«Весна — лето 2024»

Тест на конструкцию "used to +infinitive" 7 класс

Закрепление и обобщение знаний по теме "used to + infinitive"

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Test “used to + infinitive”

Unit 1

7 form

I. Choose the correct option.

1. My father (used togo/use to go) jogging.

2. Mary (doesn’t used to spend/didn’t use to spend) a lot of money on her clothes.

3. My sister (used to get/didn’t used to get) only good marks at school.

4. They (used to give/used to gave) presents to each other.

5. The aunt (used to keep/used to kept) to a diet.

6. Ted (used to go/uses to go) in for swimming.

7. We (used to go/used to went) to Paris at Christmas.

8. Nelly (used to cook a meal/uses to cook a meal) for the whole family.

II. Write negative sentences.

1. I used to have short hair. 2. We used to watch TV a lot. 3. Sam used to go in for swimming. 4. The pupils used to take exams. 5. My grandfather used to ride a horse.

III. Find and correct the mistake.

1. They used to phoned each other every week.

2. I doesn’t use to visit so many parties.

3. John didn’t used to look sun-tanned.

4. She used to wrote letters to her granny.

5. Nally didn’t used to cook.

IV. Make up the question.

1. What, use, to do, didn’t, you?

2. did, they, to have, use, what, pets?

3. you, use to, did, how much, spend, money, on food?

4. his, use to, friend, what, did, speak, language?

5. with whom, to, use to, Liz, go, did, a party?

6. did, use to, where, his, work, mother?

V. Translate.

1. Когда я была ученицей я часто ходила в парк с родителями.

2. Раньше у неё были короткие волосы, а теперь до плеч.

3. Раньше он играл в хоккей, но теперь не играет.

4. Когда она была ребенком, она ела много конфет.

5. Когда мне было 6 лет, я читал много книг.

6. Она раньше много путешествовала, а сейчас она любит оставаться дома.

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