«Весна — лето 2025»

What are you going to do?

“What are you going to do?” the plan of the lesson


Theme of the lesson:

What are you going to do?

The aims of the lesson:

a) Educational:

at the end of the lesson pupils able to speak about their plans at the weekend using the structure to be going to

b) Developing:

to develop pupils monological speech (retelling the plan at the weekend), their writing, speaking and listening skills

c) Bringing-up:

to motivate and create positive atmosphere to learn English language through situations and using the active form of teaching

Type of the lesson:

Mixed up lesson

The methods:

Speaking, work with group, individual work, question-answer

Visual aids:

Multi Media Presentation (Power Point), computer, screen, projector, textbook (Аяпова Т. English 6), red, yellow, green colored pictures of apples, posters

Assessment for teaching:

Criteria based assessment

Descriptor: red, yellow, green colored circles

6-10 = “5”

3-5 = “4”

1-2 = “3”

The procedure of the lesson:

Teacher’s actions

Pupils actions

I. Organization moment:

1. Pupils, we wish good wishes to each other

Pupils wish wishes

2. Speech warm-up (My family, My village, My school, My friend, About myself etc.)

Speak on the different theme

3. Dividing into two groups groups “Tulpar” and “Eagle”

4. Teacher explains the rules of the group work

On the blackboard there will be stickers with the names of the groups. Pupils should take one of them and then take their sits)

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today? Day in a week?

What is the weather like today?

Pupil who is on duty answers

II. Checking homework:

I’ve prepared tasks and questions to check your knowledge. Each question has got its colour and for right answer you‘ll get such card.

1) Name 5 irregular adjectives

2) What did you do during your spring holiday?

3) What are we going to held in Astana?

4) Tell the rule of Past Continuous

5) Who is the president of our country?

6) Tell the rule of Past simple tense

7) Which is the smallest bird in the world?

8) What were you doing yesterday at 5?

Pupils answer




III. Explanation of the new theme

1. Presentation of new words. Repeat after me!

1. at the beach [әt ðә bi: tƒ] – жағажайда, на пляже

2. to go with somebody [tə ɡəʊ wɪð ˈsʌmbədi] – біреумен бару, идти с кем- нибудь

3. university [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti ] – университет, университет

4. to stay at home [tə steɪ ət həʊm ] – үйде қалу, остаться дома

5. come with us [ kʌm wɪð əs ] – бізбен бірге жур, пойдем с нами

Pupils repeat new words after the teacher in chorus and individually

2. Make up sentences using these words

Pupils make the sentences

3. Presentation of material

Jim хатта қандай сұрақ қойды? Оқып, аударайық. Яғни біздің сабағымыздың мақсаты өзіміздің болашақтағы жоспарымызды дұрыс айтып үйрену. Ал ол үшін біз Джимнің айтқан жоспарында қолданылған конструкцияны білуіміз қажет. Сол конструкцияны бірге табайық. Аm\ is\ are дегеніміз не? “to be” етістігін қайталайық

I am

Мен / я есть (существую)

He / She / It is

Ол / он, она, оно есть (существует)

We are

Біз / мы есть (существуем)

You are

Сен, сіз / ты, вы есть (существуете)

Тhey are

Олар / они есть (существуют)

Pupils read the text

Structure to be going to




I am going to play

I am not going to play

Am I going to play?

He is going to play

He is not going to play

Is he going to play ?

She is

going to play

She is not going to play

Is she going to play?

We are going to play

We are not going to play

Are we going to play?

They are going to play

They are not going to play

Are they going to play?

You are going to play

You are not going to play

Are you going to play?

4. Warm-up activity

Teacher: Watch video and do exercise!

Pupils do physical exercises

5. Writing

Now let’s try to use the structure. Exercise 2-8 p.114,115

Fill in the right form of the verb “to be” and translate it. (group “Tuplar”)

  1. What ___ Bolat Satbaiuly going to do? (is)
  2. He ___ going _____ have lunch (is/to)
  3. What ___ you going to do at 5 o’ clock? (are)
  4. I ____ going to cook a meal at 5 o’clock. (am)

(group “Eagle”)

1. What ____ Dmitry going to do? (is)

2. He ____ ____ to listen to music. (is/going)

3. What ____ you going ____ do? (is/to)

4. What ___ Victor going ____ do at 2 o’clock? (is/to)

Pupils write the exercises

6. Listening to the dialogue.


1. Pupils we are going to watch video. How do you think what are we going to do? What are they going to talk about? Let’s watch it without sound.

2. Listen to the dialogue and put the pictures in right order according to the action and act the dialogue using the pictures

1. Pupils watch the video without sound and express their opinion

2. Pupils listen and put the given pictures in the envelop in right order

IV. Conclusion. Mini-project on the theme “My Future Weekend”

So, let’s see what you are going to do next weekend. Take an envelope, a bottle of glue, paper and some pictures. Make up a project “My Future Weekend”

The group “Eagle” and “Tulpar” work on the project


We have worked a lot today. So let’s summarize and tell what new things have we learnt at this lesson? Did you like the lesson? If you liked lesson stick red apple to the tree, if you do not understand clearly stick yellow apple, if you do not understand anything stick green apple to the tree.

Pupils stick their apples to the tree


Pupils count the circles

Teacher gives marks

Giving home task

Open the dairies and write your home task. Ex. 12 p.116 Write what are your plans for the next week (month, year)

Pupils write their home task

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

What are you going to do?” the plan of the lesson


Theme of the lesson:

What are you going to do?

The aims of the lesson:

a) Educational:

at the end of the lesson pupils able to speak about their plans at the weekend using the structure to be going to

b) Developing:

to develop pupils monological speech (retelling the plan at the weekend), their writing, speaking and listening skills

c) Bringing-up:

to motivate and create positive atmosphere to learn English language through situations and using the active form of teaching

Type of the lesson:

Mixed up lesson

The methods:

Speaking, work with group, individual work, question-answer

Visual aids:

Multi Media Presentation (Power Point), computer, screen, projector, textbook (Аяпова Т. English 6), red, yellow, green colored pictures of apples, posters

Assessment for teaching:

Criteria based assessment

Descriptor: red, yellow, green colored circles

6-10 = “5”

3-5 = “4”

1-2 = “3”

The procedure of the lesson:

Teacher’s actions

Pupils actions

I. Organization moment:

1. Pupils, we wish good wishes to each other

Pupils wish wishes

2. Speech warm-up (My family, My village, My school, My friend, About myself etc.)

Speak on the different theme

3. Dividing into two groups groups “Tulpar” and “Eagle”

4. Teacher explains the rules of the group work

On the blackboard there will be stickers with the names of the groups. Pupils should take one of them and then take their sits)

Who is on duty today?

Who is absent today?

What date is it today?

What day is it today? Day in a week?

What is the weather like today?

Pupil who is on duty answers

II. Checking homework:

I’ve prepared tasks and questions to check your knowledge. Each question has got its colour and for right answer you‘ll get such card.

1) Name 5 irregular adjectives

2) What did you do during your spring holiday?

3) What are we going to held in Astana?

4) Tell the rule of Past Continuous

5) Who is the president of our country?

6) Tell the rule of Past simple tense

7) Which is the smallest bird in the world?

8) What were you doing yesterday at 5?

Pupils answer




III. Explanation of the new theme

1. Presentation of new words. Repeat after me!

1. at the beach [әt ðә bi: tƒ] – жағажайда, на пляже

2. to go with somebody [tə ɡəʊ wɪð ˈsʌmbədi] – біреумен бару, идти с кем- нибудь

3. university [ˌjuːnɪˈvɜːsəti ] – университет, университет

4. to stay at home [tə steɪ ət həʊm ] – үйде қалу, остаться дома

5. come with us [ kʌm wɪð  əs ] – бізбен бірге жур, пойдем с нами

Pupils repeat new words after the teacher in chorus and individually

2. Make up sentences using these words

Pupils make the sentences

3. Presentation of material

Jim хатта қандай сұрақ қойды? Оқып, аударайық. Яғни біздің сабағымыздың мақсаты өзіміздің болашақтағы жоспарымызды дұрыс айтып үйрену. Ал ол үшін біз Джимнің айтқан жоспарында қолданылған конструкцияны білуіміз қажет. Сол конструкцияны бірге табайық. Аm\ is\ are дегеніміз не? “to be” етістігін қайталайық

I am

Мен / я есть (существую)

He / She / It is

Ол / он, она, оно есть (существует)

We are

Біз / мы есть (существуем)

You are

Сен, сіз / ты, вы есть (существуете)

Тhey are

Олар / они есть (существуют)

Pupils read the text

Structure to be going to




I am going to play

I am  not  going to play

Am I going to play?

He is  going to play

He is  not  going to play

Is he going to play ?

She  is 

going to play

She is  not  going to play

Is she going to play?

We are going to play

We are not  going to play

Are we going to play?

They are going to play

They are not  going to play

Are they going to play?

You are going to play

You are not going to play

Are you going to play?

4. Warm-up activity

Teacher: Watch video and do exercise!

Pupils do physical exercises

5. Writing

Now let’s try to use the structure. Exercise 2-8 p.114,115

Fill in the right form of the verb “to be” and translate it. (group “Tuplar”)

  1. What ___ Bolat Satbaiuly going to do? (is)

  2. He ___ going _____ have lunch (is/to)

  3. What ___ you going to do at 5 o’ clock? (are)

  4. I ____ going to cook a meal at 5 o’clock. (am)

(group “Eagle”)

1. What ____ Dmitry going to do? (is)

2. He ____ ____ to listen to music. (is/going)

3. What ____ you going ____ do? (is/to)

4. What ___ Victor going ____ do at 2 o’clock? (is/to)

Pupils write the exercises

6. Listening to the dialogue.


1. Pupils we are going to watch video. How do you think what are we going to do? What are they going to talk about? Let’s watch it without sound.

2. Listen to the dialogue and put the pictures in right order according to the action and act the dialogue using the pictures

1. Pupils watch the video without sound and express their opinion

2. Pupils listen and put the given pictures in the envelop in right order

IV. Conclusion. Mini-project on the theme “My Future Weekend”

So, let’s see what you are going to do next weekend. Take an envelope, a bottle of glue, paper and some pictures. Make up a project “My Future Weekend”

The group “Eagle” and “Tulpar” work on the project


We have worked a lot today. So let’s summarize and tell what new things have we learnt at this lesson? Did you like the lesson? If you liked lesson stick red apple to the tree, if you do not understand clearly stick yellow apple, if you do not understand anything stick green apple to the tree.

Pupils stick their apples to the tree


Pupils count the circles

Teacher gives marks

Giving home task

Open the dairies and write your home task. Ex. 12 p.116 Write what are your plans for the next week (month, year)

Pupils write their home task

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