«Весна — лето 2024»

Essay "What's it like to be a modern teacher?"

The role of teachers in modern schools.Time moves on, people change, their points of view, world outlook change as well. And the way we teach, what we teach is directly depends on it. That is why the aim of my essay is to show my vision of what it is like to be a teacher for me?

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

What’s it like to be a modern teacher?”

A teacher doesn’t reveal knowledge;

he is a medium of knowledge so that

each pupil discovers it on his own.

A good teacher is only catalysis.”

Bruce Lee

I have been working as a teacher for several years. Of course, I have already got some experience but not so much as other top masters. Time moves on, people change, their points of view, world outlook change as well. And the way we teach, what we teach is directly depends on it. That is why the aim of my essay is to show my vision of what it is like to be a teacher for me?

Being a teacher probably isn't that hard, right? You may be off by mid-afternoon, summers are totally free ... piece of cake! Just kidding. I've tried it and can definitely say that being a teacher seems to be very challenging. As it was mentioned in the saying above, we’re mediums, pilots-the right hands of our children, our future captains who will navigate not only their own life ship but our country, our lives in fact. I think you’ll agree that it is a titanic work. Sometimes we even cry, feel overworked, underappreciated, exhausted. But it’s only a grain of sand creating the image of what teaching is.

Working at school, I’ve found out some things to look forward to and things to avoid.

First of all, you should research every student. It takes research to figure out what prior knowledge you’re building on. Don’t just focus on what they’ve learned in school, but think about what they’ve learned outside of school. What programs do they watch on TV? What do they read for fun? What kind of music do they listen to? You can ask your students this information and more in simple survey or game. Knowing them and who they are in the context of the world today will help you connect.

Revealing and taking into account students’ interests, their talents, skills, we have to develop them creating something new, applying innovations so that every student was involved and interested in the lesson.

Most of my students are really into playing on the stage. It’s a brilliant opportunity to show all their possibilities. Do you like dancing, singing, playing any musical instrument? Great. Do you fancy giving it a try as a producer? You are welcome.

Secondly, you have to be prepared for anything to happen during school. Teaching is an unexpected journey that provides a great story at the end of the day. It’s better to laugh at life’s unexpectedness than to stress.

Also a crucial part being a teacher is working with parents. It is hard, but it’s not impossible. If you can explain- with actions and words- that you are sincere in the education of their child and exhausting all avenues to help them, they’ll come around.

The next point and not the least important one is earning pupils’ respect. More older they are, more difficult it is. I remember graduating right the institute and substituting in a high school. I tried to look strict so my students would take me seriously and respect me. Well, it doesn’t play much. It’s about being consistent, fair, and dependable as a teacher. Once you’ve earned their respect, all the hard work you’ve put into being someone they can respect is totally worth it.

Some students begin trust you as a friend sharing their personal problems, asking your advice. Their grateful words and desire to help when you need it are priceless- the best kind of evaluation of your work.

I’d like to notice one more fascinating fact that each student has a unique personality and talent. Teachers have such an interesting perspective to interact with students and watch them interact with each other as they mature. From the beginning of the year to the last day of school, it’s fascinating to watch how students grow. Each year and each new group of students is a journey different from the previous year.

Summing up all these facts, I can say that choosing this profession in the 21st century you become a good and real:

Tolerant communicator

Enthusiastic innovator

Active user of technology

Creative person

Honest evaluator

Educated planned organizer

Reactive agent of progressive social change.

The personal qualities of successful teachers vary, but they all need to be of good character, ready to apply themselves in an enthusiastic and dedicated fashion and ready to work hard.

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