«Весна — лето 2024»

Тематический Контроль по теме "Present, Past, Future Simple Passive"

Закрепление и обобщение материала по теме "The Present, Past, Future Simple Passive"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Test (7 form)

The Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple Passive.

Exercise 1. Translate using Present/Past/Future Simple Active and Passive ones.

  1. я принесла - мне принесли, 2. он присылает - ему присылают, 3. она забыла - её забыли, 4. мы попросим - нас попросят, 5. они помогут - им помогут.

Exercise 2. Choose the right option.

1.The workers (will build/will be built) a new school next year.

2. The tickets (will bring/ will be brought) tomorrow.

3. These cakes (ate/were eaten) yesterday.

4. Last summer I (taught/ was taught) my brother to swim.

5. These gates (ворота) (paint/are painted) every year.

Exercise 3. Open the brackets using the verb in Present/ Past/ Future Simple Passive.

1.The documents (to leave) in the drawer yesterday.

2. A lot of houses (to build) in our town every year.

3. The post (to deliver) every morning.

4.The article (not to publish) in this magazine next week.

5. The dialogue (to listen to) at the next English Lesson.

Exercise 4. Change the following sentences from Active into Passive Voice.

1. The students will discuss my report next week.

2. We will bring the books tomorrow.

3. He told the children interesting stories.

4. They sell meat in this shop.

5. I bought my bicycle last year.

Exercise 5. Find and correct the mistake.

1.The books will be puted on the shelf.

2. The car will sell next week.

3. Our garage is built two years ago.

4. I am often send abroad.

5. When are tea drunk in your family?

Exercise 6. Translate into English.

1. Рим посещается туристами каждый год.

2. Фараонов (Pharaohs) похоронили внутри пирамид.

3. Эта мышь была поймана ночью (at night).

4. Меня пригласят на вечеринку.

5. Кейт поставили хорошую оценку(mark).

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