«Зима 2025»

Урок по теме: " Посещение музеев"

совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, чтения, восприятия речи на слух

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Тема урока «Посещение музеев»

Цель урока:

совершенствование лексических навыков говорения, чтения, восприятия речи на слух.


совершенствовать навыки устной речи, чтения и перевода, восприятия речи на слух, обогатить словарный запас учащихся; способствовать расширению кругозора и развитию памяти.

приобщить учащихся к истории и культуре Великобритании посредством английского языка.

Тип урока - урок обобщения и систематизации предметных ЗУНов

Оборудование: классная доска, экран, компьютер, проектор, учебник, видео-фрагменты, раздаточный материал.

  1. Начало урока.3минуты

Приветствие учителя. Орг. момент.

T- Good morning! I’m glad to see you. How are you today, Ksyusha? What about you, Veronika?

P1 - I’m fine, thank you!

P2 - I’m O’K, thanks!

T- That’s great! Look at the slide and read the statements. “A man’s feet must be planted in the country, but his eyes should survey the world”. “Museums are extraordinary, they are the places that allow us to travel into the past and understand what the world was like long ago. For children museums are also places where they can learn so much without having to be in the classroom”.

T – Do you agree with these statements? (Yes, we do).

How can we explore the culture, the nature and the history of other countries being Belarusian people?

P1 – We can read books about different countries.

P2 – We can watch films about other people and lands.

P3 – We can visit other countries.

P4 – We can go to museums.

T-Right you are. Let’s highlight one of them. How can we learn about museums in different countries? Let’s travel around the world and visit some of the most famous museums. The topic of the lesson is “Visiting museums”.

T - First of all we’ll revise some words for the lesson. Look at the crossword. I’ll read the definitions and you will guess the words.

Of course, during the lesson you’ll have lots of questions. Some of them you can see at the slide. We are going to answer them at the end of our lesson. ( читаем вопросы на слайде)

Why do people go to museums?

What are the most popular museums in the world?

What attracts millions of visitors from all over the world?

What museums are there in Paris?/London?/Mogilev?

So now, can you tell me what we are going to do and learn at the lesson? (выводят цели)

Основная часть.

Let’s imagine we are tourists in one of the countries. We want to spend time with pleasure and learn about the culture of the country. So we go to the tourist point. I’m your agent. What questions will you ask me?

P1 – What places would you recommend us to visit?

T – I’d recommend you to visit museums. What museums would you like to visit?

P 1 – I’d like to visit British Museum.

P2 – I’d like to visit Tretyakov Gallery.

P3 – I’d like to visit Hermitage Museum.

T – O’K. We are short of time and you want to see many places. Let’s see most visited museums of the world. Watch attentively. You’ll do some tasks. I’ll invite one of you to show us these places on the map. (смотрят видео 2 раза и делают задания на слайде). При проверке заданий, один учащийся выходит к доске и показывает места на карте.

The first task is to match museums and places (читаем, 1 показывает).

The second task is to find London Museum in the list. (называют музей Лондона)

Well done. Thank you. We continue our tour to London Museums and learn more information about them. Open your books at p. 187 and have a look at ex. 5a. You are to look through the brochures and find the answers to the questions before the texts as fast as you can. (делают задание). Let’s check yourselves. Veronika, come to the blackboard. You’ll be a teacher to check the task.


We’ve travelled around the world and now it’s time to go back to Mogilev. You were asked to prepare the information about Mogilev Museums. Listen to each other attentively in order to be ready with the brochures. Who wants to start? Sasha, you are welcome. (рассказали)

If you need, you may ask questions to the narrator.

P1 – Have you ever been to this museum? – Yes, I have.

P2 –What is the telephone of the museum? – I have no such information.

Thanks a lot for your work. So now we divide into 2 groups. Take the brochures. You should guess about the title of the museum and fill in the information about it using ex. 5a as the example. You have 5 minutes for the task.

Are you ready? (Yes, we are.) Who will present your brochures? You are welcome. Now I invite you to be museum guides. Sit here, please. The rest of the pupils are the visitors. Ask any questions you are interested in.

P1 – What time is it opened?

P2 – What are the admission fees?

P3 – What do they exhibit?

P4 – What can learn visiting this museum?

(ученики спрашивают – «гиды» отвечают)

Well done! Thank you for your work.

So now our tour is coming to the end and sum up the information.

Рефлексия: три надписи. Look at the stations and choose the most suitable for you. (I’ve learnt enough and ready to go to a museum. I’ve got some new information, but I’m not sure that I’m ready to visit a museum. I’ve heard new information, but I have problems in understanding it).

  1. T-Thanks. I hope you’ll have some wonderful moments in our museums. It’s difficult to decide which museum to visit. Let’s watch the video about 10 most visited museums. Your task is to remember the name of the museums and the places where they are situated. This list will help you.(раздаточный материал-приложение 4) (слайд №4-5)-(5минут)(они смотрят и слушают, я читаю инфу и годах основания музеев)

Просмотр видео фильма.

  1. T-As you have seen, some London museums were mentioned in the film. Слайд 2

  2. Контроль домашнего задания.

T-Dear friends, Nastya has prepared a short report about one of Belarusian museums and some tasks for you to do. So listen carefully.– фото музея.

Монологическое высказывание.1 мин

T-Well done. I hope you would be happy to invite guests to our museum. Create an invitation to the museum Nastya has spoken about. - групповая работа 2мин (приложение 2) на слайде инфа о музее из дз, название, время работы, экспозиции, билеты.

V.Закрепление пройденного материала

T- Let’s sum up all information about museums. Выбрать текст из учебника для чтения. P. 188

Задания (на слайде)

-find the beginning of the sentence …

-find the ending of the sentence …

-give the equivalent of the following phrase in English …

-give the equivalent of the following phase in Russian …

-agree or disagree with the following statements …(true false)

Мини-тест в формате ЦТ (словообразование)-индивидуальные задания (P1, P2) 2 мин (выбрать из текста для чтения предложения с словообразованием) – на слайде (слово+суф=слово)магнитиками прицеплены.

VI.Заключительная часть-2 мин

T- Now it’s high time to answer the questions we have put at the beginning of the lesson and say what you have learnt at today’s lesson. - вопросы на доске из начала урока

Рефлексия(слайд №14)2мин

P1- People go to museums because they want to learn about different cultures.

P2- I have learnt about such famous world museums as Museum du Louvre, British Museum, Metropolitan Museum, Vatican Museum.

P3-Indoor and outdoor displays, ancient items of different cultures attract visitors from all over the world.

P4- in Paris there is Museum du Louvre. There are British Museum, Tate Museum in Britain. In Mogilev we have Maslennikov Museum, Natural History museum.

VIII.Домашнее задание 1 мин

  1. Make an advertising booklet about any museum from ex. p. (учебник ) – 6-8 баллов

  2. Make a report about one of Mogilev museums. – 9-10 баллов


Belgorod state museum of local history is one of the oldest cultural institutions in Belgorod region. It was opened in October 25th, 1924. During first few years there were about eight thousand items in the museum.

The museum-diorama «Kursk battle » was opened in August, 4th, 1987. Since then hundred thousand people have visited the museum. They have learnt about one of the heroic pages of war history of our Fatherland.

The Belgorod State Art Museum was founded in 1983. Now the building of modern style is situated in the center of the city. The museum collections now include over four thousand works of art and cultural relics.

Belgorod Literary Museum is the one of the oldest buildings in the city , an architectural monument of 18th century. It is called — The House ofSelivanov. The exhibition features more than a thousand exhibits. The Exhibition reflects some features of the literary process in Belgorod in 18-20th centuries.

приложение 2


We would like to invite you to …

Our programs are available for ….

Here, we would like to tell you about so many interesting things that …

Visitors will have the opportunity to view carefully …

For more information call …

Museum is located at …

Our guides will help make your visit to our museum entertaining, educational and memorable!


We would like to invite you to …

Our programs are available for ….

Here, we would like to tell you about so many interesting things that …

Visitors will have the opportunity to view carefully …

For more information call …

Museum is located at …

Our guides will help make your visit to our museum entertaining, educational and memorable!

Приложение 3


1. founder

2. paintings.

3. exhibitions

4 extended

5. collection

1.The State Tretyakov Gallery was named after its …


2.In the middle of the 19th century, Tretyakov started to collect Russian…


3.He would visit all … and buy the best pictures of the time.


4.His interests …. to the earlier Russian art.


5.Pavel Tretyakov presented the whole … to the city of Moscow as a donation.


Приложение 4

  • Louvre Museum

  • British Museum

  • Metropolitan Museum of Art

  • Vatican Museums

  • National Folk Museum of Korea

  • Museum of Natural History

  • Hermitage Museum

  • Vatican City

  • London

  • Seoul

  • Vienna

  • New York City

  • Paris

  • St. Petersburg

Слайд name London museums.

  1. British Museum

  2. Metropolitan Museum

  3. Vatican Museum

  4. Museum of Modern Art

  5. Hermitage Museum

  6. Louvre Museum

  7. State Hermitage Museum

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