School: № 19 | Long-term plan unit: Unit 5. Creativity | ||||
Date: 05.02.2020 | Teacher‘s name: Karbaev T | ||||
Grade: 5 b | Number present: | absent: | |||
Lesson 1-2 Topic of the lesson: | |||||
Learning objective(s) that this lesson is contributing to | 5.R3 recognise basic opinions in short, simple texts on an increasing range of general and some curricular topics 5.R6 understand with some support some specific information and detail in short, simple texts on a growing range of general and some curricular topics 5.W3 write with support short sentences which describe people, places and objects 5.W5 link with some support sentences using basic coordinating connectors | ||||
Lesson objectives | All learners will be able to:
Most learners will be able to:
Some learners will be able to:
| ||||
Assessment Criteria | The student has achieved the objectives if: They make describe a room in 3 sentences using There is/are They formulate 3 types of sentences | ||||
Value links | Life-long learning, Cooperation, Appreciation of shared resources, Exploration | ||||
Cross – curricular links | Science | ||||
Use of ICT | Projector | ||||
Global Citizenship (incl. intercultural awareness) | Respect, collaboration | ||||
Kazakh culture | - | ||||
Pastoral Care | The teacher will support the students’ development in a holistic manner – mentally, socially, cognitively, emotionally | ||||
Health and safety | The teacher will do a safety check to eliminate potential hazards before the lesson starts. The teacher will be familiar with the emergency procedures. | ||||
Time | Planned activities
| Resources | |||
Beginning (W/I) 2 min
| Period 1 Greeting & Objectives
| PPT slides 1-2
| |||
Middle 3 min (W)
10 min (I/P/W)
4 min
5 min (I/P/W)
5 min
10 min
| Reading practice
Suggested answer key: I know there is a story about a lost island Atlantis. No one knows for sure where it was or what happened to it. Plato – describe Atlantis in “Timoeus” Poseidon – A Greek god who created and protected Atlantis The Mediterranean – possible location of Atlantis The Azores – Atlantis could be near here Sardinia - Atlantis could be near here Malta - Atlantis could be near here Santorini - Atlantis could be near here
Read for specific comprehension
1. A Greek philosopher 2. In 355 BC 3. The Greek god of the sea who created and protected Atlantis. 4. It was amazing. In the center there was a temple dedicated to Poseidon. 5. A gold statue of Poseidon driving six horses. 6. Most of them were sailors and traders. They sailed around the world. Some were farmers. They worked in the fields and raised cows and sheep. 7. In beautiful places. 8. An earthquake caused it to sink into the ocean. 9. It could be near the Azores, or near Sardinia, Crete, Malta or Santorini in the Mediterranean Sea. 10. An earthquake destroyed it at the same time Atlantis sank.
***Differentiation by task: Fast learners write four things they remember from the text. Then read the sentences to the whole class.
***Differentiation by outcome: notice that there are different levels in your group. Encourage strong students to give more complex or descriptive sentences.
| SB Ex 1,2 p 66-67 PPT Slides 3-6 Track 20 PPT Slides 7,8 Worksheet 1
SB Ex 3,4 p 67 slides 9,10 Worksheet 2
| |||
End (W/I) 5 min
| Reflect, Revisit Learning Goals & Check with Questions
| 11 slide | |||
| Home task
| Slide 12
| |||
Additional information | |||||
Differentiation – how do you plan to give more support? How do you plan to challenge the more able learners? | Assessment – how are you planning to check learners’ learning? | ||||
***See in text notes about specific differentiation techniques In general:
| Informally throughout the lesson and specifically through: Peer- checking Whole class assessment | ||||
Summary evaluation What two things went really well (consider both teaching and learning)? 1:
What two things would have improved the lesson (consider both teaching and learning)? 1:
What have I learned from this lesson about the class or achievements/difficulties of individuals that will inform my next lesson?