«Зима 2025»

The adjective its classification

grammar material,clasification of ajectives and adjective

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Technological card

Subject: English grammar

The theme of the lesson:

The type of the lesson: combined

The form of the lesson: traditional

The aims of the lesson:

Educational aim: to study the adjective its classification; much many little to develop reading skills and speaking, translating; to instill a love of knowledge.

Up-bringing aim: to know many places of entertainment, to teach them to spend their leisure usefully visiting theatres.

Developing aim: to develop their word stock, knowledge, cognitive abilities to develop the students’ critical thinking and communicative competence.

Communicative aim: to practice their skills in speaking on the topic.

Inter-subject connection: country study, English literature

The methods of the teaching: demonstration, explanation, practice.

The equipment of the lesson:

The visual aids: mind maps, charts, semantic maps,

The distributive material: flash cards

The technical means: note book, a CD, slides, interactive board


  1. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (Third Edition ),

  2. Yu. Golitsynsky « Spoken English»

  3. V.D. Arakin «Практический курс английского языка» 2-курс

  4. S.Meiramova «Английсий язык»

  5. V.M.Pavlotsky “Read Learn Discuss” p.129-131

  6. M.M.Zhanpeyissova “ Modular technology of teachimg”,Almaty-2002

The plan of the lesson

  • Introduction

  • Warming up

  • Practice (Group work)

  • 3.1. Consolidation of the active vocabulary

  • Work with the interactive board

  • Listening. Work with dialogues

  • Reading .Work with the texts

  • Production. Defense of their creative work.

  • Problem for discussion. «What do you think of special and general equation ?”

  • Writing. Translation of the fragments and giving their comments.

  • Conclusion

The procedure of the lesson

  1. Introduction

  2. Warming up

1 min

1). Greeting.

II. Follow up Activities

I.Organization moment .

Т: Good morning girls and boys! I am glad to see you!

Ch: Good morning teacher. We are glad to see you too!

II.Speech drill .

T: How are you?

What is the date today?

What is the day of week today?

What season is it now?

Do you like autumn?

Is it warm today?

Is it sunny today?

Is it snowy today?

Is it windy today?

Is it cloudy today?

Do you like the weather today?

Why do you like the weather today?

Why do you not like the weather today?

III.presentation .

T: “Today we finish our grammar theme “Adjectives. Comparison of Adjectives“. 

We shall travel through the Land of Adjectives by train. There are five main stations in this land :

  • Phonetic station

  • Vocabulary station

  • Grammar station

  • Station of Proverbs

  • Creative station Слайд 3


1. The first station is Phonetic station. Let’s remember poems


Add e-r cold/colder


Add i-e-r pretty/prettier

Add e-r old/older


Add i-e-r busy/busier

Add e-r tall/taller


Add i-e-r funny/funnier

Add e-r small/smaller


Add i-e-r sunny/sunnier


He is not the best

He is not the worst

He is not the last

He is not the first

He is in the middle

He is in between

He is not too old

He is just sixteen


The rich are getting richer

The poor are getting poorer

The good are getting better

The bad are getting worse

The old are getting older

The nights are getting colder

The tall are getting taller

The small are getting smaller

The weak are getting weaker

The strong are getting stronger


Some people live in the city

Where the houses are very tall

Some people live in the country

Where the houses are very small

But in the country where the houses are small

The gardens are very big

And in the cities where the houses are tall

There are no gardens at all.

T: Children, there is a new poem on the sheets of paper. Put the missing Adjectives. 

Mr Hall is very….

Mr Port is very….

Mrs Sin is very…

Mrs Cold is very…

And Tommy Sung is very…

T: Read this poem.

2. ТThe second station is Vocabulary station.

a) Translate these Adjectives into English and fill in the crossword. 

По вертикали:

  1. маленький

  2. горячий

  3. старый

  4. страшный, уродливый

  5. аккуратный

  6. чистый

  7. сильный

По горизонтали:

  1. элегантный

  2. плохой

  3. холодный

  4. хороший

  5. молодой

  6. толстый

  7. высокий

b) The next task is to find opposites. 

clever -stupid, clean – dirty, old – young, ugly – beautiful, sad – happy, strong -weak, high-low, fat-slim, cheap-expensive.

3. T: And now Grammar station.  a) Fill in the missing forms. I give you three minutes.






the highest











the most expensive


more beautiful




the smallest



the fattest








the least_____

(Работа выполняется на компьютере)

b) Your time is over. Read and translate.

c) T: Answer my questions

Who is stronger a lion or a fox?

Who is smaller Dymovochka or Malvina?

Who is funnier Hobbit or Piglet?

What is bigger a town or a country?

What is longer a road or a path?

Which nose is the longest?

Who is the most beautiful in your family?

d) I would like you to compare these fairy – tale characters using the key words (презентация). Work in groups, then one pupil from the group has to compare these fairy – tale characters. Слайд 10

ТThat was very interesting! Well done!

e)T: Рut Adjectives in Comparative or Superlative. 

I Variant

Put these Adjectives in Comparative or Superlative.

  1. My brother is (small) than my sister.

  2. Ann is the (good) girl in our class.

  3. Buratino’s nose is the (long).

  4. Piglet is (little) than Winny-the-Pooh.

  5. Karabas Barabas is the (bad) fairy-tale character.

II Variant

Put these Adjectives in Comparative or Superlative.

  1. My father is (tall) than my mother.

  2. This car is the (expensive).

  3. The road is (long) than the path.

  4. This flowerbed is the (good).

  5. A city is (big) than a country.

4.T: We are on the Station of proverbs. Слайд 13


a) Finish the following proverbs.

  • Better late …..

  • Two heads ….

  • East or West …

b) Give English equivalents of the following proverbs.

  • Ум хорошо, а два лучше.

  • Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

  • В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

T: I thank you for the good answers!

5. ТThe last and the most interesting station is Creative station. Слайд 14

Praise your mother.

V. Conclusion

  1. I thank you for the lesson.

  2. Выставление оценок. Хвалю ребят за работу. Отмечаю лучшие ответы.

VI.Home work .

  • Learn the poem.

  • Ex 1. Page 95.

T: Good-bye children!

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