«Весна — лето 2024»

Урок на тему "Еда"

Урок разработан для тренировки употребления лексики по теме "Еда" для учащихся 5-6 классов. Также обсуждается страноведческий материал - рассмотрены особенности традиций в еде в англо-говорящих странах ( например история появления первого бутерброда).Особое внимание уделено работе с текстами, с устной речью, используются игровые моменты. Рассмотрен грамматический материал - разница в употреблении оборотов (made of/from) рассмотрена на конкретных примерах. В качестве дополнительного приложения можно использовать беседу об особенностях национальной кухни того места где вы проживаете.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

ГОУ СОШ № 47

Кафедра иностранных языков

Методическая разработка в помощь молодым учителям

Дополнительный дидактический материал к урокам по теме «Еда» к учебнику английского языка автор: М.З. Биболетова и др. для учащихся 5-6 классов

Из опыта работы учителя английского языка Шубиной В.А.

Владикавказ, 2018г.

Ход урока

1 .Organization moment

Good morning boys and girls! Are you ready to start our lesson? Let's begin. For the first I'd like you to do a crossword and guess about the topic of our lesson. Slide 2-21

Now, can you guess what is the topic of our lesson today? Yes, you are right. We'll talk about food and our favorite dishes.

2. Phonetic exercise

Now let's practice our phonetic skills, repeat after me. Slide 22

3. Lexical exercises

Let's remember the texts we've read recently. Answer some of my questions please.

  1. Do the British have a sweet tooth?

  2. What kind of sweet things do you know?

  3. What sweet things do you like?

  4. During what special days do the British eat a lot of cakes, biscuits and other sweet things?

  5. What is the most popular dish which English people have for lunch?

  6. Are there many sandwich shops in London?

  7. Are there any people, who doesn't like sandwiches'?

  8. What is your favorite kind оf sandwiсh?

4. Basic activity,

a) Reading

Slide 22-23 Today boys and girls we are going to leam some information about the history of English sandwich. You have texts in front of you. Let's start reading.

Slide 25 "Complete the sentences"

  1. The Earl of Sandwich liked playing

  2. Once he played for

  3. Servants brought him food

  4. He put some meat

  5. He could play without

Slide 26 "Find English equivalents"

  1. Он хорошо умел играть в карты, и был лучшим игроком своего времени.

  2. Официантам пришлось принести ему еду.

  3. Таким образом, он смог продолжить играть.

  4. Сегодня многие люди в Англии едят сэндвичи на ланч.

  5. Вы можете купить даже фруктовый сэндвич.

b) Game 'What is missing"

Slide 27-36 We continue to work with the words about food. Let's play the interesting game for attention. The game is called «What is missing Look at the smart board and try to remember the food. Now close your eyes. Open your eyes. What is missing?

a) lemon b) ice cream c) tea

c) Group task

Slide 37-38. Boys and girls 1 propose you to work in groups of 4 pupils and make up your daily menu. You will be given a list of dishes. And you have to say what you are going to have for breakfast, for lunch, for dinner and for supper:

Milk, sausage, bread, salad, fried chicken, icecream, biscuits, tea, soup, cheese, apples, pizza, porridge, sandwich, coffee, omelette, roast turkey, roast potatoes,

juice, boiled eggs, butter.

d) Speaking

And now, I propose you to be a cook for a while. You need to make up a recipe of your favorite dish and present it to your classmates.

e) Grammar. Выражение to be made of/from smth.

Ребята, сегодня мы с вами должны познакомиться с выражением (is/are made of/from), переводится как «сделано из». Open your copybooks, write down the date, topic and this rule.

made of-

используется, когда исходный продукт остаётся


Example: A sandwich is made of cheese, sausage and bread

made from-

используется, когда исходный продукт полностью видоизменяется.
Example: Juice is made from apples, oranges.

f) Первичное закрепление нового материала.

Slide 40-41. Choose the correct preposition.

  1. Ice cream is made of/from milk, sugar.

  1. A pizza is made of/from sausage, tomatoes, and mushrooms.

  2. Chips are made of/from potatoes.

  1. Omelet is made of/from eggs and milk.

  1. Salad is made of/from tomatoes, cucumbers.

  2. A hamburger is made of/from bread, cheese and sausage.

  3. Yoghurt is made of/from milk, fruit and sugar.

  4. Juice is made of/from apples.

  5. A fruit sandwich is made of/from bread, cottage cheese and fruits.

  1. Cheese is made of/from milk.

  1. Fruit salad is made of/from apples, bananas, oranges and strawberries.

5. Results

Now, children, today we have done a lot of different exercises about the top "Food". We acquaint with the new expression "made of/from". We were active, attentive, and creative and you get the following marks... Your homework is ex 37-39 p .68.

6. The end of the lesson.

Children, before you go out the classroom estimate your work at the lesson. They are the smiles. What is your opinion about your work at the lesson? Thank you for your work! Good bye.


Let's learn some more

Does He like Cookies?

Does he like cookies? Yes, he does.

Does he like cake? Yes, he does.

Does he like ice-cream? Yes, he does.

Does he like salad? No, he doesn't.




Yes! Ice-cream?

Yes! Salad? No!

Does he like cookies? Yes, he does.

Does he like salad? No!

Lett’s learn some more

Hungry boy Chant

What does he want?

What does he want?

Listen carefully.

He wants

One egg,

Two bananas,

Three hot dogs,

Four hamburgers,

Five cookies,

Six sandwiches,

He's hungry boy,

He's a very hungry boy.

He's a hungry boy.

He's a very hungry boy.

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