«Весна — лето 2025»

Самостоятельная работа по английскому языку 5 класс IIчетверть

Поставьте во всех временах. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

1.The car isn`t in the garage,….?

2.She went to the library yesterday,….?

3.He won`t tell her,….?

4.The police officer showed us the way,…?

2.Поставьте в Pres.Cont.(прод.время)

1.What (to wait) __ you __ for?

2.They (to discuss) __ something very loudly.

3.My friend (to wait) __ for you at the airport.

3.Поставьте в Pres.Simple(наст.время)

1.Some people __(to read) up to ten books a month.

2.This flower __(to smell) like oranges.

3. I __(to see) a doctor today.

4. This bag __(to weight) ten pounds.

4. Поставьте в Past.Simple(прош.время)

1. He (to eat) pizza at cafe yesterday.

2. Liz ...(to go) for a walk with Mike 1 day ago.

3. Nick ... (to swim)in the sea last summer.

4. Seagulls ... (to fly)over the sea last weekend.

5. Поставьте в Future.Simple(буд.время)

1.After classes I ____ (to go) to English club.

2.The meeting ______ (to hold) tomorrow.

3.Next month our family ______ (to sell) a big van.

6.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

The trip to my Granny

Yesterday I visited my Granny in the countryside. We go there every weekend and I enjoy these trips. But not this time. It was raining cats and dogs, our car broke several times and we all were very tired. But when we saw the Granny, I forgot about the difficulties.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.Where does Granny live? 

2.How often do the family visit Granny? 

3.What kind of weather was the day when family was visiting Granny?

2. Укажите(True - правильно, False - неправильно)

1.The boy likes to visit his granny. 

2.It was snowing heavily that day. 

3.The text is about boy’s parents

3.Составьте предложение, отражающее основную мысль этого текста

1.The car isn`t in the garage,….?

2.She went to the library yesterday,….?

3.He won`t tell her,….?

4.The police officer showed us the way,…?

2.Поставьте в Pres.Cont.(прод.время)

1.What (to wait) __ you __ for?

2.They (to discuss) __ something very loudly.

3.My friend (to wait) __ for you at the airport.

3.Поставьте в Pres.Simple(наст.время)

1.Some people __(to read) up to ten books a month.

2.This flower __(to smell) like oranges.

3. I __(to see) a doctor today.

4. This bag __(to weight) ten pounds.

4. Поставьте в Past.Simple(прош.время)

1. He (to eat) pizza at cafe yesterday.

2. Liz ...(to go) for a walk with Mike 1 day ago.

3. Nick ... (to swim)in the sea last summer.

4. Seagulls ... (to fly)over the sea last weekend.

5. Поставьте в Future.Simple(буд.время)

1.After classes I ____ (to go) to English club.

2.The meeting ______ (to hold) tomorrow.

3.Next month our family ______ (to sell) a big van.

6.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

The trip to my Granny

Yesterday I visited my Granny in the countryside. We go there every weekend and I enjoy these trips. But not this time. It was raining cats and dogs, our car broke several times and we all were very tired. But when we saw the Granny, I forgot about the difficulties.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.Where does Granny live? 

2.How often do the family visit Granny? 

3.What kind of weather was the day when family was visiting Granny?

2. Укажите(True - правильно, False - неправильно)

1.The boy likes to visit his granny. 

2.It was snowing heavily that day. 

3.The text is about boy’s parents

3.Составьте предложение, отражающее основную мысль этого текста


1.The car isn`t in the garage,….?

2.She went to the library yesterday,….?

3.He won`t tell her,….?

4.The police officer showed us the way,…?

2.Поставьте в Pres.Cont.(прод.время)

1.What (to wait) __ you __ for?

2.They (to discuss) __ something very loudly.

3.My friend (to wait) __ for you at the airport.

3.Поставьте в Pres.Simple(наст.время)

1.Some people __(to read) up to ten books a month.

2.This flower __(to smell) like oranges.

3. I __(to see) a doctor today.

4. This bag __(to weight) ten pounds.

4. Поставьте в Past.Simple(прош.время)

1. He (to eat) pizza at cafe yesterday.

2. Liz ...(to go) for a walk with Mike 1 day ago.

3. Nick ... (to swim)in the sea last summer.

4. Seagulls ... (to fly)over the sea last weekend.

5. Поставьте в Future.Simple(буд.время)

1.After classes I ____ (to go) to English club.

2.The meeting ______ (to hold) tomorrow.

3.Next month our family ______ (to sell) a big van.

6.Прочитайте текст и выполните задания.

The trip to my Granny

Yesterday I visited my Granny in the countryside. We go there every weekend and I enjoy these trips. But not this time. It was raining cats and dogs, our car broke several times and we all were very tired. But when we saw the Granny, I forgot about the difficulties.

1. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту:

1.Where does Granny live? 

2.How often do the family visit Granny? 

3.What kind of weather was the day when family was visiting Granny?

2. Укажите(True - правильно, False - неправильно)

1.The boy likes to visit his granny. 

2.It was snowing heavily that day. 

3.The text is about boy’s parents

3.Составьте предложение, отражающее основную мысль этого текста.

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