«Зима 2025»

"Любимый зарубежный писатель"

Представлен план урока и материалы к нему по теме "Любимый зарубежный писатель". Для представления своих любимых авторов и произведний учащиеся используют сообщения, презентации, видеоматериалы.

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

9 «А» класс

Тема: Мой любимый зарубежный писатель

Цели: 1) Привитие интереса учащихся к чтению иностранной художественной литературы.

  1. Развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи (развитие коммуникативной деятельности учащихся).

  2. Учить учащихся извлекать необходимую информацию (с использованием интернета) о любимых зарубежных писателях. Представлять видео-презентации учащихся.

Оборудование: Использование видео ( компьютер), отрывки из фильмов( презентации учащихся), стенды с портретами писателей.


Вступительное слово учителя.

Основная часть.

1) Чьи это портреты?

Какие у этих писателей профессии? Итак, тема нашего урока?

2) Чтение цитат - учащихся ( на


3) А.К.Дойль

  1. Э.М.Ремарк


  1. Д.Сент-Экзюпери


6) М. Твен

отрывок из фильма

отрывок из фильма

отрывок из фильма

  1. Р. Киплинг

  2. Дж. Роулинг


9).Эрнест Хемингуэй

9) Э. Хемингуэй



детективный жанр

а/биографии и произведение

«Три товарища», презентация а/биография и др., произведения «Маленький принц», презентация а/биография и др. произведения « Приключения Тома Сойэра» а/биография и др. произведения «Маугли»,презентация а/биография и др. произведения «Гарри Поттер»

а/биография и др. произведения


«Старик и море» «Зеленые холмы Африки» «Снега Килиманджаро»,

10) Б. Шоу


а/биография и др. произведения отрывок из фильма

Викторина «Знаешь ли ты зарубежных писателей» - учитель Шубина В.А. Подведение итогов урока Чьи выступления больше понравились?

Участие каждого школьника на уроке (самооценка учащихся) Оценки.


Приложения: Викторина.

  1. What English & American writers do you know?

  2. What works written by them do you know?

  3. Who is the founder of the English literature?

  4. What is town Stratford -on - Avon known for?

  5. What tragedies did Sh. write?

  6. What comedies did he write?

  7. What is the best work, written by Mark Twain? Can you name it? What is it about?

  8. What is the real name of Mark Twain?

  9. Who wrote the play on which the music "My Jair Lady" is based? What novels by Bernard Shaw do you know?

  10. Who is the author of "Gulliver Travels"? What is it about?

  11. Who wrote the humorous book "Three men in a boat"

  12. Who wrote Robinson Crusoe? What is this book about?

  13. Who wrote Maugly? What do you know about this famous writer?

  14. Who wrote the famous story "Marry Poppins"

  15. What do you know about great Scotish writer R. Louse Stivenson? What did he write?

  16. What books by R. Stivenson have you read? What was R.L. Stivenson interested in?

  17. What books by Walter Scott have you read

  18. Who wrote "Winnie - the Poor" What do you know about Alan Milne?

  19. What interesting facts about Alan Milne do you know?

  20. What did he write about "W-the-P"?

  21. What do you know about Louse Carrol? What is his real name?

  22. What books by d. Carrol can you name?

  23. What interesting autobiographical facts do you know?

  24. Who is the author of famous character of Sherlock Holmes? What works by Ar. C. Doyle do you know?

  25. Who is the most great English detective writer known all over the World?

  26. Do you know that the most beloved of all English writers among ordinary people in the English - speaking countries was ? What did he write? What books by Ch. Dickens do you like?


  1. D: Hello, Lola.

L: Hello, Dima. D: How are you?

L: Fine, and you? What’s the news?

D: Everything is okey. I’ve just finished reading a very interesting and exciting novel by great German writer Erich Maria Remarque «Three comrades». Do you know anything about this writer and his works?

L: Yes, I’ ve heard about him, but I have not read his novel «Three comrades». What is it about?

D: The book is about real strong friendship.

L: Where and when does the act take place?

D: The act takes place in German in 1928. L: Can you tell me the summary of the text?

D: Well, three friends - Robert, Otto and Gottfrid has a small car service. The main character meets a lovely girl - Patricia Holman. Robby and Pat are people of different segments of society. But they loved each other.

L: Well, you have intrigued me. I think I should read the book.

D: Yes, the book is worth reading.

2) -Hello -Hello

-How are you? What's the news?

  • Oh , I've read a wonderful book and I am under impression . -What kind of book ,I wonder?

  • It's Harry Potter ,a very interesting novel. -Who is author of the book ? Is it a new novel?

  • No ,it's not so new. It was written by famous Joanne Rowling.

-And what is the summary of the book ? I want to read it.

-The book is about an orphan boy of two powerful wizards . He is a fictional character and he twice defeated the dark Voldemort. The character gained a great popularity all over the world.

-And at last has Harry succeeded?

-First there will be a lot adventures .But I will not tell you more -it's secret!

-I will read this book ,it intrigued me . -Ok, and then we will discuss it.

3)I: Hello, Vika!

V: Hi! How are you?

I: Fine, thanks. Look here, Vika, have you read the book « Little Prince».

V: Yes, certainly. And I liked it a lot.

I: Who wrote this novel?

V: The famous French writer Antoine De Saint-Exupery.

I: In which year he wrote it? V: In 1942.

I: Which of its characters did you like?

V: Frankly speaking, I liked the Fox, Little Prince's best friend.

I: Why did Little Prince look after the rose?

V: He did it because the rose was fragile and beautiful.

I: What's the moral of the novel?

V: We are responsible for those whom we've tamed.

I: I see, and understand.


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