«Зима 2025»

Конспект урока "Экскурсия по Лондону"

Матеріал для розігрування мовних ситуацій, анкетування, вправи на порівняння етикету у Британії та Україні. Цей матеріал допомагає оптимізувати методи організації навчально- пізнавальної діяльності учнів, є можливість використання його вчителями для розвитку в учнів навичок усного й письмового самостійного висловлювання, аналізу подій, виховання та розвитку творчої особистості та почуття відповідальності перед майбутніми поколіннями.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

English party “Why Do We Study English?”

for 7-8 form pupils

Чумакова AB.

ЗОШ № 53, м. Маріуполь Донецька обл..

Leader. We begin our evening party ”Why do we study English?”

First of all the pupils of the 8-th form will make a short report "Foreign Languages in Our Life”.

Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages.

Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign authors in the original.

We study English. Nowadays English has be-come the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue.

Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens.

To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

The great German poet Goethe once said, "He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own-one". That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.

Leader. The pupils of the 7 form will recite "My Heart's in the Highlands".

This poem was written by the national Scottish poet Robert Bums.

My heart’s in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart’s in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;

A chasing the wild deer, and following the roe –

My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North,

The birthplace of valour, the country of Warth,

Wherever I wander, wherever I rove,

The hills of the Highlands forever I love.

Farewell to the mountains high covered with snow;

Farewell to the straths and green valleys below;

Farewell to the forests and wild-hanging woods;

Farewell to the torrents and loud pouring floods,

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here,

My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;

A-chasing the wild deer, and following the roe-

My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

В горах мое сердце

В горах мое сердце... Доныне я там.

По следу оленя лечу по скалам.

Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу,

В горах мое сердце, а сам я внизу.

Прощай, моя Родина! Север, прощай,

Отечество славы и доблести край.

По белому свету судьбою гоним,

Навеки останусь я сыном твоим.

Прощайте, вершины под кровлей снегов,

Прощайте, долины и скаты лугов,

Прощайте, поникшие в бездну леса,

Прощайте, потоков лесных голоса.

Leader. The pupils of the same form will tell you a funny story "Will He Ever Come?" T. Why isn't your friend Harold at school today, Willie?

Willie: Sir, we were playing at "Who could lean out of the window farthest" and he won.

Leader. The pupils of the 7 form will play the piano "The Day Off " Music by Lesser.

Leader. And now listen to a funny story. The pupils of the 7 form will tell you the story.

He Must Go

Two men take their seats in a bus. They do not know each other but they begin to talk.

"Are you going to Milberry's’lecture today?" — Asks the first.

"Don't go. Milberry is a bad speaker.I must go, I'm Milberry".

Leader. The pupils of the 8 form will sing ‘Oh, Susanna’. Words and music by Stephen Foster.

Leader. Amateur singers and dancers of the 8 form will perform "Everybody” from "Back street Boys"

Leader. Rudyard Kipling is a famous English writer. The pupils of the 7 form will recite his poem "Six Serving Men"

I have six honest serving men-

They taught me all I knew.

Their names are What and Why and When,

And How and Where and Who.

I send them over land and see,

I send them East and Vvfest;

But after they have worked for me,

I give them all a rest.

I let them rest from nine till five

For I am busy then.

As well as breakfast, lunch and tea,

For they are hungry men.

But different folk have different views

I know a person small,

She keeps ten million serving men,

Who get no rest at ail!

She sends them on her own affairs,

From the second she opens her eyes –

One million Hows, two million Wheres,

And seven million Whys!

Leader. A funny story "The Best Time” will be told to us by the pupils of the 7 form.

A teacher was telling to his pupils about the different seasons of the year. He asked, "Children, who knows what is the best time to gather fruit?” Little Jim answered, "When there is no dog in the garden".

Leader. The pupils of the 7-th forms will per-form the fairytale "The Wblf and Seven Kiddies".

Leader. And now the pupils of the 7 form will tell you "Who is Speaking?" One morning Jim decided not to go to school. So he spoke to his teacher over the telephone.

"Good morning!" He said. I want to tell you that Jim can't come to school today. He is ill. "Who is speaking?'

"This is my father speaking", — Jim said.

Leader. And now listen to the poem "Those Evening Bells" by the English poet Thomas Moore. I think you remember the song «Вечерний звон». But you will hear not only the poem but also the rhymed translation made into Russian by the pupil of our school Maria Kober-Pan'kovska.

Those evening bells

Those evening bells!

Those evening bells!

How many a tale their music tells,

Of youth, and home, and that sweet time,

When last I heard their soothing chime

Those joyous hours are past away,

And many a heart that then was gay

Within the tomb now darkly dwells

And hears no more those evening bells.

And so it will be when I'm gone,

That tuneful peal will still ring on

While other bards shall walk these dells,

And sing you praise, sweet evening bells!

Thomas Moore

Вечерний звон

Вечерний звон!

Вечерний звон!

Старинных былей полон он.

В прошедшей молодости час Уносит с музыкою нас.

С биеньем радостных сердец Ушли далекие года,

И только колокольный звон Тревожит души иногда.

И пусть, когда уйду я к ним,

Иных поэтов череда Слагает Вам хвалебный гимн

Тех давних дней колокола!

Leader. Now let’s play a literary quiz.

  1. What is the pen name of Samuel Clemens? {Mark Twain)

  2. Name the works by Mark Twain. ("The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" "The

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn " "The Prince and the Panper").

  1. What was the name of Tom's aunt? {Aunt Polly)

  2. Who was born on the twenty third of A 1564 and died on his birthday in 16 (W.


  1. What's W. Shakespeare's native town (Stratford-on -A von)

  2. What school did W Shakespeare study at? (At a grammar school)

  3. Name the works of W Shakespeare. ("King Lear”, "Romeo and Juliet", "Hamlet", "Othello").

  4. For what theatre did Shakespeare write his plays? (For "The Globe”theatre)

  5. Who played women's parts in "The Globe" theatre? (Young men).

  6. Who said: "To be or not to be, — that is the question?" (Hamlet from Shakespeare's play "Hamlet")

  7. Who said: "World's stage with play people on it?" (They were written on a big globe of The Globe "theatre).

Leader. So, you've heard a lot of poems and jokes in English; you've watched some dances and enjoyed music and songs. And we hope you've understood the importance of knowing English well nowadays.

Блок уроків з теми «Країна, мову якої ми вивчаємо» (8-9 класи)

У досвіді представлено серію уроків за темою «Країна, мову якої ми вивчаємо» розроблену для учнів 8-9 класів. Комплекс являє собою поурочне планування з розробками завдань, текстів для аудіювання, вправи на розвиток монологічних висловлювань (розвиток умінь аналізувати, зіставляти й узагальнювати інформацію), матеріали для розігрування мовних ситуацій, анкетування, вправи на порівняння етикету у Британії та Україні. Цей матеріал допомагає оптимізувати методи організації навчально- пізнавальної діяльності учнів.

Цінним у досвіді є можливість використання його вчителями для розвитку в учнів навичок усного й письмового самостійного висловлювання, аналізу подій, виховання та розвитку творчої особистості та почуття відповідальності перед майбутніми поколіннями.


  1. Накопичення лексичних одиниць за темою.

  2. Розвиток уміння вживати активну лексику в діалогічному та монологічному мовленні.

  3. розвиток навичок вести бесіду (надання поради прохання про пораду, прийняття поради).

  4. Розвиток навичок читання з метою отримання загальної або детальної інформації.

  5. Розвиток навичок висловлювати своє ставлення до подій.

  6. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

  7. Практикувати учнів у зв’язаних непідготовлених висловлюваннях за темою.

  8. Вчити свідомого логічного оформлення висловлювань.

  9. Сприяти розвитку пізнавальних інтересів учнів, розширенню їх світогляду.

  10. Розширювати кругозір учнів, знайомити з реаліями життя.

Урок за темою «Лондон - столиця Великої Британії». 9 клас

Чумакова А. В., ЗОШ № 53, м. Маріуполь, Донецька область


-ввести та активізувати у мові учнів ЛО з теми «Лондон - столиця Великої Британії»;

-практикувати учнів у читанні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення та максимально повного й точного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься у тексті;

  • підготувати учнів до самостійного висловлювання про Лондон на основі прочитаного тексту;

  • практикувати учнів в аудіюванні тексту з метою отримання загального уявлення й максимально повного розуміння всієї інформації, що міститься в ньому ;

-зацікавити учнів у вивченні матеріалу про англомовні держави.

Обладнання: підручник, карта Лондона, фотографії з видами Лондона, картки із завданням для читання та аудіювання.

Тип уроку: урок застосування знань

Форма уроку: урок-мандрівка

Хід уроку

  1. Організаційний момент


Повідомлення теми та цілей уроку

Т. We have got an unusual lesson today — London sightseeing tour. We are going to talk about London, the capital of Great Britain. By the end of the lesson you should be able:

  • To recognize, understand new words and word combinations in the text when speaking out;

  • To indentify main ideas and details from the text for reading;

  • To participate in common conversational exchanges about the topic of today’s lesson.

  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

Робота з висловлюванням про Лондон.

Question: “I hope to see London before I die”. (William Shakespeare, “Henry I”)

T. Listen to the question. Read and translate. Do you agree with this question about London?

  1. Основна частина уроку



Let’s come back to your home task.

Робота з тематичною лексикою. Повторення раніше вивчених ЛO з теми Great Britain” (парна робота, взаємна перевірка).

Т. You have learned some words which will help you to speak, to read, to understand the topic “London”. Listen to the words and translate them to English (T-P)

  • Сполучене Королівство Великої Британії та Північної Ірландії

  • Ірландське море

  • Ла-Манш

  • Абатство, монастир

  • Район, округ

  • Вплив

  • Лондонський Тауер

  • Багатий на

  • Гористий

  • Державний діяч

T. “You are great in learning words. Look at the blackboard. Here are some word with mistakes - find and correct them”

Abey (Abbey)

Wals (Wales)

distrikt (district)

The Towe (the Tower)

administative (administrative)

T. “You are great. Thank you very much. Let’s begin our conversation. Answer my questions to revise the topic “UK”. (T-P1-P2-P3)

1. Where do the British Isles lie?

2. What isles from a group of the British Isles?

3. What parts does Great Britain consist of?

4. What countries make the UK?

5. What is the longest river of Great Britain?

T. Thank you very much to your answers.

Вступна бесіда про Лондон


Т. Tell me:

  1. What is the capital of Great Britain?

  2. What river does London stand on?


T. Thank you. Let's read to get new information about London.

Open your books at page 33. Read and translate the text yourselves (about 5 minutes).

And now translate some sentences from Ukrainian into English (робота у малих групах):

  1. Лондон розташований на річці Темзі.

  2. Лондон - це великий індустріальний і культурной центр.

  3. Сіті - діловий центр Лондона.

  4. Вестмінстер - адміністративний центр Лондона.

  5. Напроти Будинку парламенту — Вестмінстерське абатство.

  6. Могили багатьох великих державних діячів, учених і письменникав знаходяться в абатстві.

  7. У Вест-Енді широкі вулиці з гарними будинками, багато парків, садів і скверів.

  8. На схід від Вестмінстера простягається Вест-Енд.

  9. Лондон - це місто контрастів.

Oral practice

T. Well, we have read the text about London in your textbooks, you have translated some sentences and now pay attention to the text "A visit to London" and to the map of the centre of London. Read this text, look at the map, learn them and in 5 minutes tell me:

How do you spend your time to the best advantage for your sightseeing?

(Запитати чотиръох-п'ятьохучнів)

T. Thank you for stories about centre of London.

The life in town is impossible without transport.

Let's speak about it

  • What kinds of London's transport do you know? (T — P)

  • What do you knov about the traffic in London? (T — P)

T. Well, and now we'll make an excursion about London.

(The PowerPoint Presentation)

Home work and marks

You should write a short composition (about 15 — 17 sentences) about London.

You will know your marks next lesson when I’ll check your listening and reading tests.

Reading (самостійна робота)

Read the text "Queen and Parliament" and do some tasks (about 4-5 minutes)

The Queen and the Parliament

It is rather difficult to understand the British way of ruling the country. In Britain the Queen is the Head of State, but in fact she doesn't rule the country as she has no power. The Queen is a symbol of the country history and its tradition. She is very петь. She travels about the HK, meets different people and visits schools, hospitals and other special places. So do all the members of the Royal family: tile Queen's husband, her son Prince Charles, the Queen's daughter Princess Anna and Princess Margaret.

The real power in the country belongs to the British Parliament and to the British Government. The British Parliament has two "houses": the House of Lords and the House of Commons. The House of Lords doesn't have much power but it is very important as it can offer and change laws, it can delay laws too. The House of Commons makes laws about the policy of the country, taxes and many other things.

The members of the House of Lords are not eiected. These members are permanent. They are often aristocrats, people of the church, lawyers and former politicians.

The members of the House of Commons are elected. The British people elect 650 members ot the House of Commons every 5 years.

  • The House of Lords — палата лордів

  • The House of Commons — палата общин

  • Taxes — податки


1 In Britain the Queen is:

  1. the Head of the City

  2. the Head of State

  3. the Head of the USA

  1. She is:

  1. very rich

  2. very kind

  3. very tall

  1. The real power in the country belongs:

  1. to the Queen

  2. to the all Royal Family

c) to the British Parliament

  1. The Queen is a symbol:

  1. of the country

  2. of the every town

  3. of the every country


T. Listen to the text and then circle the numbers you’ll hear:

London is one of the largest cities in the world. About 7 million people live there. London is more than two thousand years old. People come from countries all over the world to visit London. They go to theatres and museums; they look at interesting old buildings, many of them are hundreds of years old; they sit or walk in the beautiful parks. London's most famous sights are: Tower Bridge, Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square and St. Paul’s Cathedral.

Trafalgar Square is the main square of the center of London, where a number of famous building and monuments including the National Gallery and Nelson’s Column are situated. The square is popular with visitors, who come to relax by the fountains there or to feed the birds. Also you can see the National Gallery. It has got a fine collection of European paintings.

Piccadilly Circus is the meeting point of six streets.

Hyde Park has got a lake in the middle called the Serpentine, and you can take a boat on the water. It is a good place to get away from the crowds and the noise of the city.

Buckingham Palace is the London home of the Queen and her family.

St. James's Park is one of the royal parks. Also you can see the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. The Houses of Parliament is the seat of British government. It stands on the left bank of river Thames. There is only one building there, but it is called the Houses because it is divided into two Chambers — the Houses of Commons and the Houses of Lords.

Big Ben is the name of the huge clock on the Clock Tower of the Houses of Parliament.

Westminster Abbey is royal church. Here you can see the tombs of many British kings and queens and famous people.

You can see Tower Bridge over the river Thames. From here you can see the Tower of London. It was a fortress, a royal palace and later a prison. It is a museum now.

There are a lot of interesting collections in the Tower of London, St. Paul’s Cathedral is very beautiful building, I hope you have enjoyed sights of London.

T. Circle what you have already heard:

  1. London Zoo

  2. Trafalgar Square

  3. The Houses of Parliament

  4. The British Museum

  5. St. James' Park

  6. The Tower of London

  7. Buckingham Palace

  8. Piccadilly Circus

  9. The Tate Gallery

  10. The Thames

  11. Big Ben

  12. Westminster Abbey

  13. The National Gallery

  14. The Science Museum

  15. St. Paul’s Cathedral

  16. Hyde Park

  17. Tower Bridge

Key: We have already heard – 2,3,4,5.6, 7, 8,10.11,12,13,15,16,17

We have not heard yet – 1, 9, 14.

4. Підбиття підсумків

T. Did you like our London sightseeing tour?

Was it interesting for you to know more about London?

Урок за темою «Свята та традиції. День Святого Валентина»

Чумакова А. В., ЗОШ 53, м. Маріуполь, Донецька область


-розвивати вміння самостійно працювати з текстом; розвивати навички аудіювання;

-формувати вміння послідовно висловлювати свою думку; розширювати знання про свята та традиції інших країн.


Т е а с h е г. So, the topic of our today’s lesson is "Holidays and traditions”.

  1. Work with pictures

The teacher prepares a set of pictures which illustrate holidays in the UK, USA and Ukraine. Pupils look at the pictures and answer the question: What unites all these pictures?

  1. Checking the homework. Group work

Your homework was to make a summary of the text. Look at the sentences and put them in the necessary order.

  1. Fay woke up.

  2. Bob picked Fay up in his car.

  3. They climbed into the basket of the balloon.

  4. The balloon shook violently from side to side.

  5. Fat hit her head.

  6. Bob radioed for help.

  7. The balloon landed in a tree.

  8. A fire engine appeared.

  9. Firefighters helped Bob and Fay to the ground.

Workbook p. 20 ex. 14, 15.

  1. Today we have some guests. Tell me please who are they. What holiday associates with them.

Today we shall talk about St. Valentines Day. These angels will tell you about the traditions in three countries. Your task is to fill in the table;




A n g e l 1. To America St. Valentine's Day came in the 18th century. At the same time appeared a tradition to give their beloved marzipans. With the time they began to make sweets in the shape of hearts.

A n g e l 2. In ancient times Englishmen gave special spoons to the people they loved. They decorated them with hearts. Nowadays Englishmen give presents even to their pets.

A n g e l 3. To Ukraine this holiday came just several years ago. But not all people celebrate it, some don’t 1 ike to follow English traditions.

  1. New words

  • Repeat the words

  • Make examples

  • Game ”1 spy something...*’

    • Match words with definitions

Root — the part of a plant which grows in the ground Demand — to ask for in a firm tone, to claim

Priest — a man who serves in a church

Jail — a prison

Greeting card — a small piece of colorful paper, used to congratulate someone Cupid — a young boy with bow and arrow

  1. Song “If you’re happy...”

  2. What do you know about the history of St. Valentine's Day?


  1. The history of St. Valentine's Day has legends.

  1. 3

  2. 5

  3. several

  1. The symbol of this holiday is

  1. Angel

  2. Cupid

  3. Heart

3) Valentine was a

  1. Priest

  2. Teacher

  3. Writer

  1. Read the text and check your answers.

St. Valentine s Day

St. Valentine’s Day has roots in several legends. One of the earliest popular symbols of this day is Cupid, the Roman God of love. Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods. Valentine, a Christian priest, was thrown in prison for his teachings. On February, 14, Valentine maз beheaded. The night before he wrote a letter to a young woman, signing it, "From Your Valentine”. Another legend tells us that the same Valentine, well-loved by all wrote notes from his jail to children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an Italian priest who lived at about the same time. He secretly married couples. Nowadays St. Valentine's Day is a day for sweethearts. This is a day when you show your friend or loved on your care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flowers of love. Most people send valentines, greeting cards named after Valentine who wrote from jail. Valentines can be romantic, funny or friendly.

  1. Read the text again and finish the sentences:

  1. Cupid is .

  2. Three hundred years after the death Jesus Christ people believed in .

  3. Valentine signed the letter .

  4. Another legend tells that the same Valentine .

  1. Listen to me and check the mistakes.

Clay your hands if you hair a mistake.

There are several legends about St. Valentine’s Day. One of the earliest symbols is an Angel. Three hundred years after the death of Jesus Christ, the Roman emperors still demanded that everyone believe in the Roman gods.

Valentine, a Christian priest, was thrown in prison for stealing. On February, 14, Valentine was be-headed. The night before he wrote a letter to his friend, signing it, "From Your Valentine''. Another legend tells us that the same Valentine, well-loved by all, wrote notes from his jail to children and friends who missed him. Another Valentine was an English priest who lived at about the same time. He secretly married couples. Nowadays St. Valentine's Day is a

day for sweethearts. This is a day when you show your friend or loved on your care. You can send candy to someone you think is special. Or you can send roses, the flowers of love.

Most people send valentines, greeting cards named after Valentine who wrote from jail. Valentines can be romantic, funny or friendly.

  1. Retelling, using the key words:

St. Valentine’s Day legend Cupid demand priest February, 14 jail marry roses Greeting card.

  1. We can’t imagine St. Valentine's Day without love songs. Listen to the song and say who she sings to?

It's Oh So Quiet

Shhhh, Shhhh

It's, oh,so quiet shh,shh

It’s, oh, so still shh,shh

You’re all alone shh, shh

And so peaceful until..

You fall in love

Zing boom

The sky up above

Zing boom Is caving in

Waw bam

You've never been so nuts about a guy

You wanna laugh you wanna cry

You cross your heart and hope to die

Til it’s over and then

Shhh, Shhh

It’s nice and quiet

Shhh, Shhh

But soon again


Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse, zing boom

The devil cuts loose, zing boom So what’s the use, wow bam

Of falling in love

  1. Listen again and fill in the gaps:

quiet / above / cry / still / until / love Shhhh, Shhhh

It s, oh, so shh,shh

It’s, oh, so shh shh

You're all alone shh, shh

And so peaceful

You fall in love Zing boom

The sky up

Zing boom Is caving in Wo w bam

You've never been во nuts about a guy

You wanna laugh you wanna

You cross your heart and hope to die

‘Til it's over and then

Shhh, Shhh

It’s nice and quiet

Skhh, Shhh

But soon again

Shhh, Shhh

Starts another big riot

You blow a fuse, zing boom

The devil cuts loose, zing boom

So what's the use, wow bam

Of falling in

  1. Of course today we shall prepare Valentines to our friends or even sweethearts. Finish the poems using the words from the blackboard.

  2. Today we have read about St, Valentine’s Day, have worked with the song, have talked about holidays, have made Valentine card.

  3. Homework

What are little girls made of?

Sugar and spice.

And all things nice,

That’s what little girls are made of.

What are little boys made of?

Snakes and snails.

And poppy dogs' tails,

That's what little boys are made of

Write similar poems using these words:

Games, mystery, peace, hobbies, songs, right, computers, school, hamburgers, ice cream, wonder, smiles, sports',hands, comics, question, anger.

Girls today are made of...

Boys today are made of...

Урок англійської мови у 8 класі з теми «Великобританія. Географічне положення»

Чумакова А.В., ЗОШ №53, м. Маріуполь, Донецька обл.

Цілі уроку: розвивати мовленнєві навички учнів, використовуючи активну лексику з теми; формувати навички монологічного мовлення; розвивати в учнів інтерес до країни, мову якої вони вивчають; розширити знання учнів про Велику Британію.

Тип уроку: урок систематизації знань

Форма уроку: урок-конференція

Хід уроку

Обланання: картки, проектор

  1. Початок уроку, організація класу, повідомлення теми й мети уроку

Teacher. Dear friends, today we are going to talk about the country, the language of which we learn. We shall talk about its geographical position, its rivers, oceans and lakes, state system and so on. What country is this?

Pupils. It’s Great Britain.

Teacher. Yes, you are right. It's Great Britain. Children, let's make a plan of our conversation. What shall we talk about?

Pupils make up the plan of the talk and write it down on the blackboard.

The Plan Of The Talk

  • Great Britain

  • Cities

  • Official name

  • State system

  • Geographical position

  • Surface

  • Water system

  • Climate and weather

  • Natural resources industry

  1. Основна частина уроку

1. Фонетична зарядка

Teacher. That's all right. Let's start our work. First of all we have to revise our lexis. And we shall start with phonetic drills. Listen and repeat after me in chorus the following words:

  1. the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland;

  2. the British Isles;

  3. England;

  4. Wales;

  5. Scotland;

  6. the Irish Sea;

  7. the North Sea;

  8. the English Channel;

  9. the Thames;

  10. the Severn;

  11. London;

  12. Cabridge;

  13. Oxford;

  14. Glasgow;

  15. Edinburgh;

  16. Belfast;

  17. Cardiff;

  18. Loch Ness

  1. Словникова робота

Teacher. That's O.K.! Now I want you to find the Odd man. (парна робота)

  1. Pupils find the Odd man on the table.

  1. South, west, supper, north, east;

  2. deep, mountainous, flat, island, mild;

  3. to change, to influence, to enter, to keep, rich in;

  4. Northern Ireland, Ukraine, Scotland, Wales, England'

  5. sea, mountain, river, ocean, Channel.

  1. Teacher. Pupils, while writing those words I have lost some letters. Please help me to find the letters and fill in the missing letters. (індивідуальна робота)

B..ita..n, ..ons..st, a..ricu..tu..al, mo..nta..nou.., r..so..rce, su..fa..e, ..ool, ..oal, w..at..er, sit..a..ed, mi..d, ri..h, d..p.

  1. Teacher. Fine, let's do the anagrams!

  1. Pdma (damp);

  2. ftla (flat);

  3. dlisan (island);

  4. soreceur (resource);

  5. farsuce (surface);

  6. ceenlufni (influence);

  7. stsicon (consist);

  8. dlim (mild);

  9. taimonusuo (mountainous);

  10. tesiadtu (situated).

  1. Teacher. O.K. Finish the sentences (групова робота):

  1. Two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and 52 smaller ones form...

  2. The British Isles lie...

  3. Great Britain consists of...

  4. England is situated...

  5. Scotland is situated...

  6. Wales is situated...

  7. Great Britain is washed by...

  8. The surface of England...

  9. The highest mountain...

  10. The longest river...

  11. The Gulf Stream influences...

  12. The climate of Great Britain...

  1. Teacher. Children, do the jumbles, please!

  1. The, Great, is, island, in, Britain, Europe, largest.

  2. Of, the, British, lie, northwest, Isles, in, Europe, the.

  3. Is, Channel, the, washed, in, the, English, Great, in, Britain, by, south.

  4. Scotland, the, and, surface, Wales, is, of, mountainous.

  5. Exported, to, English, is, many, wool, countries.

  1. Розвиток навичок усного мовлення

Teacher. Children, I see that you know all the words on the topic very well. So let's go on our work and develop our communicative skills. And I want you to answer my questions according to the plan.

  1. State system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

  1. What is the official name of the country the language of which we learn?

  2. What kind of country is the United Kingdom?

  3. What is the meaning of «parliamentary monarchy» ?

  4. The Queen power is not absolute, is it? What does it mean?

  5. What does the Parliament consist of?

  6. Why are the members of the Parliament usually elected only to the House of Commons?

  7. How many members does the House of Commons consist of?

  8. How often are Parliamentary elections held?

  9. Whom does the whole political power belong to in reality?

  10. How are ministers in the British Government appointed?

  11. Where does the Prime Minister live?

  12. Tony Blair is the Prime Minister of Great Britain now, isn't he&

Teacher. Well, children, agree or disagree with my statements.

Виконуючи цю вправу, ми користуємося сигнальними картками. Якщо учні згодні з твердженням вчителя, вони піднімають картку №1; якщо ні - картку №2.

  1. Great Britain is a parliamentary monarchy. (+)

  2. The supreme governing bodies of the country are the Monarch and the Parliament (+)

  3. In reality state power in Great Britain belongs to the Queen. (-)

  4. There are 3 Houses in the Parliament. (-)

  5. The House of Commons consists of 640 Members of the Parliament. (+)

  6. The members of the Parliament are elected to both Houses. (+)

  7. All the ministers in the British Government are appointed by the queen. (-)

  8. The Prime Minister is the uncrowned King of Great Britain. (+)

  9. Britain does not have a written Constitution. (+)

Teacher. Now, children, speak about the state system of Great Britain.

Один з учнів розповідає про політичну систему Великої Британії.

  1. Geographical position of Great Britain.

Режим роботи: Teacher - Pupil 1, Pupil 2...

  1. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles, isn’t it?

  2. Where do the British Isles lie?

  3. What islands form a group of the British Isles?

  4. What is Great Britain separated by from the continent?

  5. What parts does Great Britain consist of?

  6. Where are they situated?

  7. What are their capitals?

  8. Where is Northern Ireland situated?

  9. What is the capital of Northern Ireland?

  10. What countries make the United Kingdom?

Teacher. O.K, tell me about geographical position of Great Britain.

Один з учнів розповідає про географічне положення Великої Британії.

  1. The surface

Teacher. You know, pupils, that the surface of Great Britain is different in different parts of it.

  1. What is the surface of England and Northern Ireland?

  2. Do you know what the surface of Scotland and Wales is? What is it?

  3. Are the mountains very high in Great Britain?

  4. What is the highest mountain in Scotland?

  5. I know that the highest mountain in Wales is Snowdon. Am Ї right?

Teacher. Now speak about the surface of Great Britain.

Один з учнів розповідає про поверхню Великої Британії.

  1. Water system, climate, weather

Teacher. The British Isles have many rivers, but they are not long. But still there is the longest one.

Режим роботи: Teacher - Pupil 1, Pupil 2...

  1. What is the longest river in Great Britain?

  2. Where is it situated?

  3. What city stands on the Thames?

  4. What is London?

Один з учнів розповідає про річки.


Режим роботи: Teacher - Pupil 1, Pupil 2...

  1. Are there many lakes in Great Britain?

  2. What is the most famous of them?

  3. Where is it situated?

  4. What is it famous for?

  5. What is the name of the monster?

  6. What do you know about Loch Ness Monster? Who is our specialist in Monsters?

A pupil. I am.

Pupil. Loch Ness Monster is about six meters with a long thin neck. The first report of the monster in Loch Ness was 565 AD. Since 1934 thousands of people claimed that they had seen the monster. Scientists have investigated the Loch and taken pictures but no scientific explanations of the mystery has been given.


Режим роботи: Teacher - Pupil 1, Pupil 2...

  1. What seas and oceans is Great Britain washed by?

  2. What ocean influences the climate of Great Britain greatly?

  3. I know that the warm current of the Gulf Stream influences the climate greatly. Am 1 right?

  4. So what the climate of Great Britain?

  5. What is the most striking thing about the weather in Great Britain?

  6. Why do people seldom say «It's a nice day». They say «It's a fine morning (afternoon, evening)»?

  7. What is the weather like in Great Britain in winter and in summer?

  1. Will you describe autumn in England?

  2. Where do the English people like to spend their holidays?

  3. Wales is known as the Land of Songs, isn't it?

  4. Why do people call it so?

Teacher. Well, speak about water system, climate and weather, please.

Один з учнів розповідає про тему.


Teacher. And now the last point of our talk. Great Britain is rich in many mineral resources.

Режим роботи: Teacher - Pupil 1, Pupil 2...

  1. What is Great Britain rich in?

  2. What industries are developed in Great Britain?

  3. Where are they centred?

Teacher. Now, pupils, one of you will tell us about natural resources, industry, cities, ports in Great Britain.

4. Усне монологічне мовлення учнів

Teacher. Well, pupils, I see that you are ready to speak about the country the language of which we learn, about Great Britain. Speak, please, according to our plan.

Учні розповідають про Велику Британію один за одним.

III. Завершення уроку

Пояснення домашнього завдання, оцінки, мотивування, підсумки.

Урок за темою «Спорт у Британії. Крикет - улюблена гра англійців.

8 клас

Чумакова А. В., ЗОШ № 53, м. Маріуполь, Донецька область


-перевірити рівень мовної компетенції учнів за вивченою лексикою, навчати усного діалогічного та монологічного мовлення, формувати вміння аудіювання

-тренувати вміння сприймати інформацію на слух, робити висновки, узагальнення, практикувати в будові речень, зберігаючи при цьому правильний порядок слів

-розвивати логічне мислення, пам’ять, уміння складати діалог -виховувати почуття патріотизму, прищеплювати любов до спорту.

Тип уроку: інтегрований з елементами комп’ютерізації.

Форма уроку: урок-дивкусія

Обладнання: підручник О. Karpuk English 8, картки, проектор.

Хід уроку:

1. Початок уроку

Оголошення теми, мети уроку

Т. Sports and games have always been popular in England. The English are great lovers of sports and when they are neither playing nor watching games they like to talk about them. Today we are going to discuss people who go in for different kinds of sport and their qualities, revise the topical vocabulary and word combinations, practice them in your speech.

Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

By the way, what do these proverbs mean?

  • A sound mind in a sound body.

  • Sickness in the body brings sickness to the mind. (№1)

—Winning isn’t everything, but wanting to win is.

—You are never a loser until you quit trying.

—Why must people go in for sport?

Ch. Sport helps to make people strong, healthy, brave and cheerful. Sport helps to make people good friends. Sports show your character. Exercise is a good for us.

T. Do you go in for sport? What kind of sport do you go in for? Let' go through your knowledge of kinds of sports.

Основна частина уроку Перевірка лексики

Т. Now match the following words to the pictures. (№2)

  1. Cricket

  2. Tennis

  3. Golf

  4. Motor racing

  5. Ski jumping

  6. Running

  7. Jumping

  8. Volleyball

  9. Wind surfing

  10. Boating

  11. Karate

  12. Football

T. People from all countries in the world love to play these games and go in for these kinds of sport.

Vocabulary revision (№3)

T. Now I want to know the words of sports. Do this task on card. You should put the words in the correct column. Work in pairs.

Swimming, gloves, crash helmet, football, racket, ring, boots, pool, motor racing, tennis, court, pitch, trunks, boxing, costume.




T. Answer orally.

Reading (№4)

T. What are the most popular kind of spoprts in our country? What kinds of sports do the pupils of your form go in for? What competition do you take part in?

What were your results

Arrange the lines of the dialoque iin the right order.


—Hello! Haven’t seen you lately. Where have you been?

—Track-and-field athletics. We had a fine team.

—It is very good. Just think, the best sportsmen of the country were competing.


—I went to Kyiv to take part in competitions.

—What were your results?

—I was second in jumping and third in running.

—Yes, it was difficult, but we did our best and were second in the team competition.

—Great! What kind of competition did you take part in?


—Hello! Haven’t seen you lately. Where have you been?

—I went to Kyiv to take part in competitions.

—Great! What kind of competition did you take part in?

—Track-and-field athletics. We had a fine team.

—What were your results?

—I was second in jumping and third in running.

—It is very good. Just think, the best sportsmen of the country were competing.

—Yes, it was difficult, but we did our best and were second in the team competition.



Anagrams (картки)

Make up the words given in jumbled form:

  • Kcohye — hockey

  • Ntisen — tennis

  • bofaltor — football

  • Kistagn — skating

  • Ballvoeyll — volleyball

T. Who knows what game is the English national one? What kind of sport is it?

Ch. Cricket is the English national game. It is an outdoor game. There are two teams of 11 players each which players try to get points by hitting a ball and running between two sets of stumps. The cricket uniform is white shirt, white trousers and white boots.


T. Do you know the rules of the games?

Listen to the descriptions of sports and answer the question:

What kind of sport is it?

  1. It is a team game. Men and women, boys and girls can play it. The players have a ball and play it with their hands. There are six players in each of two teams. (Volleyball)

  2. It is a very popular game in England and in Ukraine. Both men' and women can play it now. The players kick the ball with their feet; they must not touch the ball with their hands. The game lasts 90 minutes and has two halves. The players try to score a goal. (Football)

  3. It’s a game for two players. They need rackets, a small ball, a net and a court. (Tennis)

  4. To play this game we need sticks, a puck, a playground covered with ice. (Hockey)

Speaking (№ 5)

Sport is very popular in Ukraine too. The best Ukrainian sportsmen are our national heroes. They take part in international sports competition.

By the way, do you know their names? Try to guess them. They are among these sportsmen.

  • Brothers Klychko

  • Andriy Shevchenko

  • Maria Sharapova

  • Yana Klochkova

T. What information about them do you know? Yana Clochkova was among the best sportsmen at the Olympic Games. She won 2 gold medals.

The two brothers Klychko are the best boxers in the world.

Andriy Shevchenko is the greatest sportsman in our country. He plays for the national team abroad. He is strong and fast.

Maria Sharapova is a Russian tennis player, one of the champions of the world.

If you want to do certain sports, you need certain traits of character and skills. What skills should different sportsmen have? Open your books on p. 126, ex. 3. Make as many true sentences as you can.

Practicing grammar (№ 6)

Let revise grammar. How is the Past Passive Voice formed?

was\were + V3

T. Increase — збільшуватись

Choose the correct item of the sentences of ex. 2, p. 136 and write them down.

3. Завершальна частина уроку


What grammar did you revise? Did you gave difficulties? Why do we go in for sport?








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