«Весна — лето 2025»

"Good morning, farmer!"

Презентация сопровождает урок английского языка в 4 классе "What are you looking for?". Материал презентации значительно облегчит детям понимание текста "Good morning farmer!" для повторения грамматического материала по теме Present Progressive Questions. Использованные красочные картинки сопровождаются цитатами из текста

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

“ Good morning, Farmer!” Учитель английского языка МБОУ «СОШ» Села Ношуль  Республика Коми Елдина Т.А.

Good morning, Farmer!”

Учитель английского языка


Села Ношуль

Республика Коми

Елдина Т.А.

“ Good morning, Farmer!”         1) Where did the farmer go one day?  2) What did he want to buy?

Good morning, Farmer!” 1) Where did the farmer go one day? 2) What did he want to buy?

A farmer set out from the farmhouse on his red tractor.

A farmer set out from the farmhouse on his red tractor.

“ Cluck, cluck!”  Where are you going?

Cluck, cluck!” Where are you going?

“ Oink, oink!” snuffed the pigs.  Are you going to the market?

Oink, oink!” snuffed the pigs. Are you going to the market?

“ Baa, baa!” bleated the sheep.  Are you going to the field?

Baa, baa!” bleated the sheep. Are you going to the field?

“ Honk,honk!” honked the geese.  Are you going far?

Honk,honk!” honked the geese. Are you going far?

“ Woof,woof!” barked the dog.  Aren’t you taking me too?

Woof,woof!” barked the dog. Aren’t you taking me too?

“ And where are you going?”  they snuffed and honked and barked.

And where are you going?” they snuffed and honked and barked.

“ Meow, meow!” meowed the cat.  Are you going to the forest?

Meow, meow!” meowed the cat. Are you going to the forest?

“ Quack, quack!” quacked the ducks.  Are you going to the river?

Quack, quack!” quacked the ducks. Are you going to the river?

“ Moo, moo!” mooed the cows.  Are you going to the dairy?

Moo, moo!” mooed the cows. Are you going to the dairy?

And all together they meowed and quacked and mooed.  “Where are you going?”

And all together they meowed and quacked and mooed. “Where are you going?”

The farmer just smiled.  “With all this noise, I think you can guess,” he said. “I’m going to town to buy some earplugs, of course!”

The farmer just smiled. “With all this noise, I think you can guess,” he said. “I’m going to town to buy some earplugs, of course!”

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