«Весна — лето 2024»

Презентация "Мой день"

Презентация " Мой распорядок дня". Ученикам 5 класса. Обучающие задания.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

I have breakfast at 7, I have lunch at 11, I have dinner at 8, I go to bed late. It’s great. I’m busy as a bee, I study hard from 8 to 3, I do my homework every day. I like to read, I like to play.

I have breakfast at 7,

I have lunch at 11,

I have dinner at 8,

I go to bed late. It’s great.

I’m busy as a bee,

I study hard from 8 to 3,

I do my homework every day.

I like to read, I like to play.

Family crest 1
  • Family crest 1
Task 1. Daily Routine.  Get up, work on computer, go to bed, do homework, watch a DVD, have a cup of tea, have breakfast, do shopping, have lunch, go jogging, go to the bathroom, walk the dog, listen to the music, clean my teeth, play football, have lessons at school, dry myself with a towel, take a bath, dress myself, read books, eat dinner, plant flowers in the garden, drink coffee, write emails to my friends, wash my dog, dry myself with a towel.

Task 1. Daily Routine.

Get up, work on computer, go to bed, do homework, watch a DVD, have a cup of tea, have breakfast, do shopping, have lunch, go jogging, go to the bathroom, walk the dog, listen to the music, clean my teeth, play football, have lessons at school, dry myself with a towel, take a bath, dress myself, read books, eat dinner, plant flowers in the garden, drink coffee, write emails to my friends, wash my dog, dry myself with a towel.

In the Morning   In the Afternoon     In the Evening                              

In the Morning


In the Afternoon



In the Evening
















TASK 2. Tell the Time Arrange the time in order, write it with numbers. ____ Half past six pm ____________ ____ A quarter to six ____________ ____ A quarter past six ____________ ____ Half past five pm ____________ ____ It’s five o’clock ____________

TASK 2. Tell the Time

Arrange the time in order, write it with numbers.

____ Half past six pm ____________

____ A quarter to six ____________

____ A quarter past six ____________

____ Half past five pm ____________

____ It’s five o’clock ____________

__5__ Half past six pm ______6.30______ __3__ A quarter to six _____ 5.45______ __4__ A quarter past six _____6.15______ __2__ Half past five pm _____5.30______ __1__ It’s five o’clock ____ 5.00______

__5__ Half past six pm ______6.30______

__3__ A quarter to six _____ 5.45______

__4__ A quarter past six _____6.15______

__2__ Half past five pm _____5.30______

__1__ It’s five o’clock ____ 5.00______

Omsk London   Kerch




Say what can we read? What can we watch? What can we play?

Say what can we read?

What can we watch?

What can we play?

a pilot a doctor a mechanic

a pilot

a doctor

a mechanic

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