«Весна — лето 2024»

Тестовое задание

Тестовое задание на герундий, прилагательные и наречия. Закрепление

Олимпиады: Английский язык 2 - 11 классы

Содержимое разработки

Name Surname ____________________________________

Date __________________________

Test “Gerund”, “Adjective and Adverb”

1.Which of the words in bold are adjectives (adj), and which ones are adverbs (adv)?

  1. Early autumn is the best time of the year. ____ 2) Please, come as early as possible. ____ 3) Sit straight to prevent slouching. ____ 4) Rick sings so badly that even his dog Berta sounds better. ____ 5) The students work very hard in the English classes. ____ 6) He is very friendly. ____ 7) I can hardly hear the music. ____ 8) Fiona looked good in her new silk dress. _____ 9) Bugatti is a fast car, no doubt. __

  1. Jonathan has been very busy lately. ____ 11) You’re always late! ____ 12) It’s good to have a daily routine. ____ 13) Linda is doing well at college. ____

  1. Cross out the wrong alternative.

  1. How well /good do you understand the theory of relativity? 2) Even working hardly / hard, he was unable to succeed. 3) - I think, Diana’s English is good / well. - Does she really speak English good / well? - Yes, she speaks good / well English. 4) Janet is a hard / hardly worker. 5) We hard / hardly know each other. 6) Oh, John! You’re late / lately again! Can you ever be on time? 7) Don’t get me wrong / wrongly: I was just trying to help.

  1. Translate the following sentences into English using gerund forms.

  1. Туристы избегают посещения этой страны.


  1. Он получает удовольствие от прослушивания музыки.


  1. Они настаивают на продаже старой квартиры.


  1. Она предложила пойти в кино.


  1. Он не возражает против того, чтобы пойти в театр.


  1. Он не смог удержаться от смеха.


  1. Тебе следует подумать о том, чтобы сдать этот экзамен.


  1. Не имеет смысла покупать машину, если у тебя нет водительских прав.

Name Surname ____________________________________

Date __________________________

Test “Gerund”, “Adjective and Adverb”

1.Which of the words in bold are adjectives (adj), and which ones are adverbs (adv)?

1) Early autumn is the best time of the year. ____ 2) Please, come as early as possible. ____ 3) Sit straight to prevent slouching. ____ 4) Rick sings so badly that even his dog Berta sounds better. ____ 5) The students work very hard in the English classes. ____ 6) He is very friendly. ____ 7) I can hardly hear the music. ____ 8) Fiona looked good in her new silk dress. _____ 9) Bugatti is a fast car, no doubt. __

10)Jonathan has been very busy lately. ____ 11) You’re always late! ____ 12) It’s good to have a daily routine. ____ 13) Linda is doing well at college. ____

2.Cross out the wrong alternative.

1)How well /good do you understand the theory of relativity? 2) Even working hardly / hard, he was unable to succeed. 3) - I think, Diana’s English is good / well. - Does she really speak English good / well? - Yes, she speaks good / well English. 4) Janet is a hard / hardly worker. 5) We hard / hardly know each other. 6) Oh, John! You’re late / lately again! Can you ever be on time? 7) Don’t get me wrong / wrongly: I was just trying to help.

3.Translate the following sentences into English using gerund forms.

1) Туристы избегают посещения этой страны.


2)Он получает удовольствие от прослушивания музыки.


3)Они настаивают на продаже старой квартиры.


4) Она предложила пойти в кино.


5)Он не возражает против того, чтобы пойти в театр.


6)Он не смог удержаться от смеха.


7)Тебе следует подумать о том, чтобы сдать этот экзамен.


8) Не имеет смысла покупать машину, если у тебя нет водительских прав.

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