«Весна — лето 2025»

День Св. Валентина

Посвещено празднованию Дня всех влюбленных. Использовано на внеклассном мероприятии.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

"St. Valentine's Day"

(7 Forms)


Обучающая -- развивать память, внимание, воображение» речевые умения. Учить писать открытки на день Святого Валентина.

Развивающая -- развивать творческие способности учащихся, умения сравнивать, сопоставлять, находить аналогии,

Воспитательная - воспитание вежливости, взаимопомощи, общительности.

Релаксационная - снятие эмоционального напряжения, вызванного интенсивностью обучения иностранному языку.

A boy: I shot an arrow into the air

It fell to earth I knew not where,

For so swiftly in its flew - the sight

Couldn't follow in its flight

Long, long afterward in an oak

I found an arrow still unbroken;

And the song from beginning to end,

I found again in the heart of a friend.

Valentine Card (a girt): Hello, dear boys and girls! Hello, dear guests and teachers! Iт glad to see you all Do you know me? Have you recognized me? Who am I?

Children in the hall: Are you a cat?

Valentine Card: No, I am not

Children: Are you a postman?

Valentine Card: No, I am not

Children: Are you a Valentine Card?

Valentine Card: Yes, right you are! I am a Valentine Card. I am a special greeting for Saint Valentine's Day, which is a festival of love, affection, romance and friendship for all those people who celebrate this holiday in the European countries and in the United States of America.

I am happy to let all the special people in your life know how much you love them. Since I am here, lets begin our party!

But where are my helpers - the symbols of love and friendship, I wonder? Flowers, stars, sweets, birds, come hem, come here!

Valentine Card: Dear friends! I’т happy to see you. Thank you for your song. To begin our party we need our heart to become alive. Our heart must be happy and smiting. I want our heart not to be afraid of love. It must be open to accept love and friendship, So imagine that you are designers and painters. Please, take these small hearts and make our hearts alive/

Valentine Card: No one really knows the actual origin of Saint Valentine's Day. I think it has its roots in several different legends that have found their way through the ages,

(Valentine Card steps aside and sits down on the edge of the stage)

The First Compere: Many historians, however, seem to trace it to an ancient Roman festival called Lupecalia. This celebration was held on February 15th to honour Faunus the god of animal life, hunting, herding,

The Second Compere: I'd like to tell you another legend about this holiday. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marriage. Claudius believed that single young men made better soldiers, and marriage would make men want to stay at home.

A kind priest, Valentine by name, saw the love of young couples, so he married them secretly against the law.

But Valentine was discovered and condemned to death.

The First: Condemned to death?

The Second: Yes, he was condemned to death.

The Third Compere: Another legend says that Saint Valentine was a good friend of children. He was a Christian. He would not worship the Roman gods. That’s why he was put into prison. While he was them the children that he had befriended missed him and brought him loving notes.

Even in prison Valentine showed his love for everyone.

His jailer had a young daughter who was blind. -

The First: Blind?

The Third: Yes, his daughter was blind. And Valentine performed a miracle, He cured the jailer’s daughter of her blindness. Just before his death on February 14, he sent a farewell letter "From your


The Princess and the 3 Gifts


Story-teller: Once upon a time, in a far country, there lived a king whose daughter was the prettiest princess in the world. Her eyes were like water in a deep lake, her hair was softer then silk, and her skin was whiter then snow. Since childhood the princess had been surrounded only by the things of beauty.

One day the king decided to give his daughter's hand in marriage to one of the princes of the four neighboring kingdoms. He sent a message there. The message said: “My daughter will marry the prince who brings the gift she likes the most(A room in the Kings palace. King, Princess and Cousin are sitting at one end of a long table.)

Scene 1

Princess: What do you think of it, dear?

Cousin: If you ask me, I think that a gift is not everything. If you really want to choose a good man, Watch his manners and how he expresses his feelings.

Princess: Oh, you're wise.

(Enter Herald)

Herald: The Prince of spades.

(Enter the Prince of spades with a sword and a massive alarm clock under his arm. He bows, comes up to the table and stands in attention.)

Prince of Spades: Oh, most beautiful princess! I've won many battles and I've come here to fight for you. Let me offer you my heart and sword and also this alarm dock as gift of my love. Whenever you're in danger, only press this button here, and my soldiers will come to help you. (He clicks his heels, salutes and leaves)

Princess: Oh, father, I’m afraid of this man. He spoke of baffles and dangers and fighting!

King: Come, child, there is no danger. The prince is a brave man, the commander of a big army. You'll be very safe with him.

Cousin:(with a shrug) it's funny but you won't use it, I'm afraid, because it is made of plastic and metal.

Princess 1:I see, I see.

Herald :The Prince of diamonds.

(Enter the Prince of diamonds, an elegant man, exquisitely dressed, very businesslike and self-assured, witti a huge golden box in his hands. He comes straight to the far end of the table and nods slightly.)

Prince of Diamonds: How do you do ladies and gentlemen. I've come here to tell you, Sire(to King), that I agree to marry that charming daughter of yours.(To Princess) Here is the gift you asked fcr.(Puts ttie box in front of her) If s for keeping things in. Very useful. Pure gold. Made in my kingdom. High quality. No doubt, you'll like it. As for tie details, we'll discuss financial questions with your fattier, See you soon. (Bows to King, blows a kiss to Princess and leaves).

Cousin: That's fantastic!

Princess: Yes, it's a wonderful box!

Cousin: No, I mean his manners. Of course, you cannot expect much here. He is too rich.

King: Right The richest in the world. With him you’ll have anything you like.

Princess: Do you really think so, father?

King: Yes, my dear.

Herald :The Prince of hearts.

(Enter the Prince of Hearts, a man poorly dressed, a guitar on his back and a bunch of field flowers in his hand. He puts the flowers on the table, bows low and falls on one knee).

Prince of Hearts: Oh, heavenly lady, the princess of my dreams!

The skies so blue may soon turn grey, And rose in bloom decays next day. But love of mine will never fade For you will shine my prettiest maid.

Princess: What lovely flowers? I’ve never seen anything tike them here in the palace.

King: Of course not, because they grow only in the fields. Poor toy! Once his father was rich and there were gold mines in his lands. Now there is nothing left there except flowers. Such a pity. No more precious stones, no gold.

Cousin: But he's got a heart of gold!

Princess (pensively): And what shall I do with his gift? Gold lasts forever.

Cousin: His love does. And his gift shows the depth of his feelings. Just take it as a sign of his love.

Princess: do you think if s enough?

King: (getting to his feet to Herald): Herald, tell the princes to wait for my daughter's decision. (Herald leaves).

Princess (to her cousin): First, I'd like to here what you think.

Cousin: 1 think the Prince of hearts is the best choice. He is so gentle and handsome and his manners are noble. Life in his beautiful kingdom could be very romantic. If I were you...

Princess (interrupting her): Fortunately, you are not. If you want always to diet, I’ll try to persuade the Prince of Hearts to many you.

King: Oh, dear...

Princess: As for me, I'm not so silly to live in poverty, without all the beautiful things t am used to. IVe chosen this. (She stands up and takes the golden box from the table.) It is a very large and expensive box, and when I'm married, ГН get many gifts-rings, bracelets, precious stones-to fill it to the top. So it is the most useful present and I like it the best


Story-teller: If you think that was a happy end, you make a mistake. The king's daughter married the Prince of Diamonds but her husband turned out to be a gambler. By and by he lost all his money, his kingdom was ruined and they ended their days in poverty. The cousin married the Prince of Hearts and went to live with him. And it so happened that soon much gold was found in the mines in his kingdom. The Prince of Hearts built a comfortable palace where they lived happily ever after. And here ends the story of the princess and four gifts.

Do you like the (May? I'm sure you do. The Princess made a mistake and became unhappy. She didn't make the right choice and ended her days in poverty.

Teacher: (has a box with some special things: a fan, a piece of lace, a red mitten, coins, a ring, a ribbon, etc.)

Them are many symbols on Valentine Cards. And each has its special meaning. A fan shows that you open your heart to a person you love. A ribbon shows that you want to be tied to another special person. A ring is a symbol of love and binding to another person. When a man gives a ring to a woman they are engaged. Lace shows that you want a special person to be caught in the net of your heart. A red mitten is a sign that you don't like someone. So when a person gives you a red mitten he says "I don't like you". A coin shows you will marry a wealthy person. So if someone gives you a coin he/she is wishing you to be wealthy. Now lefs repeat some expressions.

There're many symbols of Valentine's Day. Listen to the stories about some of them.

Heart .Emotions are feelings such as love, happiness, anger, or fear. A long time ago people believed that all the emotions were found in the heart. In later years they thought only the emotion of love was connected with the heart. The heart is still a symbol of love and because of this; it is also a symbol of Valentine's Day.

Red Rose. The nose was the favorite flower of Venus, the Roman goddess of love. Red is a color that stands for strong feelings. That is why the red rose is a flower of love.

Ribbons. Ribbons go back to the days when ladies gave ribbons to their favorite knights when they went to war.

Lace. Lace comes from a Latin word; it means "to catch". Lace was supposed to catch the heart of a loved one. Lace is a pretty fabric made by weaving together fine threads. Hundreds of years ago women carried lace handkerchiefs. A man nearby might pick it up and return it to her. Sometimes a woman might see a man she wanted to meet She might drop her lace handkerchief on purpose to encourage romance. Soon people thought of romance when they thought of lace. They began using paper lace to decorate chocolate boxes and Valentine cards.

Gloves. Years ago when a man proposed marriage to a woman he asked "for her hand". The hand became the symbol of marriage and love. Soon gloves also became a symbol of love.

Rings. In some countries men and women exchange rings when they became engaged or marry. Two or three hundred years ago Valentine's Day was a popular day for giving an engagement ring. The ring usually had stone or jewel set in it Diamonds are common in today engagement rings.

Love knot. A love knot is a series of winding and interlacing loops with no beginning and no end. It is a symbol of endless love. People made love knots from ribbon or drew them on paper. Often, a message was written on the love knot The message had no beginning or end. It could be repeated endlessly.

Love birds and Doves. Lovebirds are colorful parrots found in Africa. Most have red bills.

They are called love birds because they sit closely together in pairs. Doves were thought to be favorite birds of Venus. They remain with Ше same mates all their lives. The males and females both care for their babies. As these birds are symbols of loyalty and love ttiey are also symbols of Valentine's Day.

Cupid. Son of Venus, goddess of love. He could cause people to fall in love by piercing them with one of his magic arrows.

(Рассказ о символах дня Св. Валентина сопровождается их показом)

Well. Now I'd like to tell you some words about Valentine Facts and Superstitions.

Сотни лет назад в Англии дети одевались, как взрослые в день Св. Валентина. Они ходили, распевая песни от дома к дому. Одна из таких песенок звучала так:

Good morning to you Valentine, Curl your locks as I do mine-Two before and three behind Good morning to you Valentine.

В Уэльсе вырезались деревянные ложки любви и дарились 14 февраля. Сердца, ключи и замочные скважины были любимыми украшениями на ложках. Многие дарят своим друзьям и возлюбленным сладости. В Северной Америке и Европе шоколадные конфеты продаются в красивых коробках в форме сердца. Некоторые коробки украшены цветами и лентами.

В некоторых странах молодая женщина может получить в подарок отрез ткани от молодого человека. Если она сохранит его, это будет значить* что она выйдет за него замуж.

Некоторые люди верили, что если женщина видела в День Св.Валентина малиновку это означало, что она выйдет замуж за моряка. Если видела воробья, выйдет замуж за бедняка, но будет очень счастлива. А если щегла, то выйдет замуж за миллионера.

А гадать на своих возлюбленных можно целый год. Вы уже знаете, что часто для гадания использовались яблоки, Если вы возьмете черенок от яблока и подбросите его, то в момент падения можно называть имена юношей или девушек. Вы выйдете замуж или женитесь на том, чье имя вы произнесли, когда черенок упал. А разрезав яблоко пополам и сосчитав количество семечек внутри, вы можете узнать сколько у вас будет детей.

Об атом может сказать и одуванчик. Когда вы подуете на него, то количество оставшихся семечек укажет на количество детей, которых вы будете иметь.

В День Св. Валентина молодые люди создавали много шума, догоняя друг друга с веревкой в руках. Боли от ударов они не получали, но зато получали огромное удовольствие.

За кого девушка выйдет замуж могут сказать и пуговицы. Если мы их сосчитаем, приговаривая: Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief, doctor, lawyer, merchant, chief.

Ну и конечно, несколько слов о Valentine's box. Этой традиции более 2 тысяч лет. Вытаскивая валентинки из коробки; мы похожи на древних римлян, вытаскивающих имена возлюбленных из сосудов. Как прекрасно думать, как много людей сказали: "Будь моим Валентином".



б) Teacher: - Please, say to each other something good and pleasant

Look at the third card, choose one of these sentences and finish them using our words.

Begin with-"Dear (name)!

I'm happy that you are my friend because

My favorite thing about you is

I always wanted to tell you that ....

Today we are having a special Valentine party. There is no party without games and contests. Let me introduce the participants of our show to you. And this is our honorable jury! Applause, please!

Well, let’s start our contest

Contest 4

Now you are having cards with parts of the sentences. Your task is to connect the right halves. The team who is the first to complete the sentences gets the points.

A part of your body is .. . a heart.

A heart-shaped card is.... .a valentine

A man who cared for people is.... .St. Valentine.

A boy who shoots Arrows is ..........Cupid.

A kind of flower is arose.

A bunch of flowers is a bouquet

A friendly look is a smile.

Used wit) a bow an arrow.

A kind of candy is. .....chocolates.


We are beginning our grammar competition! You'll get a card written on Valentine's Day. Your task is to read the card carefully and find any mistakes there. The first team gets the points.

Deer, Mary,

I hope that Falentine's Dai will bring you lots ov fun! I thinks you're extra-specially nice. And so does everyone!

Best wesh, John.

(While they are correcting mistakes other children get together hearts cut into pieces)

Contest 6

And now we'll see how good you are at Literature and Art. You should match the famous couples.

Adam Juliet

Rat Buttler Lyudmila

Ruslan Anthony

Romeo Isolda

Carmen Scarlet O'Hara

Tristan Joko

Cleopatra Josephine

Napoleon Eve

John Lennon Don Hose

Contest 7

A Heart Game. (Три разрезанных сердца, на одной части написан вопрсю, на другой ответ.) Connect the answers to the questions correctly.

1 Who is the goddess of love? Aphrodite

  1. Who did Cleopatra love? Mark Anthony

  2. Who fall in love with Juliet? Romeo

Contest 8

Count the hearts painted in ihe picture. Who is quicker? Our contest has come to an end. I ask our honorable jury to sum everything up and say whose team is the winner. Our congratulations! All participants may take their seats. Now let's enjoy ourselves playing some games. To start with guess the puzzle. (На плакате написано стихотворение) Tell the name of the girl.

May you answer, "Yes", my heart

And no longer keep us apart

Remember I love you, dear Valentine

You must be mine as I am thine.

game "Who stole my heart?" A child sits with her back to the class. Her hands are holding a paper heart. Another child is chosen to walk up as quickly as he can take the heart. He returns to his seat and puts the heart out of sight The child in front turns around and says: "Who stole my heart? Was it you...?She has 3 guesses, if she guesses correctly, she stays in front and plays again. If she does not guess correctly, the person who stole the heart gets to go in front

Сейчас для вас настал еще один приятный сюрприз. Сейчас из Valentine's Box вы вытащите бумажки с предсказаниями, что вас ожидает в ближайшем будущем. (На бумажках написаны предсказания, типа "Ты встретишь свою будущую любовь в автобусе на следующей неделе”, “Имя человека, которого ты полюбишь, будет состоять из 6 букв” и т. д.

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