«Весна — лето 2024»

Методическая разработка урока английского языка по теме "Unusual things"

Данная разработка входит в цикл уроков по теме "Unusual things" и направлена на тренировку употребления лексических и грамматических навыков (Past Continuous).

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Содержимое разработки

Unusual things

Тип урока: урок тренировки употребления лексических и грамматических навыков.

Цель урока: развитие навыков говорения

Задачи: образовательная: создать условия для отработки навыков говорения на основе изученного материала; содействовать совершенствованию грамматических навыков и навыков восприятия и понимания речи на слух.

Воспитательная: содействовать развитию интереса к изучению иностранного языка;

Развивающая: способствовать развитию внимания, памяти, мышления и воображения у учащихся.

Дидактическое оснащение: учебник “English 6. Student`s book” Н.В.Юхнель, рабочая тетрадь “Workbook - 1, 6” Е.Г.Наумова, наглядный и раздаточный материал.

Ход урока:

  1. Введение в тему урока и определение целей

- Good morning, boys and girls! How are you today? Look at the board. Pay attention to the photo. What do you think is hanging in the sky? - UFO

Do you believe in UFO`s?

- We will continue to speak about unusual things. The aims for the lesson today are:

  • to improve oral speech

  • to develop listening skills

  • to revise the Past Continuous Tense

  • to have fun

Let`s stick them on the board. At the end of the lesson we`ll check whether we achieved them or not.

  1. Речевая зарядка

- Let`s play the guessing game. I`ll give you a card with a word or a word combination. Mime it to your classmates. (a monster, an alien, a ghost, a dinosaur, a vampire, to take photos)

A: Are you a monster?

B: No, I`m not.

A: Are you a ghost?

B: Yes, I am.

  1. Основной этап

Развитие навыков восприятия и понимания иноязычной речи на слух.

а) подготовка к прослушиванию. Предтекстовая работа. Снятие языковых трудностей.

- Read the poem and complete it with the words from the box.

It`s hard to be an alien,

Scaring people …,





Hiding up in the sky,

Not making any … .

I want to see the world out the UFO,

I want to make some …,

Please keep me as your favourite pet

We`ll have fun that never … .

- Nick`s father is a reporter. He writes about unusual things. He`s interviewed three people who saw a UFO yesterday. One of them took a photo of the UFO. Look at the photos. Who do you think it was? (SB ex.2a, p. 92)

b) Текстовый этап. Прослушивание текста

- Listen to the interview and check your predictions.

c) Контроль понимания прослушанного.

1. Listen to the interview again and complete the table.


did they see the UFO?


was the UFO doing?


were the people doing?

the man

at 11 o`clock


it was flying above the house

Mrs. Mitchell

she was taking photos

2. Are the statements true or false?

1/ The man saw the UFO at about 11 o`clock.

2/ He was looking out of the window at that time.

3/ The UFO was hanging in the sky.

4/ Mike saw the UFO at 10 o`clock last night.

5/ The UFO was flying above him.

6/ He was walking his white tiger.

7/ Mrs. Mitchell saw the UFO in the park, above the rose bushes.

8/ When she first saw the UFO, it was hanging in her yard.

9/ At 23.05 the UFO was flying away.

3. Put the sentences into correct order.

1/ The UFO was hanging in the yard above the rose bushes yesterday.

2/ It was going to rain.

3/ Mrs. Mitchell was taking photos at 11 o`clock yesterday.

4/ Mike was walking his dog – Peppa at that time.

5/ At 11.05 it was flying away.

6/ Mike saw something unusual yesterday evening.

  1. Физкультминутка

- Before doing the next task let`s have some rest.

  1. Основной этап. Развитие грамматических навыков (повторение).

Look at the sentences once again.

- Как называется грамматическое время, в котором употребляются глаголы в предложениях?

- Какие слова обычно употребляются с этим временем?

- Как задать вопрос в этом времени?

- Как образовать отрицательное предложение?

Grammar revisionPast Continuous

1. Put the verbs in the Past Continuous Tense.

1/ When I saw Nessie, it … (swim) near the boat.

2/ At 5 o`clock yesterday the magician … (cook) soup.

3/ At that moment Barbara`s ghost … (walk) along the corridor.

4/ What … you … (do) then? – I … (look) at the white tiger.

5/ The witch … (not/ sleep) when I opened the door.

6/ The yeti … (sit) or … (stand) then?

2. Look at the pictures. Tell what the alien was doing at that time yesterday.

3. Play a guessing game. Look at the time the teacher shows you. Do you remember what you were doing at that time yesterday? Tell us, please.

  1. Развитие навыков говорения.

Interview your partner.

  • Have you ever seen a UFO?

  • Do you know someone who has seen a UFO?

  • When was it? What were they doing at that time?

  • What was the UFO doing?

Speak about your partner.

  1. Заключительный этап.

- Look at your aims. Have we achieved them or not? What have we done today?

  • We have improved oral speech

  • We have developed listening skills

  • We have revised the Past Continuous Tense

  • We had fun

- Open your record books and write down your hometask.

H/W. Make a story. Use your imagination. Write about an alien you saw yesterday. Draw a picture.

- Your marks are…


did they see the UFO?


was the UFO doing?


were the people doing?

the man

at 11 o`clock


it was flying above the house

Mrs. Mitchell

she was taking photos

Ex.1 Fill in the table

Ex.2 Put the sentences into correct order.

1/ The UFO was hanging in the yard above the rose bushes yesterday.

2/ It was going to rain.

3/ Mrs. Mitchell was taking photos at 11 o`clock yesterday.

4/ Mike was walking his dog – Peppa at that time.

5/ At 11.05 it was flying away.

6/ Mike saw something unusual yesterday evening.

Ex.1 Fill in the table


did they see the UFO?


was the UFO doing?


were the people doing?

the man

at 11 o`clock


it was flying above the house

Mrs. Mitchell

she was taking photos

Ex.2 Put the sentences into correct order.

1/ The UFO was hanging in the yard above the rose bushes yesterday.

2/ It was going to rain.

3/ Mrs. Mitchell was taking photos at 11 o`clock yesterday.

4/ Mike was walking his dog – Peppa at that time.

5/ At 11.05 it was flying away.

6/ Mike saw something unusual yesterday evening.

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