«Весна — лето 2025»

Listening test "Visit to the zoo"


ВЫбрать один из трех варинатов в каждом из 6 пунктов в аудиотексте о тиграх и зоопарке

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

1. The pupils are visiting the zoo on

a) Sunday b) Tuesday c) Thursday

2. The day is

a) rainy b) sunny c) nasty

3. David Edwards is a

a) teacher b) football player c) zoo keeper

4. What date are they going to the zoo?

a) 10th of June b) 10th of April c) 10th of May

5. Ellie usually eats

a) grass b) ice-cream c) meat

6. The tigers like to play

a) football b) with the children c) with animals

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