впиши слово под ней в отведённый пропуск.

Пример: 0.We sleep in it.___________bed_____________

1.You use it to call your friends.______________

2.We eat soup with it.______________________

3.Rabbits like it very much._________________

4.Cows give it to us._______________________

5.English people drink it with milk___________

milk carrot phone bed

tea spoon

Задание 3.

Прочитай предложения 1-5. Найди одну ошибку в каждом предложении и подчеркни её. Перепиши предложения без ошибок.

Пример: 0. Did you played tennis?

Did you play tennis?

1.They are cleverer that him.

__________________________________________________________________2.Does they often play foofball after school?

__________________________________________________________________3.I cuted my finger yesterday.


4.She will come at the evening.


5.Did he went to school yesterday?

Задание 4.

Поставь слова в правильном порядке так, чтобы получились предложения:

Пример: 0. name is what your ?

What is your name?


1.fridge in butter there is any the ?

__________________________________________________________________2.went cinema yesterday they the to .

__________________________________________________________________3.summer last you go did where ?

__________________________________________________________________4.school by to don’t I bus go .


5.short that with who is boy hair?


Задание 5.

Прочитай текст и предложенные слова для каждого пропуска.

Впиши подходящее по смыслу слово в пропуск.

The Poor Girl.

Пример: Once upon a time there 0. lived a nice girl.

Her mother died and her father 1._____________ again. His new

2. _______________ had two daughters. They were lazy and ugly and didn’t do

3. _______________ about the house. The poor girl worked 4. ______________

morning to night. Her name was 5. _________________________________.

  1. liked lived laughed

  2. made married mixed

  3. aunt girl wife

  4. everything anything nothing

  5. for from at

  6. Snow-White May Cinderella

Задание 6. Прочитай вопросы, найди на них ответы в тексте и запиши нужную информацию в пропуски рядом с вопросами.


It was the first day of the winter holiday. It was a great day. The trees were white with snow. Peter and his friend went for a walk. There was a lot of snow. Peter said, “Let’s make a snowman, Tom!” “Oh! That’s a good idea,” Tom said.

They made three big snowballs. The first snowball was very big. The second was smaller than the first one. The third was the smallest. The smallest snowball was the “head”. Then they took three sticks: one was a “mouth”, the two small sticks were the “eyes”.

Tom had an idea. “We can make the nose out of a big carrot.” They ran home, took a big carrot and made the “nose” out of the carrot. The snowman was ready. How funny it was! The friends were happy. They had a lot of fun.

Пример: 0. What season winter was it?

  1. What colour were the trees? _________________________________

  2. What was Peter’s friend name? _______________________________

  3. What did Peter and Tom want to make?_________________________

  4. How many snowballs did the boys make?________________________

  5. What did they use to make the snowman’s mouth and eyes?____________________________________________________

Задание 7. Посмотри на картинку и прочитай имена детей. Прослушай пример и пять мини-диалогов. Впиши нужные имена в пропуски.

Задание 8. Прочитай вопросы и варианты ответов. Послушай мини-диалоги и подчеркни нужный ответ напротив каждого вопроса.

Пример: 0.What is Ann dancing/swimming

good at?

1.What is John’s father? fireman/mechanic

2. How old is Jane’s nephew? 15/12

3. When did Bill go to the cinema? last week/last month

4. What does Harry like to read? books/magazines

5. What day does Paul go to his Wednesday/Tuesday

piano lesson?

Задание 9.Ответь на 2 вопроса экзаменатора: задание с открытым ответом.

Задание 10.Разыграй диалоги с одним из одноклассников по плану:

You Your friend

Name: Pat ?

Age: 10 ?

Job: student ?

School grade: the fourth ?

Get to school: by school bus ?

Do after school: do homework ?

Time go to bed: 10.00 p.m. ?

Задание 11.Опиши картинку. Вопросы помогут тебе:

1.Who is there in the picture?

2.Where is she? Why do you think so?

3.What is she doing?

4.Can you do it?

5.What is your hobby?

Дополнительные задания:

Задание 12.Прочитай письмо Лиз. Ответь на её письмо. Используй письмо Лиз как образец для твоего письма. В твоём письме должна быть следующая информация: your name, your age, where you live, your pets.

Dear friend,

My names Liz. Im ten years old. I live in Canada with my mother, father and a four-year brother. My mother’s an engineer and my father’s a vet.

We’ve got two dogs. Their names’re Bim and Bom. Dogs are my favourite animals. They’re so funny and I like playing with them very much. I walk out my dogs three times a day, before and after school and in the evening.

I want to be a vet because I love animals and I want to help them.

Whats your name? How old are you? Wherere you from? What do your parents do? Do you have any pets or favourite animals?

Best wishes,


Задание 13.Прочитай предложения 1-5. Переведи русские слова и словосочетания на английский язык и запиши их в пропуски.

Пример: 0.What is (его) his name?

1.I usually wake up ( в ) ____________ 7 o’clock a.m.

2.We (купили) _______________ a new car last week.

3.Сколько ___________________lessons do you have on Wednesday?

4.This film is (лучше) ________________than the film we watched last weekend.

5.This is (Катина)______________bag.

Задание14. Ответь на 3 вопроса экзаменатора:

( задание с открытым ответом).

Задание15. Посмотри на фотографию и ответь на вопросы экзаменатора.

(задание с открытым ответом).


Отметь v выбор своего ответа.





Все задания в работе показались мне лёгкими.


Все задания в работе показались мне трудными.


В работе были и лёгкие, и трудные задания.


Я легко справился со всеми заданиями.


Некоторые задания вызвали у меня затруднения.


Я выполнил все задания правильно.


Я сомневаюсь, что все задания выполнил правильно.

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